Et Tu, Justice?


Acting Attorney General Rosenstein stated recently that the Special Counsel for Russian Investigation, Robert Mueller, required permission to expand the Russian investigation. Separately, AAG Rosenstein stated that Mueller can investigate any crimes uncovered in the Russian probe. The way Robert Mueller operates, it is unlikely that Rosenstein can discern chicken from egg. Hence, Mueller's investigation has sprawled. He has unleashed at least a dozen high-powered attorneys to find molehills and for each to interpret what he unearths to be a "clear and present danger" to our beloved constitutional form of government.

This special counsel team stinks to the heavens. Not only do all the attorneys either have a track record of supporting Obama-HRC or have a reason for malice due to being fired, they were famed for flipping and spinning. Robert Mueller's prior relationship with James Comey has been noted virtually everywhere by non-MSM outlets. He was FBI Director during 9/11 and oversaw the confiscation and concealment of videos on the attack on the Pentagon, as well as quarantine of the World Trade Tower wreckage and confiscation of all evidence the FBI could get its hands on. Part was shipped off to China, melted and recast to make a U.S. Navy vessel. Cheeky!

This matter appears to be scripted by Hollywood, Bollywood or Bruce Willis. Fired FBI Director Comey revealed that he had kept detailed notes of his conversations with President Trump. Asked to reveal them and otherwise pressured, Comey contacted an old friend and revealed the content of one note, which his friend read to a newshound at a major media outlet. This then was revealed to the public. James Comey had expressed his hope that a special investigator would be appointed to scrutinize Trump-Russia collusion, if any.

With AC Sessions announcing a couple of months back that he would recuse himself from investigations of Russian influence, in stepped AAG Rosenstein a couple days later to fulfill James Comey's fervent hope: he appointed a special counsel. But to add icing to Comey's cake, Chef Rosenstein introduce Comey's "sugar mentor," Robert Mueller, to be the Special Counsel.

"Oh, how the gourmets loved him! As they shouted out with glee, Mueller will hump Trump's rump, and he'll go down in his-tor-y!"

Never in American history has one side done such flagrant crimes against the rule of law, while the other side could only be criticized for vague crimes of a faux pas nature.

President Donald Trump is perhaps guilty of the latter, while former President Obama, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder. Bill & Hillary Clinton, the Podestas, Deborah Wasserman Schultz, et al, appear to be guilty of the former. The Obama-HRC crowd have not even been condemned by any major media or liberal-to-Marxist standardbearers for violating appearances.

Meanwhile, consistent with current FBI standards set by Robert Mueller, all the evidence that is not in the White House hands now. is in grave peril of being destroyed or lost (similar to being "suicided").

President Trump may be impeached on nothing more than the spin of lawyerly interpreters, while foul deeds committed by those behind the lawyerly interpreters seek a quiet spot to grow, flourish and spread.

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