The Democrat Party's Actions This Month Show America Has Fallen


You know, if I could travel 4 years back in time, and tell my 2017 self what is happening in January 2021, the conversation would go something like this.

2021 Me: So, you're not gonna believe this shit. First of all, you know that trip to Wuhan you're about to take?
2017 Me: Yeah. What about it?
2021 Me: Well, get all the pictures you can, because in my year you're back in the US and after 2020, no one's going to believe you when you say you were there.
2017 Me: Why? What ha-
2021 Me: Never mind, never mind. Also, last week there was a massive protest in DC that turned violent. It seems about a thousand people led by some guy dressed as a yak broke into the capitol.
2017 Me: Ah, gotta love them Leftists. First it was pussy-hats and now this. Bullshit like this is why Trump won.
2021 Me: Well, y'see, here's where it gets a little hard to believe.
2017 Me: ...Uh, the capitol yak wasn't the part that's hard to believe?

So, I've already commented on the WTF factor of the absolutely surreal incident earlier this month at the Capitol. And of course, I expected the Left to melodramatically milk the incident for all it was worth (we on the Right do the same when the Democrats go on their regularly scheduled mass murdering spree-of-the-week). I wasn't too surprised to see Alexandria Occasional-Cortex being the first in line to try for an Emmy in that category (Hall). I also fully expected them to find a way to say it is evidence of racism, and of course they delivered (Rubin; Abbott), as unconvincingly as ever (Richardson). Funny how quiet they're being about the BLM activist who took part in it (Stieber). And frankly, I expected a massive social media crackdown and a lot of silencing of Conservative voices, given that this has kind of been the M.O. of social media for the past 4 years (Cummings). Here as well, the Left, which never fails to fail, did not let me down in my expectations that they'd fail to even put up a pretense of decency (Taft). What I didn't expect, was the speed with which the Demon-rat Nocturnal Cabal Democrat National Convention would take advantage of the affair to launch a full-on Single-Party totalitarian state.

First They Came For My Twitter Account

The first thing to happen is Trump's Twitter and Facebook accounts were locked (Byers). The alleged reason is that he "incited" the riot at the capitol, but even a Democrat lawmaker has called BS on that (Pavlich). The real reason is "because the Democrats have decided you don't have a voice."
The response was immediate, and global.
In Russia, Putin's party called the Democrats "hypocrites" and Opposition Leader Alexei Navalny said the ban inflicted "serious harm to the Free World" (Radchenko). Hey Pelosi, both parties in the remnant of the Soviet Union are calling you out for draconian censorship of dissent. And guess what: they're right.
In a deliciously ironic twist, Angela Merkel, the current occupant of the office formerly held by mass murdering Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, decried the ban, along with French President Macron (Arama). Not because she is against censorship, but because she believes only the State, rather than private entities, has the power to do it (Jennen & Nussbaum). Remember how Democrats hoped the parasites of the European Union would welcome them with open arms once they ousted the man who stopped letting Europe take advantage of us? How's that working?
China, of course, never able to pass up an opportunity to point a finger at the US, called the the ban proof of US hypocrisy. Not for the ban, but for not coming to the realization that "Freedom of Speech has limits" before now (Global Times Staff).
The Pro-Democracy movement in Hong Kong, who have a long history of dealing with censorship by the Democrat Party's masters in Beijing, switched their avatars to Trump's face (Johnston). How much clearer of a sign do you need that 州笨蛋(1) and Xi Jinping are one and the same? I notice those on the Left who claim to oppose the Chinese regime's Human Rights record got really quiet all of a sudden.
Even the president of Mexico -not exactly one of Trump's biggest fans (McDonnell)- was so infuriated by the unchecked arbitrary silencing of dissenting voices by tech companies (Reuters) that he has launched a campaign against them (Stevenson).
And not content to simply silence him on their own platforms, tech firms put their heads together to shut down the platform most people silence by Facebook and Twitter have gone to to have a voice: Parler (Associated Press). This was followed by declaring Parler a "white supremacist" group (the preferred allegation for anything that criticizes the American Left) and launching an investigation into every account on it (Cox). Do I even need to comment on the fact that if you replace the phrase "white supremacist" with "counter-revolutionary(2)" then this "silence their profile, shut down any alternative server and come up with a crime to put them under investigation" approach to political opponents becomes word, for, word, the policy of the Communist Party of China?
Of course, arbitrarily declaring all dissent to be "false" and threatening reprisals against anyone who utters it, which is precisely what Pennslyvania's Democrat Lieutenant Governor has openly called for (Miller), is, unsurprisingly, a CPC trademark as well, as Dr. Li Wenliang knows all-too-well.

But predictably enough, it didn't stop with Social Media censorship.

