What you didn't yet realise

What you have not yet realised

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I've provided a huge amount of documented, proven, compelling data concerning false flags and fake shootings over hundreds of years, in my books which were banned. And as 'punishment' for publishing them, ALL my books were banned by most retailers YOU are likely to be using. And now 'shadow banned' by others so I cannot claim I am STILL being censored. You can download them for free, as PDF's you can print out, or as E books, from TROONATNOOR Patreon. Please seed them all. Even the few titles I might have made a few dollars from. Just to prove my motives in all this have nothing to do with personal financial gain.

This post is just about a few new insights I've gained. About the most recent events I hadn't covered in those earlier books.

The Boston Marathon and 911 were both official 'crisis drills'. The Boston Marathon was totally fake, like the Las Vegas shooting. No actual victims. The 911 'stand down' drill was part of the 'false flag'. A 'New Pearl Harbor' to 'justify' war, and the world’s biggest ever case of insurance fraud. Just like the Las Vegas Shooting was a very large case of 'insider trading' and 'market manipulation'. We will get back to these issues in a moment.

Now the U.S constitutions explicitly prevents the police and others in involved from carrying out the actions that formed part of the Boston Marathon drill. Just like 911 was used to introduce an entire new and profitable industry (for the few insiders involved) of 'body scanners' at airports, and random 'stop and search' of U.S citizens that were NOT legitimate suspects in any known crime. Habeas Corpus used to guarantee you the right to a trial. Today you have no rights. Posse Commutates used to prevent the military from operating in civilian areas. Basically to prevent military dictatorship. To prevent martial law in times of peace. The Boston Marathon 'crisis drill' already planned for the violation of Posse Commutates. A criminal act. A violation of the U.S constitution. Like random 'stop and search'. And 'arrest without a warrant'. And 'the right to a fair trial'. The planners had planned to have military police and private mercenaries carry out criminal acts, such as invading people's homes, and searching their property, with no warrant. Let alone any reasonable suspicion. As the event was a crisis drill. Planned in advance. But the media's role was to present it as a real event, to 'justify' the suspension of Posse Commutates.

During the Boston Marathon 'This is a drill, This is a drill' is what the police shouted over bull horns just before and during the 'faked explosions' that the Boston Globe had 'tweeted' earlier that day, warning citizens about. That there would be a 'faked' bombing attack, with a fake bomb going off at the library. 911 was an official 'drill'. Fact. But during that 'drill' the lease holders of the WTC performed controlled demolitions of the buildings, with occupants still inside. Also Sandy hook was a 'drill'. Fact. And the drill was used as part of the faked shooting. A school that had been closed for years, due to asbestos contamination, and flood and water damage. It was no longer a school. It had NOT been in operation for years. A lack of oil leak marks in the carpark. The absence of steam from non-functioning heating that would have been in operation on such a cold day of 28 degrees Fahrenheit. The absence of photos of more than a few dozen children, including security cam footage, and television helicopter footage, in a school with around 400 children. FACTS. As usual our 'shooters' were 'corpses' chosen for the crime. Who had died of other causes either the day before the shooting (Sandy Hook), or a while before (the 'shooter' body was dripping with moisture after having been defrosted). The alleged 'shooter' at Las Vegas had been a small time weapons retailer who had done many deals at the MGM hotel in the past. And the 'shooter' shown in the photo, who had somehow shot himself in the chest and head, was NOT the alleged shooter. He was a de-frosted corpse brought in, just like the Sandy Hook shooter was a corpse dropped at the scene of the crisis drill.

MGM are a movie company. Just like 'controlled demolition', who did the 'cleanup' and 'cover up' at 911, were the only people in the U.S capable of producing the controlled demolitions we all saw on television, in the heart of New York City. Just like only U.S Federal Government employees had the access to the Oklahoma City bombing to place the explosive devices that did the damage, and killed all those people. Damage which a car bomb could NOT POSSIBLY have done. Is McVeigh alive and well today? Maybe. They faked his death. Doesn't mean he got his 'just reward'. I wonder what they offered the Port Arthur Massacre patsy to get HIM involved? And the weapons retailer set up as the recent MGM movie 'The Las Vegas Shooting'? Well that was NOT him that performed the miracle of shooting himself in the head and chest. So where is HE?

Here I'd like to send a message to all the 'crisis actors' and other officials involved. Sure, Sandy Hook families got a million dollars each for participating in the hoax. Offering us photos of their current children, when younger, as 'victims'. See the photos I've included that prove the 'victims' are alive and well. Just like the supposed 'Challenger Space Shuttle disaster victims' (unless you believe they all had identical twins who had the exact same jobs too). First compare how much the average family of a true victim of 911, a heroic firefighter, got in compensation, for the death. Whatever firefighters get. With the million plus rewards crisis actor families got for their participation in Sandy Hook. To see where the real money is in acting these days. Crisis actors can make Tom Cruise salaries for C grade performances. A new career path for aspiring actors? When you can't get the daughter of a diplomat to claim 'they threw the babies out of the intensive care life support units', you just hire a 'local' as 'parent of shooting victim'. They provide you with photos of their current children, from a few years back. The media say 'this is victim Johnny'. The child, now older, goes along with the ruse. Pretending to be that victims 'step brother'. Of course DNA tests would reveal immediately that they are NOT 'step' children. And a records check would find that family always had the same, current, number of children.

Just like a records check of the supposed 'hero' of the MGM movie 'Massacre at Las Vegas (why the second amendment is evil)' proves he was NEVER registered as a security guard in Nevada, where ALL security guards working at any MGM facility MUST be by LAW. The guy who turned up on the MGM t.v show 'Degeneres', was not even the same guy who claimed to have been shot by the 'shooter'. See the photos below.

