Being Vegan is not about consuming a vegan diet, because it is healthier. Because it gives you more energy. More vitality. Prevents illness. Eliminates most of the ‘diseases’ of the modern world, and the maladies associated with aging. Reduces acidity and thus inflammation, and thus arthritis, cancer, ulcers, and chronic fatigue.
Choosing a vegan LIFESTYLE is about rejecting slavery. Cruelty. The opportunistic exploitation of power. The idea of benefitting at a cost to other sentient beings. Of enjoying benefits other beings pay for. Of inflicting unnecessary pain and suffering on other sentient beings, in the hope of personally benefitting in some way from this. The idea of deliberately and ruthlessly forcing other beings to endure horrific suffering, so that you might enjoy some passing pleasure or satisfaction. The notion of treating other sentient beings as mere means to your own ends.
A true vegan will not opportunistically exploit any power they have over any sentient being. Whether human or other animal.
The oldest and most compelling argument offered to ‘explain’ the ‘meaning of’ the ‘lives’ we experience on this plane-t is that of ‘karma’. Where ‘karma’ is used to describe ‘teaching’ or ‘lessons’ or ‘education’ or ‘enlightenment’. Where this plane-t is defined as a ‘place of higher learning’. A ‘correctional facility’. And in which our ‘selves’ are ‘experience engines’. This world is an ‘experience engine’. Which will manifest what is in our hearts, minds, and expressed in our decisions, choices, and actions. And become as a mirror held up to us, to show us the consequences of our desires, and the actions they generate.
This is the argument I came to on my own. And found to be the most compelling ‘meaning of life’. One consistent with the highest virtues and ethics. One heuristically practical in eliminating avoidable cruelty, suffering, pain, and misery. One which would eliminate all forms of slavery. One that could manifest ‘the kingdom of heaven that (would be) within us’, the moment we CHOSE it.
The ONLY ‘free will’ I have been able to discover on this plane-t, is the ability to choose between a truly VEGAN existence, and to choose NOT to choose a vegan lifestyle.
The world as we know it is the manifestation of the choice NOT to choose a vegan lifestyle.
The world is the mirror held up to our face, to show the consequences of this decision. This choice. This act of free will.
For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you. All sentient beings are ‘others’. You will manifest what is in your heart, just as surely as the building is the manifestation of the architect’s desires. Or a book is the manifestation of the author’s desires.
The only ‘exit’, or ‘escape pod’ or ‘ascension device’ is to the deliberate decision to ‘Go Vegan’. There is no other ‘way out of here’.
I have David Icke to thank for this insight. He ‘revealed what he sought to conceal, by way of his efforts to conceal it’.
Consider how David Icke famously validates, legitimates, and promotes, the idea of a ‘shadow government’ and ‘ruling elite’ made up of ‘shape shifting reptilians’. He is clearly NOT afraid of appearing ridiculous. Or of, by association, undermining the credibility of the entire ‘truth seeker’ movement, in the minds of the general public. Was it a deliberate Neuro Linguistic Programming ‘discredit by association’ strategy on his part? On the part of his handlers? Possibly. But at very least no-one would bother denying that David Icke is willing to ‘go out on a limb’ and risk personal ridicule, and to risk discrediting the entire ‘truth seeking’ movement, in order to publically support even the most ‘risky’ of ideas or beliefs. To his credit, if his motives are positive. Though they are possibly opportunistic on his part, and malicious on the part of his ‘handlers’. Most likely so. For reasons I now come to.
David Ickes ‘recanting’ on Australian national television, and willingness to become a mouthpiece for the Cult of Judah’s ‘Holocaust’ propaganda is telling. Would a person who has spent their entire lives preparing for such situations, have been ‘caught out’ by the question ‘do you deny the holocaust’? And thus caught unprepared, and off guard. And thus, to avoid criminal prosecution, or in hopes of maintaining book sales, and income from speaking engagements, utter Holocaust propaganda, while under pressure? David Icke can’t handle pressure? Can’t deal with mass media? Since when?
Note that I often comment that the only people who read, and ‘benefit’ from, my books, are COJA (Cult of Judah Agents / Affiliates), who use my insights to prepare their own strategies in anticipation of anyone using advanced strategies like my own. Well the television presenter appears to have been told to ‘switch the holocaust narrative away from gas chambers and crematoria, and towards ‘bullets’ and ‘shootings’.
