President Trump Anointed by God (as in Anunnaki)


Annointed by God

Mark Taylor, the author of "The Trump Prophecies" declared in 2011 that Trump had been anointed by God to become president and save America.

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj proclaims that President Trump has been placed in office by God to grant us a four year grace period before the great reckoning. If Trump's presidency should end before his term is up then so shall the grace period end. Sadhu also foretold of the flooding in Houston.

John Enlow received the word of the Lord on May 18, 2017 that President Trump's would restore the nation.

The Anunnaki

According to Barbara Marciniak and many others Earth has been under Anunnaki control for many thousands of years. The two main earth resources the Anunnaki are interested in are gold and humans (for food). Under the Anunnaki system of control the ruling party on Earth is swapped out every 2,800 years. One of these transition periods is taking place now.

The Anunnaki transitions are not smooth as the current ruling party is always reluctant to give up their power. The new ruling party selected President Trump to further their agendas. This puts Trump at odds with all of the current ruling party's minions and as we can see Trump has to battle democrats, republicans, and the media, as well as various NGOs. Will the Anunnaki's new ruling party's president be successful in ousting the old ruling party's minions? We shall see.

The odds are stacked against him except for the notion that President Trump has been anointed by God (as in Anunnaki).

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

Fractal image by Cosmic Cowboy

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