Look familiar? Clones? Twins? Or just a career crisis actor in his latest ‘role’? Above on MGM’s t.v show with Helen Degeneres, and below in another ‘leading’ role

Oh, you crisis actors and other 'collaborators'. I guess you think you are doing a good thing? That this is a 'noble lie'. Now I invented such 'faked' stunts in one of my novels, AS a 'noble lie', long before I had any idea this sort of thing had been going on for years, and long before Sandy Hook and Las Vegas. So I know exactly how you may 'justify' your participation in these faked events to yourself. As 'noble'. I keep trying to warn people that the 'God' or 'Church' or 'Utopian vision' or 'Marxist utopia' or 'New World Order' you THINK you are working towards, and contributing to, and working for, is all the same CULT OF JUDAH. And THEY, based on the means they employ, and their past documented history, and their official 'mission statements' a.k.a 'Torah' and 'Old Testament' and 'Talmud', do NOT intend realising the world YOU believe YOU have contributed to. You have been fooled. Used. Tricked. Deceived. And unless you 'come out', the EVIL you have furthered will thrive. They will realise their 3000 year old strategy to enslave this entire plane-t. Thanks to YOU. I promise you that good deeds are NEVER rewards with million dollar payouts. THAT is a sure sign that you are 'on the wrong side', if you needed one.

Oh, so let's 'follow the money'. Not just HUGE profits from body scanners and airport security companies. Not just the double insurance payout the leaseholders of the WTC buildings got, not just for the destruction, but for the actual scenario of 'airplanes hitting the world trade center'. Most people don't realise that if it had NOT been a 'terrorist attack by hijacked planes flying into the WTC' that the payout would have been as much as HALF what it was. Why pay billions to remove asbestos, when you can just blow the buildings up, have that asbestos 'removed' and spread out all over New York City, and collect THE WORLDS BIGGEST INSURANCE PAYOUT. And then use the whole scenario to totally undermine U.S citizens’ constitutional rights, get them to pay for war crimes in Iraq and elsewhere, and eliminate Habeas Corpus and Posse Commutates.

In the case of the MGM production of 'Death is Las Vegas', we have the CEO of the MGM hotel selling 80% of his shares just before the faked event, so that he could buy them back the next day, at a huge discount. Basically making MILLIONS of dollars overnight from 'insider trading'. Ask him what reason he had for selling? And why suddenly he changed his mind and bought them back? Of course you won't get any response. George Soros himself made a 'killing' on that night. The ONLY killing made on that night. For the de-frosted body left in the room of the weapons retailer didn't even bleed. They didn't even bother to put blood on the bullets they spread around on the floor for the photo opportunity. So all those rounds must have fallen AFTER he shot himself? Some poor 'stiff' dragged out of the mortuary? OR some 'look-alike' selected and murdered a few days before, in preparation? Just like whoever was buried INSTEAD OF JFK in Arlington. His brother and wife clearly stated 'That doesn't even look like him', when deciding on an open or closed casket. Because it WAS NOT JFK that everyone saw in that casket. I go into details in my books, about JFK. Not saying he wasn't shot, and was a collaborator in the deception. Just that the real body, if shown, would have 'blown the whistle' on the whole '3 bullets' narrative.

Official Las Vegas police reports do not show a single 'shooting incident' for the time period of this MGM production. And no names have ever been released for the supposed 'victims' of this MGM stunt. Because no-one was shot at Las Vegas. The supposed 'victims' in the hospital were not even hooked up to I.V's, let along real victims. Not a single piece of video evidence from the massive Las Vegas security camera system was ever released to show any shooting. There was NO shooting. Not at the MGM hotel. Nor anywhere else in Las Vegas. FACTS. Some 'poor stiff's were taken out of the morgue and put in ambulances. See the photos. No real autopsy reports were done. No reports released with names of supposed victims. The coroner is even flouting court orders and refusing to cooperate. Because there WAS no shooting. All just a big stock market swindle, example of 'insider trading', 'reflexivity' (ask George Soros who makes a HUGE point about this as the secret to his 'success'), and another bid to 'get your guns'.

Which brings me to the final point I want to add to my previous books, and this short post. The '3 bullets' narrative was repeated over and over and over. It was scripted. To ensure it was constantly reinforced. Just like the '6 million' figure for 'The Holocaust' was repeated decades before World War Two, and then constantly scripted into every official narrative, every media comment, on the topic. Just like 'TWO PLANES' was continually repeated, from the start, even at the time when every eyewitness said 'ONE MISSILE' or 'ONE MILITARY LOOKING AIRCRAFT'. See my books for details.

I really hate having to write anything about these topics. Having been almost ignored by everyone. Seems a waste of time. But I am too conscientious to NOT share these new insights. Read my books. Seed them. Watch my videos on BitChute and Dtube.video, as long as they are available. Of course YouTube banned me, and I'm banned from using ANY Google products as myself.

What hurts most is that because I tried to share information about what is happening now, you were denied the chance to benefit from all my OTHER books. So I now share them at zero cost to you. At TROONATNOOR on Patreon. Please send a few PayPal bucks my way if you can. I will never ever manage the equivalent of 'minimum wage' from my life's work, not matter how many millions I 'earned' from it. More likely I'll rot in prison for my sacrifice, risk, effort, and suffering.

All the best. Go Vegan. Or you'll continue to new-incarnate in world's like this plane-t. If you are happy here, then who am I to question your tastes? But if you think there might be a better way to be, a better game to play, like me, then I promise you, that until you chose a VEGAN LIFESTYLE, you will be doomed to coming back to 'K.U', Karma University. And your old Alma Mata, 'Earth'.

