All Stood Up To Dems_All Were Shot

President Trump's attempted assassinations are a direct result of the democrats and liberals and their rhetoric, vitriol, misinformation, lies and straight-out fascism.

The dems tried to destroy their political opponent with lawfare and put him in jail and that didn't work so they tried to kill him. If you truly want to live in a democracy then you can never vote democrat.

It doesn't get more "anti-democracy" than this. Harris, Biden and the dems have unequivocally proven that THEY are the very real and true threat to democracy.

In addition, you now have a democrat-run state in the US that has banned - in the most fascist manner possible - its entire population from voting for the opposition.

Once again, the dems prove that they are the true fascists as they continually take their strategy straight from the nazi playbook: Goebbels (Hitler's propaganda minister) said: "Accuse your enemies of that of which your guilty." This is what the dems do every day.

Bottom line is that it is clear that the dems are true nazis in every sense of the word, without hyperbole, and truly anti-democracy. They tried to jail their presidential opponent and when that didn't work they outright attempted to murder him - twice so far. And it is directly their own rhetoric that encourages it. Ironically the second assassin who attempted to shoot President Trump at his own golf course parroted the dems' false narrative that President Trump is anti-democracy, when it is impossible to argue that it isn’t the dems who consistently prove that they are anti-democracy - from putting up a presidential candidate who received zero votes, to attempting to jail and murder their political opponent. They are quite literally nazis (and of course their hatred of Jews and their proven desire for Jews to be violently attacked and even murdered). And of course their now proven collusion with the media (eg the debate between President Trump and Kamala) and censoring the opposition (as admitted by Zuckerberg). More proof that the dems and their followers are true nazis.
It’s difficult to argue that Harris, Biden and the dems aren’t doing everything possible to literally destroy this country and place the safety and lives of every American (which includes people of all races, colors, religions, genders, classes, sexual orientations and heritages – including LEGAL immigrants) in jeopardy and grave danger.

The only thing positive thing they have done is prove definitively why the electoral college should NEVER be eliminated in favor of a simple general election, which can be easily rigged by simply banning the entire population from any given state from voting for the opposition.

It's ironic as we live in a country in which those who refer to themselves as "anti-fascist" are the actual fascists; those who refer to themselves as "anti-racists" are the actual racists; and those who refer to themselves as “pro-democracy” are actually anti-democracy.

George Orwell has become the most prolific author in history. 1984 was meant as a cautionary tale of fiction; the liberals/regressives look at it as a playbook and bible.

Despite their attempts to project their evil on to anyone who opposes them, IT IS ACTUALLY THE DEMS WHO INTERFERE IN OUR ELECTIONS AND ARE A THREAT TO AND ARE DESTROYING OUR DEMOCRACY.

Further proof that the liberals/regressives are quite literally the true nazis of the 21st century and the largest hate group in the US. It's the actions of the woke liberals/regressives which make them nazis. They violently suppress rights & freedoms of anyone with whom they disagree & use the media to promote fake news & propaganda (WashPost, CNN, NYT, HuffPost & MSNBC: all defendants in major libel cases).

Dem-run states (e.g. Colorado and Maine, in addition to countless others such as California and New York who are trying as well) have effectively banned – in the most fascist manner possible – their entire respective populations from voting for the opposition. They’ve also been proven to have censored language and social media posts which oppose their own views (even when such posts are proven to be accurate!) – and openly fight the courts to continue to do so. Also, look at their fanatical prosecution of anyone who was in or in front of the capitol on January 6th, while ignoring others (who are dem/liberal) who committed the same actions – or often times far worse; and have since announced that they are going after January 6th peaceful protesters who didn’t even enter the capitol, rather were just in front of it just as was the case for hundreds of protests that have occurred during the history of this country (and yet none of them were ever prosecuted). In addition, of course how they have clearly been attempting to jail Kamala’s political opponent in the most unprecedented manner by prosecuting (and persecuting) him by bringing several frivolous criminal trials – all “coincidentally” right before the elections – against the opposition (when the dems have clearly actually been guilty - on many occasions - of the very things they baselessly accuse President Trump of doing, but with no repercussions) (and when jailing him didn’t work they literally tried to kill him – twice thus far); in addition to their arresting whistleblowers such as Gal Luft who had the courage to point out the dems’ VERY REAL criminal activity and fascism. Not to mention of course how the dems and liberals encourage and defend violence against the opposition (e.g. antifa as well as bail funds to get them out of jail).

Clear pattern of violence-following in the steps of many other liberals-like the Sanders supporter/volunteer who shot a Repub congressman, liberals who hold up President Trump’s severed head, Maxine Waters who encouraged people to violently attack Republicans, liberal PROFESSORS who violently attack anyone with whom they disagree with a weapons like machetes, liberals who purposely shoot or run over or and murder those with whom they disagree (and are then only sentenced by the fascist dems to community service for actual murder with intent), the trans school shooter and murderer of children in Nashville who even left a manifesto admitting that she did it simply because she disagreed with the school, Antifa who riots & destroys lives & property of anyone conservative-even beating up a disabled veteran, beating up & dragging an elderly woman through the streets just because she was holding an Amer. flag, splitting open the head of an elderly man because he was helping a GAY MAN, & macing & beating an elderly man unconscious (& the mayor of Berkeley BRAGS about being in Antifa).

Their 2016 pres. candidate had proven ties to the KKK & referred to one of its LEADERS (a DEM SENATOR) as her CLOSE FRIEND AND MENTOR. their 2020 candidate adamantly opposed desegregation of schools (Biden actually said that mixing Black and white students would result in a "racial jungle"); in addition he was the one directly responsible for the creation and implementation of the legislation that resulted in the MASS INCARCERATION specifically of Black people – often times for their first offenses, and often times for crimes that were not even violent (and President Trump REVERSED this law, freeing a great many Black people who were victims of Biden’s racism). AND THEIR 2024 CANDIDATE (KAMALA HARRIS – A DIRECT DESCENDENT OF SLAVEOWNERS) WENT OUT OF HER WAY TO SEND MORE BLACK PEOPLE TO JAIL THAN ANY OTHER ATTORNEY GENERAL IN MODERN HISTORY (AND MOSTLY FOR NON-VIOLENT CRIMES). And now dems have very publicly overwhelmingly embraced Farrakhan–literally the next Hitler & aggressively advocates for the death of Jews.

Anyone who still identifies with this party is no different.

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