I Don't Think "Healing" Means What You Think it Means, Joe

Almost immediately after being certified by the Electoral College, Joe Biden began to throw around the word "healing" as his slogan (Wilkie). He said it was time for Americans to be "reconciled," to "put away grudges." It didn't take long for the fakeness of this one to shine through.
ABC's political director wasted no time echoing his forebears in China's Cultural Revolution by calling for a "cleanse" of anyone found guilty of not being part of the new regime (Omri Ceren).
Judges quickly began ruling that any lawyer found "guilty" of representing Trump was to be disbarred for being "not of sufficient character" to practice law (Fung).
Left-Wing rag Salon took the time to add their two cents (if you want to give their opinion credit for being worth that much) with the insistence Trump was "mentally unfit" to remain in office (Botky & Norrholm). I'd be very curious to see the psych credentials of the two bloggers who made that assessment. I'm sure they have them. I mean, they know it's a felony to practice psychiatric medicine without any, right? I'd also be curious to see the notes from the clinical evaluation where the leader of the Free World came to them for evaluation, because attempting to make an evaluation without meeting the patient is malpractice (another felony).
Oh, wait. Sorry. That's that trite "Rule of Law" concept, and that has no place under a Communist State. Silly me. And of course, in classic Communist fashion, Salon echoed the rhetorical style of their Chinese masters; namely, offering nothing to back up their claims whatsoever but insisting their claims were "undeniable" and attempting to substitute emotion for evidence.
Another journalist gleefully called for Maoist-style "re-education camps" for political opponents of the Biden/Harris regime (Enck).
A lawyer at PBS echoed the "re-education camp" threat, though apparently the Neo-Bolsheviks are not quite ready for the amount of publicity this one garnered, because she did actually lose her job for this. No criminal charges were filed for the threat of mass kidnapping (which you know would've been filed within hours if a Republican said this), but it's at least a token gesture (Colton).
Oh, but come on, Patriam. I mean, it's a free press, right? Well, the "Glorious Revolution" was quick to put paid to that notion with their calls to make it illegal to print anything written by President Trump (Spocchia).
But enough about the media. The halls of law themselves were the site of even more glaring admissions of a political purge. Senators who spoke in favor of Trump were threatened with immediate censure for the "crime" of not being part of the "Revolution," and the threat of being added to the post-9/11 "No Fly List" was casually bandied about (Colson; Ali).
A pattern here is quickly emerging. The declaration that "healing" means a Maoist struggle session and penance by anyone "guilty" of the "crime" of opposing the Democrats was not hidden. It was right out in the open, with insistence that Republicans must abandon ahem "authoritarian populism" (read 'the dictatorial practice of being a majority and not bowing to the Democrats) (Gerson; Greene). Teachers were fired for having "counter-revolutionary" political views (Davis). And of course, the Piece de Resistance was when AOC (who made such a fool of herself earlier in this entry) called to (and I quote) "liberate" states that voted Republican, from their "oppression" at the hands of the Republicans they voted for (Lennox).
Read that again. Twice.
And of course, Occasional-Cortex insists this is another of the growing list of prerequisites the supposedly broken and contrite Republicans have to meet in order for the "healing" spoken of by the Communist Party of America Democrats to take place. Remember in my review of the CCP's biography of the 14th Dalai Lama, how the Party requires the invasion of Tibet to be referred to as a "Peaceful Liberation?" Uh huh. The echoes of Communist China and the USSR here just don't seem to stop, as those of us who have lived under Communism are pointing out all across the board (Toplansky).
Let's not mince words. It's a Xi-style political purge.

I Don't Think "Terrorism" Does Either

Predictably enough, part of the political purge initiated by Beijing Biden and the De-Mao-Crats was a push to declare the breach an "act of Domestic Terrorism (World Tribune Staff), and even a "coup (Grossman)..." Because, you know, the guy with 84 million armed and fanatically devoted supporters couldn't conjure up anything better for his "coup" than some petty vandals led by a guy dressed as a yak, right? Yeah, more on that later.
Whatever the case, the Left has suddenly done an about face on anti-terrorism laws (Simonson) and the anti-terrorism measures Trump tried to put in place to counter last summer's months-long murdering, looting and bombing spree by the Democrat Party's paramilitary wing (known as BLM), armed and funded by a hostile Communist power called China (Ball; Gonzales) which was seeking to take the heat off of its own Human Rights record (Hung) are suddenly gaining traction.
Of course, don't get confused. Trump was still an "autocrat (Dewan)" for trying to apply the terrorist label to the ones who killed thousands and burned entire cities, but when a few vandals led by a guy dressed as a yak break into the Capitol (resulting in a grand total of five deaths and no more damage than the White House janitors can clean up) before being dispersed in a matter of hours, oh that's domestic terrorism.


No, nothing ridiculously hypocritical here, right?