I'm getting cold and a migraine from this, so I'll finish this here. I wish. Of course I came back to add a few points. Like the footage of what REALLY happened at the Pentagon on 911 was quickly 'disappeared' by the FBI from the petrol station security cameras which had a perfect view of the real explosions (no airplane again), in Las Vegas officials quickly confiscated all recording devices like phones and laptops, again in contravention of the U.S Constitution, and fully planned for in the 'crisis drill' preparations, so that no REAL NEWS, no REAL footage of what did NOT happen at that concert and alleged 'shooting' could get out, and contradict the 'official narrative'.

And here is a 'heads up' warning about Microsoft. If you have Microsoft dependent software, get an activated torrent for Windows 8. Install it. Then install Ubuntu on the same computer. Use Ubuntu for anything you do on the internet, such as downloading torrents, downloading videos, using social media sites, email, and so on. NEVER EVER connect Windows back to the internet. This is what I will be doing on my next computer. If the best deal already has Windows, I will immediately install Ubuntu as the second operating system, and NEVER connect windows to the internet. I prefer to get one with NO operating system, to do what I suggest YOU do. Install Windows 8 for software that NEEDS it. Like Reaper. Or Word. You see to publish my books, I needed Word. Books that were banned. Are banned. And shadow banned. They have succeeded in destroying any motivation to bother publishing any further books. I will have to give away my work in future. Or self-censor. I'm too conscientious to do the later, to give people the false illusion that there is no censorship, and that they are, in my books, getting EVERYTHING I have to offer them. So I'll have to accept that I have been made a slave to the truth and justice and beauty. I work for no pay. Better than being a lavishly financed controlled opposition. Or worse, the ultimate 'gate-keeper' like David Icke. The perfect illusion of 'honesty'. The perfect gate-keeper. Willing to expose anything and everything, and support even the most 'absurd' of 'causes', like Shape-shifting Reptilian theories, and so SO CONVINCING, and such a perfect person to, ultimately MIS-DIRECT us at the final gate. The final 'truth'. That until YOU CHOSE A VEGAN LIFESTYLE, you are doomed to 'have done unto you, as you do unto other sentient beings'. THAT is 'what you don't realise yet'. THAT is the REAL 'miracle' that any 'course in miracles' will HAVE to produce, for it to be anything other than just ANOTHER 'controlled opposition'. Yes folks, check out the 'heritage' of the 'forgiveness miracle' and 'course in miracles' people. Their family even congratulate them on their clever con-artistry.

N.B now windows 'virus software' is finally admitting why it exists (and why windows probably wrote most if not all the viruses, to condition us to use their software, and accept regular intrusion into our privacy and access to our hard disc). Now I can't even copy a file to a generic hard disc that has zero connection to any windows product, or be any security risk. 'error 0x800700E1: Operation did not complete successfully because the file contains as virus or potentially unwanted software.' End quote. What on earth is 'potentially unwanted software'? Unwanted by WHOM? Clearly I wanted it, as I was copying it. So Sheeples, time to use Ubuntu etc on the web, and keep all your software that YOU WANT separate from ANY windows software. And STOP using windows online AT ALL FOR ANYTHING. Because soon WINDOWS will be deciding what software it wants you to use, and even how. Like word which already won't let you 'ignore all' and makes you 'choose' each time it finds something it doesn't like. And what will that be, in the near future? Why is windows installing 'fake news' software to ensure you only get access to fake news? Just like Google, YouTube, Facebook etc censor anything 'potentially unwanted'? Yes and unwanted by whom? Certainly you wanted to post it, and you want to see it or view it. So time for me to add Ubuntu to this computer. Assuming windows will even let me. Is Ubuntu already 'potentially unwanted software'? When you go to the 'containment facility' windows, without asking for your consent, moves files to, you can 'allow' it. But then it still appears as a virus. Each time you take a look. It doesn't flag itself to say 'You've already decided to keep this'. No. It just puts it back there. Hoping I will forget, and just delete the file. Each time I will have to repeat my 'choice' / 'decision'.

And now there is no option to NOT automatically give Windows access to your hard drive. Remember Windows is deleting and refusing to let you save NON windows files. And NOT giving you the option to NOT have it censor your hard disc. So what will be next? Its 'fake news' programs as default that you can NOT remove? Word deleting any phrases or words or 'concepts' from your files, which the programmers in Israel do not want you to write, publish, or even think? 'Hate speech' laws built into the software, so you can't even write what Israeli programmers do not want you to write? 'Holocaust denial' censorship built into word itself? Soon you will go to save a file, and it will say 'Ah, no, what were you thinking, trying to save such a file? Surely that was a mistake? Should we alert a 'Google Counsellor' to help you with your mental illness?

Fuck. Even I never considered just how far it could all go. If George Orwell were alive, maybe he would have seen this coming. No need for a 'ministry of truth' character editing past historical documents to fit the current, ever changing, 'official narrative'. Soon that will be done automatically with your next 'windows update'. All the data on your hard disc will be scanned, and anything 'offensive' removed. Automatically. And your 'registration' details passed onto authorities. All working for the same Cult of Judah. Maybe some will still pretend to be 'government' and others 'corporations'. But it makes no difference. Just same COJA (Cult of Judah Agents / Affiliates) in different outfits. All licenses and authorized to 'shoot to kill' of course. Like today's postal workers are 'authorized' to 'search and seize' weapons from YOU, after entering your home with NO warrant, and to shoot you dead if you resist. I am not exaggerating anything. Facts people. Maybe too hard for you to swallow. Too challenging emotionally. Too demanding intellectually.

