
The possibilities of social media being a conduit to an egalitarian society are immense...yet by putting laws or restrictions on an open society just makes the behavior go to other means...yet do nothing and people might begin to believe that certain actions are acceptable in a civilized society. Which brings us to reputation...and how people's reputations are falling because of social media...where the mainstream media use to control the content to what we the people were privy to hear and buying people's silence so there reputation is not tarnished easily. These types of actions can be argued on the lines of bribery, soliciting, witness tampering, and obstruction of justice to name a few.

Well there is a fairly new comer to the social media called steemit...as in esteem power...
And the nuances to this web platform is that one has an opportunity to get paid for their input...regardless if one is the original content producer or the masses that want and need to be entertained..
Information that government and corporations used to give away nice incentives and/or pay cash for...now the masses were giving it away freely, included myself. I got caught up with keeping up with the Jones's...which literally became a hit reality show. (I watched the first really show...called cops, and was discussed by the attitudes of the participants...mainly on the actions of the enforcers of the law...using excessive force in my opinion on each and everyone of there arrest. That was close to twenty some years ago. I stopped watching g that program because I was so mad at the way officers behave...and these transferable anger towards the television would stray to arise, having been treated as such.)

Any way, this reality type life style started to become a trend, an understandable one due to the fact we all enjoy attention, being social beings..however, the United States government began to stray by the influence of corporate and private interests on how the nation can use this kind of data and access to truly give a voice to the people.
Representatives of the House and Congress have stepped up to the stage to call out these types of practices...and now we have a President (who may or may not have a sexual past history that many of us find repugnant), being blamed for behaviors and attitudes that have been around before Hillary, before Obama, Before george, before Clinton, even before George, and good old Ronald who sold their message
To the masses...Including taking down solar panels off the White House in the early '80s.//
Back to the current president...President Trump who walked away from Thea groups and organizations to truly make a difference in America. Yet the Public (masses whom haven't woken up) continues to listen to the sold out commentary's and fake news...or use social media finding out that just behind big stories tend to be a bigger and more sinister, one that we would rather not believe, and call it a conspiracy, allowing our feelings to transfer to this other story that is being bombarded by the mainstream media.
Till next time...thanks patriots and forward thinkers of recognizing there is a better path than being presented...one leads down servitude and the other towards freedom.
Punishing all of us by taking away our constitutional rights on the back of certain individuals that try to speak up loud enough to be heard...like Christopher Dorn from LAPD or Professor Ted...or many, many others who we are not allow to hear because they are killed or silenced...is childish and short sighted. I too think automatic guns and other weapons of distraction ought to be band...start with us would be the silliest first step to make...With the US government allowing the sale of these exact guns to an entity that had participants who flew into the World Trade Center...first and foremost we as the people need to stop the industrial pharmaceutical military complex...the two that support the third our in our control...don't take those pills and don't consume what Kardashin is pushing.

The term they use now is national security or redacted information.

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