Trump Junker press conference

Every one please watch the JC junker ,president of the European Union and President Trump press conference and watch as Trump speaks and Junker flips the script at the exact same time as Trump waiting for his Turn to read the document containing the detrails of what they discussed.
Never before have I seen two separate world leaders be working off the same script.
Someone ascertained that these two are both too stupid to be given their own document to read from and just said fuck it: make two copies and give one to each of them, put them in front of the cameras and tell them to read it, all the way through, and then walk away! Simple plans work!
This is a pre programmed speech to assuage the masses over tariffs and trade wars, and clearly not the views or words of the men reading them.
The powers that be sat these children down and said here is what you will read, get familiar with it, and don’t deviate from it.
This is our future. A world in which they don’t care if we see behind the curtain because the distance between us and those behind the curtain has gotten so vast that it cant be traversed, and that distance is all the security they have ever needed to implement your futures path.
Scare you, tax you, burden you, give you a small reprieve and then begin anew with more scare, more tax, more government, less freedom…. Wake the fuck up and share with your friends. You need something to be outraged about, this is it.
When someone has the nerve to show you a hand with 5 aces in it and proceeds to rake the pot, and you respond by shuffling the deck and hoping the next hand will turn out differently I promise you will only play as long as they will let you! This affects everyone the only difference will be how long you are allowed to sit at the table …

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