Anyway, join me, GO VEGAN, and let's get out of this shithole of a plane-t while we can. Because soon they will not LET you do what it is necessary to do to escape. They want as many slaves as they can get. Human capital. They won't look kindly on you 'ascending' out of here. But they cannot stop you. As long as you learn the rules. Go Vegan. Be Vegan. Chose a vegan lifestyle. And you will 'matriculate' with honors, from Karma University. Kiss good old K.U goodbye. And if you want your loved ones to escape with you. Better start getting them onto the Vegan path. Before that path is blocked. You see I'm now sharing the top secret that you were never meant to discover. That no-one is talking about. That all the shitty 'new Earthers' and even David Icke either deny to themselves, as they 'can't handle the truth', or have actually been paid and trained to mis-direct you from. Your 'course in miracles' will achieve nothing, unless you understand that the true miracles are anything that leads you to CHOSE A VEGAN LIFESTYLE. 'You have not yet recognised' that this decision is the only important decision. The real miracle. The true path to ascension. To realising 'the kingdom of heaven that is within you'. Right now you are manifesting the hell that you are imposing on other sentient beings, in your own plane-t. In your own life. In the lives of those you love. What 'You have not yet recognised', is that key to your salvation is becoming truly vegan, and for the right reasons. My 'Optimal Ethics Generator' is the ultimate technology. It is the miracle. The 'ascension device'. The 'holy grail'. My TROONATNOOR is the real 'course in miracles'. That author even begins, as I do, with a reference to the reflexivity of all 'meanings' on this plane-t. And that the 'miracle' is the re-discovery that 'all justice in indivisible'. As I do unto others, I do unto myself. As Obadiah warned, in the Old Testament. And we shall be beings of light. Or darkness. And manifest the kingdom of heaven or hell that is within us. On this plane-t.

I explain the 'dualism' meaning in 'the fruit of the tree of good and evil' in my TROONATNOOR books. Which are the true 'course in miracles'. Written in language that anyone who is willing to understand, can understand. Lucky I am still within the 'normal I.Q spectrum', or I might not have managed to communicate things in ways that anyone can understand. To see the problems and misunderstandings normal people are likely to have. So my lack of 'genius' is a gift in itself. That said, I do have my own 'super power'. A result of a childhood of rejection and abandonment. It made me 'indifferent' to so many things most people would never dare risk losing. As I was never given them. And somehow survived without them. My super power is the ability to be honest with myself. To not need anything in particular to be true. To be able to abandon all hope. To abandon all the lies. Even the 'noble' lies. Because I had nothing to lose. I have an intellectual courage that allows me to turn and face my demons. My fears. My truths. My beliefs. I can be intellectually ruthless. No-one will be hurt by what I say, as there is no-one in my life who will benefit or pay a cost as a result of it. A true lone wolf. A loner. I had literally 'nothing to prove'. I do not need anything in particular to be true. I can handle the truth. I seek it. Because, having nothing in this world of illusion to lose, while having nothing, I can follow the path wherever it leads. And it lead here. I followed it. I suspect I will soon be leaving you all behind. But I left a marked trail. I don't think anyone has ever marked this trail so well. So clearly. For those who really seek truth. Not 'the' truth. As there is only one truth. That all meanings are reflexive. Internally reflective. And we are. You are. We are both primerties. I don't say we are 'one'. Instead I say we are 'all ones'. Indistinguishable from each other, in our true state of being. And we choose experience engines, to have experiences. But we get stuck in some, when we want to exploit others. To benefit at another sentient beings expense. To enslave others. Then we get stuck on plane ets like this one.

I'm leaving. I can't carry you with me. I can't die on a cross and save you. You have to save yourself. By choosing a vegan lifestyle. That's 'what you don't yet realise'. It took me over 50 years to work out.

You see the 'self', the 'ego', the 'experience engine', is like the thumb you place in front of your eye. It blocks out all of eternity from your view. All you see is the thumb. This is what has been done to us. And what we have done to ourselves. Remove that 'I', from your eye. Remove that ego. Remove that lust for selfish pleasure, relief, and avoidance of pain, at the expense of other sentient beings. Remove that 'will to (abuse) power'. Remove that 'my ends justify any means' logic. Because you are the other. You. Are. The. Other. For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you'. What you do to others, in the name of your own fear (which has been instilled into you from birth, but which is unjustified), or your own desire, your own lust for power and control and privilege and wealth and sex and pleasure, or your own relief (from pain which is self-inflicted and actually repeatedly inflicted any time you inflict pain on others, or allow others to do it in your name), everything that is done unto others in your name, with your consent, or done by you, is really being done to you.

This plane et is the manifestation of your 'will to (abuse) power'. Please read all my books and seed them. All of them. I have even decided that my current best-selling books on Audio Engineering, and the Reaper DAW, and vocal training, and my holistic guitar guide, should all be seeded also. In fact they've been available at Patreon TROONATNOOR for months, and I've been posting links to that page, and a folder on my Google Drive account (not in my name after having been banned) that contains all my books. My life's work. Freely given to you. You are monsters. Yes. As I was a monster. I am no better than you. I have just realised what you have not yet realised. Not yet. When will you realise? When will you 'Go Vegan'? When will you make the choices, so that you can manifest the kingdom of heaven within you?

You see you can chose neutrality. Just existing. No experience. Just being. Just knowing you are. But if you want 'a life', you have to 'eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil', and enter a dualistic, reflexive, experience engine. To have experiences. And the experiences you have will all be reflexive, will all be manifestations, of your choices. Choices about how to treat other sentient beings you have power over.

Fuck I have no idea how little me managed all this. If I can, I think most of you can. And will. Sooner or later. When will you realise it? Do you love this world as it is? Did someone promise you you could continue treating others as means to your own ends, without compassion or ethics, just as long as you 'farted facing East' or 'didn't put your penis in anyone's anus'? Or maybe if you repeated some mantra a magical number of times, you could still have people torture and enslave and brutally murder other sentient beings in your name, and 'ascend'? That the only problem was group X, religion Y, political idea Z, behavior A, thought B, virus C, pathogen D, and so on, and so forth.

