Continuation - Diverse language in colleges

Good day Steemians,

I woke up today on a good side of my bed..😁😁... And I decided to take a little walk around my farm. Take a glance look at it below, before I continue my story. (The land is green here)...

Sigh, I stopped at when I summoned my courage to talk to the hostel leader. Good, I walk up to him and told him I want to express my feelings to him; he was suprised, he said feelings!! how? I replied, I don't like how things are going in this room, am a new person here and you guys don't even want to know about me, moreover am not from this part of the country, that should give you guys joy to meet a guy from the West.... He sighed and said, he was very sorry, that should be his job as the hostel leader. We exchange hugs and he called on the other roomies... Fiaam 😁😁😁, they all surround us, as if they have been waiting for this type of moment....

Immediately, they came, the room leader told them what transpired between me and him and he instructed them to start introducing themselves to me..... As some of them were introducing themselves, some of them are using their language to abuse me... Lol.... I noticed some of them laughing and the look on their face, that's where I knew that, the person talking that moment is making jest of me... We are in Ten(10) guys in that room, and all of them know my name and I know their name too... That's when my real student Life began in a strange land...

In my department, am the only Yoruba guy... So, when they want to call me, they will just say, where is that Yoruba guy... I became a famous guy (this is one of the merit of speaking different language), my language make me famous... So many of them came to me and beseech me to teach them my language and some of them, I agreed to teach, some i declined.....

Even inside the hostel, we have a guy, from the Northern part of the country but he is not well recognized like me... Maybe due to the fact that, am an outspoken person and I mingle a lot... Sometimes when they want to say bad things or discuss my matter, they will delve into speaking their language. This usually pissed me off, and most times, I will leave the area and go to another place to sit.... Meanwhile am enjoying my stay in a strange land, at least the Fame and girls frolicking around me 😜😜😜😜.....

To be continue.... 👁️👁️👁️👁️👁️

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