Trump inauguration to trigger massive sell off

As the saying goes buy the rumor sell the fact. Tomorrow at noon eastern standard time Pres elect Trump takes the oath of the presidency of the USA. On election night when it became apparent Trump would take the presidency the S & P futures were down as much as 8 percent. By the next morning they opened higher and it's been off to the races ever since. I look for retracement of this two month rally back to the pre-election lows of below 1900. We are currently trading at 2263 and as I've said in other posts this is the start of what will be one of the largest percent losing bear markets since 1929. Ss Joe Granville famously said back in 1980 sell everything. Well he turned out to be wrong but now is the time sell everything.

Ivanka will still be hot and her daddy and husband will still be rich when the S & P 500 comes crashing down.

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