Do you 'grok'?

These are the things 'you have not yet recognised'. The true 'miracles' in your life are everything and anything that leads you to recognise these truths. The only truths that matter in a reflexive experience engine like this plane et.

My head is hurting, but my heart is soaring. I searched and found. I knocked and the door was opened. I have ears and I heard. I have eyes and I saw. Yes the truth arrived 'in the house of the water bearer'. I suspected I might find it. I doubted. But I suspected. I abandoned all self-deception. All assumptions. All dogmas. All 'security' of the 'known'. I know nothing. There was nothing to be known. Except that I was. I am. And my experience will always be a manifestation of what I will. What I will for others, will be what I will experience. What I am willing to allow that others endure, I will endure. If I am willing to allow slavery, I shall be enslaved. My will be done. On earth as it is in heaven. Godhead.

Grok it now? This is what you have not yet realised. When will you realise it? And realise the kingdom of heaven that is within you.

There will always, in a dualistic experience engine plane, good and evil. Positive and negative. It is just a question of which POTENTIAL you will manifest. There will always be some of the other. The Yin in the Yang. It is the driving force of experience engines. That which differentiates them from pure being. Pure consciousness of self. Without anything else to be conscious of. No other.

I've lived alone. The need for companionship is a form of gravity. We can chose to be alone. Just be. Self. Self-conscious. Self-aware. But that is no experience. Maybe it is a relief from worse. But consider why we began playing this game in the first place. Set up this illusion. This plane-et. Why we play games at all. Out of a spirit of 'playfulness'. 'Lila'. A desire to have experiences. They are all fake. The knowledge of games is just knowledge of the rules of a game. I explain this and more in my TROONATNOOR books. Now your TROONATNOOR books.

You shall know the tree by its fruit. They are my fruit. Freely given.

If you want me to have access to resources to help others, including you, and your loved ones, then it is up to you to provide those resources.

I am happy just to do my own thing from now on. I've done what was needed. Found the path. Marked it for myself, as a reference, for when I might get lost. That's all I can do. I cannot force the miracle of having you realise what you have not yet realised. You have just one choice, on this plane et. That of choosing an honest answer to my 'Optimal ethics generator', or of deceiving only yourself, and choosing this world, exactly as it has been, and will continue to be.

Honest answers to my 'Optimal Ethics Generator' will manifest the potential for the kingdom of heaven that is within you.

Self-deception will manifest the current kingdom of hell that is within all dualistic systems, by definition.

When ends are used to justify means, they really just justify the employment of those ends, over and over and over and over and over.

The means must be something you would proudly do, publically, and have the whole universe know about, and be prepared to be judged by them, for them. If you wouldn't use these means with honor, and have these means adopted by everyone else, and thus become the 'recipient' (victim) of these means, then don't employ them. Stay clear of them. Only use means you want employed on yourself. For any means you use on others, you really are using on yourself. On your own loved ones. It is really that simple.

So no excuses. Stop defining yourself as the victim. Start recognizing and admitting that you are a perpetrator. A monster. And stop being a monster. Start behaving as you would like all other sentient beings to behave. Treat others as you want them to treat you. Don't claim 'privileged information as some form of 'received wisdom' or 'dogma' e.g 'I will torture you to death to save your soul, to make you accept X as your savior and lord'. Would you want others to do that to you? To arrive with some of their own dogma, that they believe in and 'know' for certain, and torture your children until they 'see the light'?

That was just to clarify the problematic nature of that statement: do unto others.

When will you realise, though, that what you do unto others, is what will be done unto you? Meaning, clearly, that what you do to others, you are really doing to yourself?

When will you realise there is a better way to be?

I sense I won't be on this plane et much longer. So please, seed all my books, including this post. So you can reap the harvest. So others can benefit. Or maybe it is not for me to help anyone. Maybe you all have to, over countless lives, simply learn what I've learned. Fuck, I'm no genius. I was never perfect. Not 'better' than anyone else. I just wanted to find the truth more than most. And I found TROONATNOOR. I want to share the fruits of my sacrifice, effort, risk, and suffering with as many people who might be open to it as possible.

So now it is up to you. And we are no different. Essentially. Take my '5 minute enlightenment' course. Call it a '5 minute course in miracles'. To discover that you are not the 'self' you imagine. You are pure potential for experience. And what that experience is, is up to you. To what choices you make about how to treat other sentient beings. Other beings playing the same game, on the same plane et.

I may spend some time just 'being'. Whew. A relief. And then I'll join games that are the manifestation of other VEGAN beings. Games much more rewarding and satisfying than the one we've been playing on this plane-et.

You have not yet realised all this. When will you realise. Yes of course folks, pure neuro linguistic programming.

Happy Next Lives

Sandy Hook crisis drill held in abandoned school

Which I wanted to investigate further, at the time of publishing my now banned books. And have now had a chance to. Here is a very common sense report by a man who exposed the fact that the school was NOT even in operation as a school at the time of the crisis drill. Could not POSSIBLY have been.

Note the cars in the middle appear to have been driven in at the same time, as all conveniently face their exit route. Driven in in twos, from back to front. Notice the clear asphalt, with zero signs of oil stains. Unless the Sandy Hook teachers were paid much more than usual, and drove new cars, this is just not possible. Unless of course that carpark had not been used since the last flooding, or since the required ‘clean up’ mandated by federal government, of all government sites that have been abandoned. Remember people had been buying the school furniture, at auctions, for a long time before this stunt. The school’s heating is not operating. It hadn’t been operational for years. No steam rising. On a 28 degree Fahrenheit day, in a school supposedly full of young children. There are absolutely ZERO signs that this is an operational school. Or that anyone had been on the site recently, for ANY reason at all. No bicycles in racks. No rubbish. No ‘signs of life’.

