Climate Warfare...

This President absolutely IS working for the Russians.

Whether because of blackmail, or some other motivation, we don't know.

Consider his moves in every aspect to actively INCREASE the impact of Global Warming.

Qui Bono? Who Benefits?

The Russians aren't known to wear furry hats for nothing. It's cold up there, and they have a tremendous amount of land that would benefit them more highly if Northern Global Temperatures were increased.

For example, "In Northern Siberia, along the coast of the Arctic Ocean – where weather observations are scarce – model analyses showed temperatures soaring 40 degrees above normal on July 5, to over 90 degrees."


Putin is NOT, as Trump has recently said, "Fine." Putin is in for himself, and for Russia; and he could care less for the rest of the World.

The dangers are extreme, and are continuing to increase.

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