Working on THE LAST PICK UP ARTIST - Issue 2 TO PREVENT WWIII .....the written Word, and Image is Powerfull...Reality is Magic

I was scared shitless when i was watching Teal Swan ( & Christine Pavlina ( ) talking about
Trump and the Upcoming World War III he would lead us into...

But than i watched Sasha Daygame and the Mandela Effect (,
and i thought to myself, ....holy Shit...this really can be a game, a school, a play...

Light Versus Dark? LISTEN VERY CAREFULL to what yoda has to say, on how to beat the dark side...
and you can't beat it with fear....(
you gotta dance

So i am a great fan of Alan Moore ( and Grant Morrison, and they talk alot
about Magic, and how Speaking, Thinking and Feeling really shapes your
Reality.... So if you believe the FEAR (FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL).... you tune into that
REality... it's like a radio....or tv channel....

Probably there is Dario experiencing WW3 right now (sorry dude^^)....but i didn't believe in Fear,
i followed yoda'S advice... and if you create from your heart, reality is really sweet!
(Is Life supermario? - Rick n Morty Roy: )

So I didn't know what to do.... And i was scared!
And the only thing i can do is draw... AND DO THE MAGIC I CAN DO!
AND SO CAN YOU....every one has a special gift.... so check out
Jeff Berwicks and John Rose's ( stuff, Go Vegan, heal your Gut!
(And hey....don't try to go from level 1 looser to super sajadjin in 5 days.... give yourself time
to let these idea's soak in.... slowly...or this will happen with you (as happend to me:

Get back your life! We are gods! WE need to remember!

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