From a slave to a master, chapter # 21 - The three phases of the path

A Memoir

Prologue: I dislike an excess analysis of processes related to the spirit. It is not a business plan or a product presentation. And yet for the mind, at least mine, it was necessary. It demanded its pound of flesh, to understand reality, to analyze it, to dig in every experience and to get to its roots. So, when the journey was over and I had looked back, I recognized three stages. This is their overview.

Somethings I could learn only in hindsight. When I was in the midst of the tornado I was battling to survive, and only when I was thrown out to OZ I had the overview. I have learned that after the prerequisite described in the last article come the three phases that lead to True Love, to realization. The first one is ‘the processing phase’, the second one is ‘the releasing phase’ and the third and last one is ‘the reuniting phase’*.


Photo by chrisleavens

The processing phase is the one that most people put too much effort into. Here, the human being, that is You, goes through the analysis of his/her personal reality in order to understand their part in its creation, how to control their life and reality. At this phase, you clearly realize that every human being has a complete and total responsibility for each event and every experience in their life. While processing the events in your life you will discover the cogent connection between your most intimate thoughts and feelings and what happens in your outer sensed reality. You will be intimately connected with the experiences that you face in your reality. The responses you receive from people, the relationship with your neighbours, the driver that risked your life on the street, your lost baggage at a foreign airport, the headache you suffered from this afternoon, the surprising phone call from your ex-lover, the salary raise you just got – there is a close connection between what happens in your head and what occurs “outside” of you in the reality.

The processing Stage

The processing phase necessitates a bold examination of old habits that were crystallized throughout many years and which were often accepted for no other alternative. Some fear that if they dig too deep they might bring up scary demons that would ultimately cause their eradication. Although such concern can tangibly be felt it has no basis whatsoever; ignoring or repressing the need for a personal inquiry, on the other hand, will certainly lead to death – first emotional, later mental and eventually physical as well.

I will say it once more – there is no way to reach TrueLove without courageous dealing with the thoughts, the beliefs and the feelings that pass through you and the concurrent modifications of them. Later I will elaborate how exactly such ‘dealing’ should be executed.

Many of the individuals who do make the choice to grow and to expand their knowledge about their inner world harm themselves by ignoring the first and extremely important phase of the growing process, that is the ‘processing phase’, and jump straight to the second stage. There, they try to release old karma through body exercises and breathing modules. Little do they realize that the various courses they take are doomed to fail because the electromagnetic vibration of their essence is still not ready to release even a minor faction of their wide self. It’s like trying to clean a beach full of sand by blowing air onto it. First, one must collect the sand into bottles or boxes and only then one can carry it away.

Many workshops and courses are designed for busy people who ignorantly look for the fast-paced road to enlightenment. There you are taught how to become silent; “how* to connect with your inner child in two days”; 10 steps to success” and so on. When you take a short course in alternative medicine without the appropriate intention to learn, or when you travel to far away countries in order to ‘find yourself’; to practice Vipassana, Yoga or meditation three times a day, you might miss the essential root process. Y*our mind and whole essence along with it will rebel against your tries to quiet them while they want to process and think!! **Your body would create diseases and discomforts if you tried to control its natural expression by practicing unnatural positions and stiff/rigid stances!

Be honest with yourself – to what extent the positive affirmations that you do or the guided imagination that you apply, or the daily meditations that you diligently follow have changed the life that you are conducting?! Indeed, most always no harm is done and often you feel the desired inner peace, but once the exercise is over and you are out of the “Lotus Position” you are faced again with the hard-core reality without the true and efficient tools to handle it and yourself.


Photo by Fubiz Media

The Releasing stage

  • I admit that breathing exercises are an important part of the road. However, they come only during the second phase and would become useless if you tried to substitute them with the inner observation and the personal processing that are so needed initially. When you follow the suggested order, that is the processing phase first and only then the releasing, you will be surprised to realize that the breathing exercises that you will be acquainted with are very simple and do not require any professional assistance or any sort of guidance. In fact, the common meditation that so many practices nowadays will be totally nullified because you will automatically Be in such state 24 hours a day without the need to enter a ‘silent mode’ or to listen to ‘meditate music’ etc. Then, you will no longer need to spend money on courses or workshops that teach you to release and let go because it will happen naturally, and thanks to the process you will have done Yourself. The releasing will become a natural activity that any human-being does, as simple and as easy as the breathing itself.

The reuniting stage

The third phase that you will go through is the one that will reunite you with True Love. Whereas the first two phases required using the analytical ‘work’ of the mind, the reunion will happen by itself without any need to act in a certain way or to do special exercises, physical or mental. The reunion will take place in the special and unique way that fits you. I intently avoid leading you to a certain expectation which surely ignites the mind to enter another box that might prevent that reunion. Nevertheless, later on, I will address specific impedances that occasionally cause the reunion to be delayed to some extent. I will explain how one can foresee such pitfalls and wisely choose to bypass them.

The way to True Love does not need, by all means, to be difficult or accompanied with suffering. In the next articles, I will describe my experiences and wisdom when I walked through each of those phases.


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