Trump 'heartbroken heartbroken' Laura Bush's 4P00.19-F

(30.60) Trump 'heartbroken heartbroken' Laura Bush's

The former First Lady Laura Bush has criticized the policy of 'Zero Tolerance' taken by US President Donald Trump against immigration expectants. According to him, detaching their children from illegal immigrant parents in the United States is 'cruel' and 'immoral'. Laura said these comments in a comment posted on the US Press Washington Post.

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Laura Bush
1995 children were separated from their families due to the large number of adult men and women detained in the tragic operation conducted by the Trump Administration against illegal immigration expectants in Mexico. They were kept in separate detention centers. It has been seen in the past that people who illegally entered the United States and did not have any record of crime, they were only temporarily detained or recommended to be deported without being convicted under the law. Mothers and children were usually together. However, in the first 6 weeks of the adoption of the legal 'zero tolerance' policy against all types of illegal immigration expectations of trump administration, nearly 2,000 children were separated. There is no such precedent in the past. The previous incidents of tearing off the illegal migrants from the family were seen in the previous US administration. But human rights activists say that the number was very low.

Laura Bush, who worked with children's education and literacy during First Lady He expressed his anger over the remarks made by the comments posted on the Washington Post about the separation of children from the family. Laura Bush criticized the principle of trump, "I live in a state adjacent to the border. I appreciate the initiative taken for the protection and security of our international border. But this zero tolerance policy is cruel. It's immoral My heart is broken. '

Laura Bush also said, "Morally, Americans have achieved great pride by sending humanitarian aid to natural disasters or famines or wounded areas. We have to consider such a glorious nation who believes, not color, but with human behavior. By acceptability we have achieved great glory. If we are truly the country, it is our duty to stop these prisoners from reuniting them with their parents and to discourage children from parents. "

Hours before Laura Bush's comment report was released, the spokesman for the First Lady Melaniea Trump also said that she hates the disintegration of children from the (Melanians) family. He hopes that both the Republican and Democrat parties in Congress will eventually agree on the question of immigration reform. Melania thinks that in addition to all the laws, there should be a United States country, whose governance will be governed by heart-felt feelings.

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