The neverending US crusade against peace and national sovereignty.

During his inaugural speech Trump said. "We will not interfere anymore into the internal affairs of other countries, we won't impose our model", well... a few years have passed and his administration is entirely controlled by neocons and this breakthrough in US foreign policy has been fully rejected; it's not a surprise as, due to its enormous debt, it was clear since the beginning that the US empire can survive only if it achieves a complete domination over all the nations of the world or by embracing a isolationist agenda, the Obama administration allowed the development of the multipolar project, Trump has reversed this course with aggressive actions that tell to the world "You are with us or with the axis of evil (Russia, China and Iran)", a mantra that was typical of the empire in the early 2000s and caused enormous damages.
In this article
it's perfectly explained that the coup backed by Washington in Venezuela has nothing to do with humanitarianism (let's talk about Yemen instead where the US is starving millions of civilians), it's only related to the objective of expelling China and Russia from South America in a return to the Monroe doctrine and the colonial past which created disasters through the support granted to brutal dictators and death squads.
It's clear that the puppet Guaido has no authority to declare himself as president, and he's de facto a Yes Man of the US regime who despises his country.
Having described the situation in Venezuela for what it really is let's turn to Europe. Hungary, the country which is a model for many conservatives all over the world is still considered as a problem by the US, Pompeo had to go to Budapest to tell Orban that there will be a retaliation (likely a colour revolution) if the country doesn't break ties with Russia, embraces the permanent confrontation with Moscow as the only way forward.
Is this respecting sovereignty? Is this 4D chess? None of them, this is pure old style mafia.
Now what about Moldova? In the upcoming parliamentary elections pro-Russian parties are expected to win, so Washington unleashed the destabilization group called Atlantic Council because this is unacceptable of course: "How you dare to vote for someone we don't like?"
Some members of the pro-EU parties even proposed to ban the SocialistParty (pro-Russian) following the footsteps of the Kiev regime, if this won't be possible preparations for regime change will begin the day after the elections.
And the INF treaty? It was a pillar of European security for decades. US decided to scrap it and turn Europe into a battlefield in a sign of desperation that indicate Washington may use nuclear weapons against Russia in case Moscow doesn't bow down, renounce to its independence. This will not happen so countries like Romania and Poland risk to be annihilated more than ever just because the beast isn't able to take over Moscow with conventional methods (regime change, coup, economic crisis...)
And dulcis in fundo Iran, here they don't even try to hide it as Trump and Bolton overtly support regime change in the country even by allying themselves with an infamous terrorist group hated by Iranian people like the MEK.
So to summarize at this point I'm totally convinced that Trump is an enormous deception created by the Deep State, the president who praised trade and talked about ending wars in the electoral campaign turned out to be more bloodthirsty and reckless than his predecessor.

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