This photo was taken before any crime had officially been committed. Why are investigators, crime scene tape, and coroner, all in place BEFORE any supposed crime committed? Well, simply as this was a crisis drill. Official crisis drill. At an abandoned school. Before it became the media staged event we know of as ‘Sandy Hook’. The school is clearly empty. The carpark is empty. There is no steam rising from the heating which is not operating, on a 28 degree Fahrenheit day. The only people on site are the crisis drill participants. Then of course later they dumped a corpse at the scene, and called him ‘the shooter’. Then they paraded a few kids around the carpark, as ‘survivors’. Then the carefully chosen ‘locals’ were ‘interviewed’ as ‘parents of victims’. And paid over a million dollars each, for their participation. Did they think they were doing something ‘good’? Getting guns banned maybe? Which they see as a good thing? Or were they just in it for the money? Were they offered the million up front? Or only when the fear of them exposing the hoax arose, later?

David Wheeler (bad) crisis actor above and below left, holding his weapon by the magazine, which NO trained weapons handler would EVER do. And why all the weapons anyway? Draping automatics across his chest. Holding up sniper rifles. Who was he planning on running into on that set? An abandoned School? Rambo? But his alert gaze is on the ground in front of him? Point man for ‘cluster fuck’ Platoon? Come on. At least TRY to look military.

It’s a real growth industry for aspiring C grade actors. A bit of hair dye, don’t even bother getting new props (glasses), and your set for your next crisis acting engagement. Susan Bro is now Donna Soto. But again, is the lack of professionalism deliberate? Like the absurd ‘Holocaust’ Gas Chambers and ovens? Designed to be easily exposed later? I mean, with such huge budgets running to the hundreds of millions (in payments to ‘families of victims’) wouldn’t they have made just a little more effort? Seems to me they WANT us to figure it out, sooner or later. To throw someone under the bus. Someone they WANT thrown under the bus, at the right stage in their strategy!

Superimposing the photo of Noah Pozner, one of the supposed ‘victims’ of Sandy Hook over that of his supposed ‘step brother’, Michael Vabner, reveals they are one and the same person. No dead step-brother. Just the same kid. A DNA test would prove this immediately, with zero doubts. I guess he is very keen to have that test done, to prove we are all ‘conspiracy nutters’? Or would getting a DNA test be ‘defaming the dead’ and ‘just like killing him all over again’? It doesn’t take any imagination to see they are one and the same person. What ‘noble lie’ does he think he participated in? Or was it just for the money? The million plus payout his family got? Noah Pozner never existed. Except as a name given to a childhood photo of his supposed step brother Michael Vabner. His father is now active as the ‘HONR network’ harassing Sandy Hook hoax exposers.

More Sandy Hook survivors, like Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster ‘twins’? Is anybody even bothering with THAT deception? Do they think they participated in some ‘NOBLE LIE’ ? And what positive ‘ends’ do they imagine the ‘means’ they participated in are going to achieve? I guess their families getting over a million bucks each is enough ‘shush’ money?

I guess, like the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster, these 11 young women are all ‘twins’ of the people who were murdered at Sandy Hook? Here we are dealing with the ‘living dead’ from Sandy Hook, the Crisis drill carried out at the ABANDONED school site, and used to demonise the Second Amendment, and ‘take away our guns’. How much did these girls each earn? Their families all pocketed over 1 MILLION dollars each, for their C grade acting performances in ‘Sandy Hook’ a.k.a ‘Why gun I control is necessary!’ Tom Cruise must be fuming at the mouth. Why even bother with acting school, when the lamest of performances can net you a million bucks!

The man to your left was photographed drilling holes in the window frames. Ballistics experts will tell you that such ‘groupings’ are virtually impossible under the best of conditions. Now he knows he is faking evidence of a crime. But why did he agree to do it? What ‘noble’ or ‘idealistic’ aims does he have? Or would he drill holes anywhere, is someone payed him, no matter what the purpose his employers intended for his handiwork?

Here we have the few child crisis actors hired for the day, being choreographed, directed, and re-shot, several times, to ‘get it right’. In a school of 400 children, these were the only children EVER photographed. Despite all the security cameras. All the helicopters. All the car cams. All the phones of people supposedly at the school. Children were reshuffled, to give the photo-op desired. ‘Survivors’. Of a crisis drill. Today they could expose the whole hoax. But would they? What ‘glorious utopian ideal’ do they think, did their parents think, they were serving? Or was it just for the cash?

Freedom of speech? Academic freedom? Collective ignorance produced when most ‘authority figures’ self-censor to avoid losing their jobs?

You don’t need the pretext of ‘hate speech’ or ‘holocaust denial’ laws to destroy people. You don’t ever have to admit WHY you are destroying someone. You just find a way. Then destroy them. In this case someone later admitted why this Sandy Hook hoax exposer was fired from a tenured position. Something almost impossible to do. Never happens. You can be a convicted criminal and retain tenure. But say something the Cult of Judah don’t want you to say. Expose one of their hoaxes. And you’re finished. They will look really hard, and find something irrelevant, as use it as the excuse. Or simply make something up


Heather Heyer, a photogenic woman who died the day after Charlottesville of a heart attack, was offered to us as a 'victim' of the Charlottesville ‘car rampage’. This slim heart attack woman who died the day before the supposed ‘car rampage’ at Charlottesville we were told killed her, is supposed to be the same on the car and the stretcher below?