Well, Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler wasn't too thrilled when someone actually noticed that glaringly obvious comparison and called him out on it (Prestigiacomo).
Wheeler wasn't the only one to get crucified for this hypocrisy though. Representative Matt Gaetz called the Democrats out for that (Morse). Immediately, Pol-lie-tifact did their usual spin of "yeah, it's true Democrats openly called for violence, but they didn't mean the violent kind of violence" (Putterman)," and CNN's faithful Marxist lapdog Don Lemon interviewed Chris Cuo-Mao to Leftsplain it (Ryan). Essentially, it boiled down to "we're allowed to kill you but if you object to it, that's racist." Lemon went on to say you can't compare them because Leftist violence was "based on facts," and went on a foaming-at-the-mouth, barely coherent rant, screaming his "thou shalt not make comparisons" demands (Flood).
Notwithstanding that this is from the same political faction who declared not so long ago that it is somehow racist to claim there is such a thing as facts (Soave), and notwithstanding that the "facts" used as the nominal justification for the summer's insurrection are absolute bullshit, I'd like to point out the fact that this "violence based upon Party dogma is justified, protesting against it is not" rhetoric, just like the censorship mentioned above, is the hallmark of... guess what genocidal cult disguised as a political party whose rhetoric is echoed by Bernie Sanders and AOC.
Oh, I'm sorry. Is it "racist" to have read that much history?

In Their Master's Spirit

The Democrat Party's Messiah, Mao Zedong, once said "Revolution is not a dinner party," and the neo-Red Guards leading America's new Communist revolution (otherwise known as "Social Justice Warriors") heeded his words well. For example, Parler's CEO and his family then began receiving death threats (Miller). Ah yes, "how dare you give those who don't support The Party a platform to speak? Kill the counter-revolutionary, comrades!"
Let's add this up. We have an open and unabashed political purge, calling to "liberate" any states or cities that oppose the "New Revolution," by rounding up their children and placing them in re-education camps, marking the parents as terrorists and declaring them unemployable. This is being done by legislators who openly praised months of violent Leftist mobs as "brilliant" and "essential (Connelly)." And when these "brilliant" and "necessary" Stormtroopers decide someone should be killed, anyone who dares commit the crime of fighting back instead of rolling over and dying, is nailed on a cross (Ryan (2)).
The Left is mimicking their Maoist masters so perfectly, Biden will no doubt get a doggy treat the next time he goes to lick Xi's boots.

It's time to be clear. Democrats, you haven't seen an "insurrection."
The Capitol? That was nothing. Look at the photos. A few people standing around in undamaged rooms, looking bored, while cops stand around not even breaking a sweat. 1 protester was shot, one cop was killed by a blow to the head, and three people died from heart attacks when they couldn't handle the exertion. It was over in hours. Any given Mardi Gras party in New Orleans is more destructive, and any given weekend in Chicago has a higher death toll.
You think that was a "coup attempt?"
Reality Check.
How many Trump supporters are there? 74 million at the polls, probably another 15 million or so who were too chicken shit to show up, and a few million others whose votes were switched. Think I'm overestimating? Okay then. Let's err Conservative (pun intended) and estimate 90 million.
And here's a fun fact. Every, single, one of us, bar none, without a single exception, is armed. Doubt me? Go out in the streets and find an unarmed Right Winger. I'll wait...
Like I said: we're armed, and we know how to use them.
The largest army in the history of Humanity, was 13 million men (the US, WW2). The runners up (the USSR and Third Reich, same war) were 11.5 million and 10 million. The US military is less than 2 million, and most of those are part of the aforementioned Pro-Trump bracket.
If every Trump voter had taken out our sidearm and fired once, then in the span of seconds there would have been more people killed in the name of Donald Trump than in the name of the current gold and silver medalists in the all-time-genocide Olympics (Genghis Khan and Mao Zedong) combined.
If we each fired twice, the death toll would have exceeded the population of any country on Earth except for Indonesia, the US, India or China. Again, that's if every Trump supporter fired two shots. Now ask yourself, do you know any Conservatives who only have two rounds of ammo?
If Trump had wanted to stage a coup, the word "attempted" wouldn't be part of the equation! You haven't seen an "insurrection," cupcakes.

...Do you want to? Seriously, do you really want to see one?

Then keep pushing this "re-education" and "liberation" bullshit.

I lived under Communism in a foreign country for seven years. I'll be God-damned if I'm going to live under it again right here at home.

(1) In Pinyin, this is "Zhou Bendan," pronounced "Joe Benden." The character Zhou (州) means "State" and the characters "Ben-dan" (笨蛋) loosely translate to "dimwit" but it's considered profane in Mandarin.

(2) The favored allegation in China has changed under Xi from the outdated "Counter-Revolutionary" to the more self-righteous sounding "corruption and embezzling."

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