Trump warns Iran to leave business

The United States has again imposed strong restrictions on Iran and has increased the pressure on other countries of the world to distance itself from Iran. President Donald Trump tweeted that countries that continue to trade with Iran will not be able to pursue trade relations with the United States. Trump said, "Iran has been banned officially. This ban will increase in the month of November. The countries that want to continue relations with Iran will not be able to push forward their relations with the United States.

I am saying this for peace in the world, nothing less than that. "The harsh restrictions left when President Donald Trump broke the historic multilateral nuclear agreement in May was implemented this time. Under this, the Iranian government will neither be able to buy American currency nor will it be able to trade cars or carpets with the US. On May 8, Trump had banned the first phase by breaking the nuclear deal with the previous Obama administration with Iran, which had to be implemented from August. The second phase restrictions will be effective from November 5.

For this, the US banned Iran and also banned the trade of gold and precious metals along with the Iranian automobile sector. The Iranian government had so far been able to buy American currency but now it has also been barred, along with the carpet and other industries coming to Iran from America have also been banned. The US president said the ban imposed on Iran is being implemented from Tuesday, while the ban will be applicable from November 5, 2018.

This will also stop transactions with petroleum transactions and foreign financial institutions with Iran's central bank. Trump has warned those who break these restrictions to suffer serious consequences. They have appealed to all countries of the world to cooperate with Iran to prevent actions that harm the country. This will further reduce the currency of Iran and the economy of the country will be bad.

Trump says we prepare new nuclear deal
Announcing the re-ban of Iran, Trump said that if Iran stops its miserable activities, then the US is ready to make a new nuclear agreement with it. This will prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, creating ballistic missiles and supporting terrorism. Trump has already taken initiative to meet the President of Iran.

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