We also have ‘alt’ photo’s for this staged scene with the woman in the blue shirt, using different set-ups, where sometimes there is one car, sometimes 3, and sometimes a different model car. Go online and find them. They staged that ‘car sequel’ like any other MGM production. With many alt scenarios and shootings. I’ve recently lost some excess weight, and everyone can see it IN MY FACE. People who are obsess do NOT look like Heather Heyer. Assuming we are meant to believe that the woman shown in the ‘scene’ above was Heather Heyer.

Faked deaths of troopers in helicopter crash

Las Vegas MGM insider trading scam as gun control stunt

Now let’s look at the Las Vegas shooting, which occurred after I’d published my now banned books. Monday, October 2, 2017. 58 dead and 500 injured? MGM Mandalay Bay Hotel. All from gunshots? Hmm. Let’s see what the official crime reports for the Las Vegas Police Department have to say on that count. Here are the Official Las Vegas police reports showing every crime committed from before until well after the MGM ‘gun’ extravaganza. Not a single shooting, let alone homicide / murder, reported. So there you have it. Official. Not a single person was shot at the MGM Mandalay hotel or concert ground. Not a single real gunshot fired. No victims. Just another ‘faked’ shooting. Just like Sandy Hook. And The Boston Marathon.

This man, Stephen Paddock, is not the guy who supposedly shot the unlicensed security guard MGM, inexplicably, and in contravention of State laws, and hotel policy, supposedly hired, and then shot himself in the chest and head, or was it head first, and then chest? They got some poor stiff out of the deep freeze (had they murdered him recently in preparation?) and didn’t even defrost him properly before depositing him in Paddock’s room, surrounded by Paddock’s merchandise. Like they dumped the ‘shooter’ for Sandy Hook, another corpse, at the crisis drill site, the ABANDONED Sandy Hook elementary school. I think the man above is CIA. Like Timothy McVeigh. Alive and well now, somewhere. Or dead in a ditch somewhere. It can go either way with the Cult of Judah. This guy set up a backstory for the MGM production. A basic premise. Guns are bad. Guns kill people. People should NOT be allowed to have guns. Simple message / theme reiterated over all the faked shootings and false flags. Research on the U.S victims of ‘Port Arthur’ will probably reveal they are either alive and well, or were all ‘deceased’ from random causes, before or after the alleged shootings. Oh, just to restate the FACTS. NO-ONE was killed at the MGM Mandalay production of ‘Guns are bad, revoke the Second amendment’. That fake security guard probably wasn’t even shot. And the corpse in Paddock’s hotel room had been dead a long time. Defrosted from the mortuary. His clothing still dripping wet. And none of the supposed ‘victims’ seen in the hospital were even being treated in any way for any condition. Not even on drips. Not even being monitored by any staff, in any way. Just crisis actors ‘in search of a plot’. Soros or MGM had hired empty rooms at the hospital. I bet no-one at the hospital has any record of any ‘intake’ from MGM Mandalay being ‘treated’. Not even an insurance form. But guess who is ELSE is not likely to cooperate with our investigations? From the Las Vegas coroner down, a total cover up

At first they stalled. The body they had was too short. Like the JFK ‘corpse’, ‘it just didn’t look like him’. So they stalled. So they would have time to destroy the evidence. Typically you ‘cremate’ evidence. Burn it. So there IS no evidence. Which is probably why the ‘Holocaust’ script writers chose ‘ovens’ as the means of disposal of THEIR non-existent victims. I have argued they should have gone with ‘shootings and burials’, as being more believable. But maybe THEY were thinking more along the lines of ‘well, what if they decided they wanted proof, and went looking for the graves?’ I admit, they have a point. So maybe I am wrong about them planning, eventually, to expose the fraud, and ‘throw the ‘Jews’ under the bus’. Just remember, all of your people serving the Cult of Judah, or whatever franchise of that cult you imagine you are serving, that they will dispose of YOU as readily as any other ‘evidence’ or ‘adversary’ a.k.a ‘threat’ to their plans to enslave this plane-et.

3 inches difference in height between the supposed shooter, and the corpse dumped in his hotel room. Not only did he shoot himself in the chest, THEN shoot himself in the head, and ensure the bullet casings hit the ground AFTER his blood, but he shrunk 3 inches. IF you can swallow the MGM film script premise and suspend disbelief.

The footage of what REALLY happened at the Pentagon on 911 was quickly 'disappeared' by the FBI from the petrol station security cameras which had a perfect view of the real explosions (no airplane again), in Las Vegas officials quickly confiscated all recording devices like phones and laptops, again in contravention of the U.S Constitution, and fully planned for in the 'crisis drill' preparations, so that no REAL NEWS, no REAL footage of what did NOT happen at that concert and alleged 'shooting' could get out, and contradict the 'official narrative'. Remember that just before 911 all phone cell towers ‘went out’, and just before Princess Di entered that tunnel in Paris, the camera on that tunnel stopped working. Coincidences? The next Windows update may delete targeted photos and videos from the computers of everyone with windows operating systems. It is not hard to ‘word search’ file names, or to ‘add’ invisible markers to YouTube videos and other social media site posts, that would make this easy. Windows would claim it was ‘fake news’ or ‘a virus’, or simply ‘some other unwanted file’. Unwanted by the Cult of Judah, of course. Wanted by YOU!

Bogus coroner’s reports finally issued, with all the names redacted. In case someone followed up, and discovered the ‘victims’ of Las Vegas really died of natural causes, before, or after, the alleged shootings.

