Preparational Speech

Several people I follow online geared my attention to the president Trump speech. I could watch it life. I saw what he did there and I like it. As far as I can tell, the president of the United States had all his ducks in a row. He touched on every essential aspect of the situation without falling into a rambling state. He was concise and clear about his view on the matter. Before the speech, many people expected a major sensation, something like a national emergency. These sensationalist feelings got disappointed. This does not speak to a weakness of president Trump but quite to the contrary. He made it clear, that he gives to his opponents in the political arena every possible chance to work with him on a solution for the crisis at the southern border. His speech was an act of patience. But it was also a clear signal, that things cannot be postponed forever. In this manner president Trump showed statesmanship and fairness.

There is also a second overall aspect to this. By giving his opponents opportunities, he also makes sure that every opportunity to serve the American people with the best possible solution to the crisis has it's chance.

He also takes away any excuse for his critics beforehand. When he chooses more drastic measures to resolve the issue, many will criticise. He will the point out that he gave every other course of action a chance.

The most power this will have during his re-election campaign. He will not only be able to boast that he build that wall. He will also be able to point out that he gave the chance to participate in the feat, but nobody took the offer. I think this is the main reason he is doing that. He is already campaigning and he tainted his opponent before she even got the nomination. So much is clear, because nobody in the Democratic party took him on the offer in any way, shape or form. Not a single tentative statement pro-wall. Nothing.

The speech was also shorter than most Trump supporters would have hoped. But this was not a rally. This was a word from the president to the people. All of them, wether they voted for or against him. It was also a small act towards uniting the American people again.

It was not the bomb many expected, but it was a preparational step to make it hit much harder when it does.

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