Bitcoin lottery - concerns about their ICO!

As I've already commented in different post, the new Bitcoin Lottery site raises some concerns, so I'll repeat them:

  • has anyone managed to make a withdrawal? I've won something (total of 0.004), but simply can't find the withdrawal option anywhere?
  • can't really find help file about withdrawals or at least information about if there are some conditions which must be met before you can withdraw.
  • I've got some winnings by my referrals - and they don't show anywhere except in their stats, although it says that my referral winnings are on my balance.

Certain red flags about this site:

  • Although it looks professionally designed and general idea is ok they're trying to collect a lot of money in ICO
  • social accounts are totally empty and inactive
  • they present themselves as a company, but can't seem to find any additional information...

It sems that someone went through a lots of efforts to make this thing look really good, but it surely does raise some suspicion..doesn't it?

Not saying anything, I might be wrong and all this might be some kind of startup hiccups, but I just wanted to warn depositing players and potential investors that something doesn't look right, at least at this moment.

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