No ‘Holocaust’ victims were ever autopsied. Typical Cult of Judah move. Just claim deaths, with zero evidence. And ‘shame’ anyone who dares ask to SEE any evidence, as ‘It would be like killing them all over again’. Any time the Cult of Judah is involved, normal ‘operating procedure’ is thrown out the window. You get people convicted of murder, without a single body as evidence. A-la ‘The Holocaust’, especially with transit camps like ‘Treblinka’, where Cult of Judah operatives concreted over a huge area, then claimed it was a mass burial site, and refused to allow any ground penetrating radar even, simply to verify that a single body had been buried there. That would be like killing them all over again. What gets me is that, wouldn’t it be welcomed as GOOD news if ‘The Holocaust’ were proven never to have happened? Why is it every family has a ‘survivor’, but almost none have a member who was actually killed in the supposed ‘Holocaust’? Remember that when the coroner released his reports, all the names of the alleged victims had been redacted. So we cannot even verify if any of the people ‘autopsied’ were actually present at the alleged shooting, let alone victims. Probably people who died of other causes, before, and around the time of, the MGM Mandalay hotel ‘shooting’. And by ‘shooting’ I am using ‘REEL’ life footage. You ‘shoot’ footage’. You ‘shoot’ films. That was the ONLY shooting that was going on that night. Blanks. And recorded shots. Initially not even loud enough for the crisis actors, hired 2 weeks before, to take their ‘cues’ from.

Here footage of corpses being transferred from the coroner’s mortuary van, into a waiting ambulance, to ‘stand in’ as a fake victim of a faked shooting

The clear reference to a ‘crisis drill’ that the hospital staff were told was being held at the MGM Mandalay hotel. THAT was the ‘cover story’ given to them by Soros and the MGM CEO’s people, along with the ‘gun control lobby’ collaborators, as part of this ‘insider trading scam’ and ‘gun control’ ‘we’re coming for your guns’ propaganda

And C grade actors without any ‘continuity’ or ‘make-up’. Not even bothering to maintain the illusion of having been shot in the head or neck.
The Boston Marathon crisis drill

Now on to the Boston Marathon. As I promised I would, in my now banned books. Caught on camera. Not confiscated by the FBI. Published on YouTube before being removed as in violation of some or other ‘community standard’ or ‘hate speech’ or ‘fake news’ ‘standard’. Here we have police, on bull horns, making sure the people understood that ‘This is a drill, this is a drill’. Just as the Boston Globe had earlier tweeted, that a ‘drill’ would be held, with a fake explosion outside the library. Which is exactly what was presented in the media, falsely, as a real attack. Just like Sandy Hook was a registered ‘crisis drill’. And during 911, SEVERAL official drills were all taking place at the same time. Co-ordinated. To ensure a ‘stand down’. Otherwise the air force might have shot down that missile. And you’d have a lot of pilots swearing there was ‘no second plane’. Remember all the air traffic control data was seized and destroyed also, so we couldn’t review it, and show the missile flying in ways no commercial passenger airliner could managed, and no ‘second’ plane. And also the missile that hit the Pentagon..

Here is the fake explosion the Boston Globe had tweeted about earlier that day, as part of a ‘crisis drill’, during which the U.S Constitution would be brazenly flouted. Hired private mercenaries would be employed (as per Trump’s Presidential Order) and U.S military would be involved in civilian law enforcement. Of course no laws had been broken. No crimes committed. Other than by the military and police and mercenaries, during the ‘crisis drill’. And that young man murdered by police, just like the Palestinian in my videos, being run over, again and again, by police. Then accused of terrorism. Typical COJA modus operandi.

Tamerlane carried very specific tools with him, just in case he ever had to write something on the curved fiberglass surface of the inside of a boat hull?

Here a close-up of his penmanship. Find a person who can write that neatly on paper, with a pen, on a flat, smooth surface, if you can

You don’t let your ‘patsies’ stand trial. Lee Harvey Oswald was confident he would be acquitted, as the photos supposed to be of him were clearly faked, and other photos taken show him at street level. At Port Arthur, the ‘alleged shooter’ was placed in the torture of solitary until he would ‘confess’, to avoid a trial. He was mentally impaired at best. We can only guess how he got involved, after his trip to England. So Tsarnaev’s lawyers of course pleaded ‘guilty’, to avoid a trial. And the Saudi Air pilots who hijacked the 911 planes, flew them into the WTC, and then turned up for work the next day?

Body parts blown off, but no blood? Or amputee crisis actors making a few bucks on the side? Which scenario do YOU think more likely?
Dallas shooting at Main and Lamar

Just another faked stunt. Too easy these days. The media report whatever their COJA puppet masters script for them. The conspiracy goes all the way up and all the way down. These people surely imagine they are serving some idealistic, positive, greater good. Participating in some ‘noble lie’. Most have no idea they are serving their Cult of Judah masters. And paving the way for the Cult of Judah’s enslavement of this plane et. Or just ‘doing their jobs’, fearing they will lose those jobs, if they don’t. Mitlaufen. Going along to get along. Don’t rock the boat. Be a team player. Follow orders. Or get blacklisted like me. If people don’t understand the price their families will one day pay for their participation and collaboration, or even passive acquiescence, they are not going to risk losing their job, lifestyles, and often even families, just to ‘blow the whistle’ on the little piece of the puzzle they have stumbled on. Please read all my books on these subjects. Will take you a week. The best investment you could have made with that weeks’ time, I promise

JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald

This man, given the known dimensions of the newspaper he is holding, is NOT the right height to be Lee Harvey Oswald. His head was stuck on someone else’s body, in the equivalent of ‘Photoshopping’. Oswald was confident he’d be vindicated. He clearly didn’t realise they would kill him to prevent a trial. Like Port Arthur massacre ‘shooter’ who never got a trial. They don’t like trials. Too many ‘facts’ get revealed. Just like there has NEVER been a real ‘holocaust’ trial

Harvey at street level, while several other, up to 7, shooters ready in place to kill JFK?

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