Breaking News Trump Fires Missiles on Syria in response to blatant false flag

Trump announced today he ordered strikes on the Syrian regime's chemical weapons facilities in coordination with France and the United Kingdom in response to a chemical weapons attack last weekend by the "Syrian government".

The first target included a scientific research center located in the greater Damascus area.

The second target was a chemical weapons storage facility west of Homs, which General Mattis said "was the primary location of Syrian Sarin and precursor production equipment."

Mattis said the third target "was in the vicinity of the second target" and "contained both a chemical weapons equipment storage facility and an important command post."

Well what can be said here, lets again look at the facts shall we.
--March 29th Trump said that the US will be pulling out of Syria
--April 7th the Syrian government reportedly gassed their own people with Sarin
--Back in 2017 the Syrian government was accused of gassing there own people with sarin as well
--2/8/18 General Mattis finally admitted there was no evidence that Assad/Syrian government gassed his own people after saying that there was no doubt about it and launching airstrikes as a result

So to recap, Trump says the US will hopefully be getting out of Syria, the Syrian government in response to this decides to gas/attack its own people to make sure the US stays in Syria (which makes absolutely no sense).

Its already been proven and shown that this exact same thing happened back in 2017 and was proven to be false already.

For the final kicker, the US is working in a joint response with the United Kingdom and France on these latest attacks. Both countries are a shill for the deep state and both countries have Prime ministers are little else than talking puppets for there masters in Macron and May. If nothing else gives you red flags, than this should and if these countries are involved, its probably bullshit.

The main question I have here is if Trump is really that blind and easily mislead or are there other things going on here. Are these missile strikes at locations that do no real damage to the Syrian government and are further chess moves in the end game of taking down the deep state, or have we all been played and Trump is and has never been the man we thought he was. David Icke has been saying this since the beginning and I really need to see Trump starting to prove Icke wrong for the shake of humanity.

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