I’ve argued that the Cult of Judah intend ‘throwing the Jews under the bus’, themselves, by having the ‘Holocaust’ propaganda exposed as a fraud. Consider why the most sophisticated strategists in the world, with thousands of years’ experience and planning, would chose the most unlikely of ‘tall tales’ as the basis of their narrative? When they could have chosen a foundation narrative that would have been impossible to debunk. I wrote that if the Cult of Judah had claimed that the Nazi’s had SHOT 6 million Jews, and buried them all over the place, I would have found THAT believable. And impossible to disprove. But they chose to go with a ‘tall tale’ that they must have known, sooner or later, could and would be disproven by scientific analysis. By sheer logistical impossibility, to be a lie. The absence of Zyklon B residue. The quantities of coal required. The rate of cremations required. The absence of any gas chambers, or crematoria capable of ‘meeting the requirements’ that the official ‘Holocaust’ narrative requires, to appear possible, let alone believable. Any Hollywood script writer would have abandoned the ‘gassings and cremations’ scenario for a more believable ‘mass shootings and random burials’ scenario. Otherwise they would fear risking the disbelief of their audiences. And the failure of their film’s premise. The idea of a Holocaust not only being instigated by the Nazis, but ever having been practically POSSIBLE to carry out. The entire film concept would collapse. Even during the ‘treatment’ stage. Long before any script, let alone screenplay, would have been financed, let alone written. And if anyone had attempted such a script, it would have been rejected. Because the viewers could not be expected to ‘suspend disbelief’ on so MANY counts.
So I feel the Cult of Judah went with the ‘gassings’ narrative so that they COULD, when it suited their purposes, EXPOSE the narrative as propaganda, as a fraud, a lie, and ‘throw the Jews under the bus’. Basically to foment anti-Semitism. Which they’ve always done. In order to exploit it, and the ‘Jews’ response to it, to their own ends. Like the COJA occupation government of the U.S exploited their 911 false flag terror, among the sheeple, to get the sheeple to at least passively consent to their planned war crimes, and erosion of liberties and freedoms, all in direct contradiction of the U.S constitution.
Just like the tiny ‘error’ in the Great Pyramid of Giza, 2/60th of a degree off True North. That Graham Hancock defines as ‘human error’, and wants to use as ‘proof’ that it was mere humans who built the pyramids, not aliens. When it occurs to me that that ‘error’, just like the Cult of Judah’s ‘impossible tall tale’, was deliberate. Not accidental. Not a ‘mistake’. But intentional. So I now ask all the astro-archeologists and megalithomaniacs out there to work out WHAT message that ‘error’ in the Pyramids, of 2/60th of a degree, was intended to SAY. To communicate. To direct our attention towards. What is ‘encoded’ in those fractions of a degree?
But back to David Icke. In his interview he became as loud an advocate of ‘The Holocaust’ as any official representative of the ADL. And an interviewer started switching / redirecting / repurposing the official holocaust narrative away from gassings, towards shootings, as I suggested they should have done from the start, in my books. And even INCREASING the death toll in the process. So David Icke has revealed his true colors. He either ‘sold out’ out of fear or selfish desire for profit / income, or was merely behaving as his handler’s, his puppet masters, had always intended he would, in the end. As controlled opposition. Gaining the trust and rapport of all the potential ‘adversaries’ of the Cult of Judah Tyrannical One World Government, and then misdirecting their attention, and leading them astray. At the last gate. Where it mattered most. At the most important time and place. Defusing their potential as adversaries, and threats to the Cult of Judah’s plans to enslave this plane-t.
But I could overlook such an ‘incident’, if not for something much more revealing that I stumbled upon, on the internet. Interviews with David Icke about ‘the meaning of life’, and this world as a potential ‘soul trap’.
It was this interview that caught my attention. And my attention remained with it, for many days. And so ultimately David Icke revealed what he has been hired to conceal. As controlled opposition, THIS was the important data he was intended to MIS-direct our attention AWAY from. Like the pretty female assistant of the stage magician, distracting us that the key moment, when the ‘trick’ is set-up. So that by the time we return our attention to the ‘trick’, it has already been completed. The trick won’t be exposed. Revealed.
But the ‘inexplicable’ (to me), behavior of David Icke, in attempting to CONCEAL the truth, attracted my attention TO it.
Why would David Icke, the promoter of ‘Shape Shifting Reptilian theory’, who I’ve never once seen mock even more ridiculous / absurd sounding ‘theories’ being promoted by ‘new agers’, than ‘the Queen is a shape-shifting reptilian, mock the most ancient, and compelling, spiritual idea of all. The most compelling answer to the question ‘what is the meaning of life’ ever offered to us on this plane-t?
Deride it. Laugh it off. Dismiss it as a joke. As incredulous. As beyond the pale. As impossible to take seriously on any level, at all. Direct his millions of followers to do the same. To simply dismiss the idea.
In the same way Alex Jones, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Paul Joseph Watson will simply ‘dismiss’, as beneath their consideration, as unworthy of YOUR consideration, the very notion, even the possibility, that ‘Jews’ might ‘control the mass media, or Hollywood, or world finance. Even though ALL the facts blatantly scream out that this is an uncontestable, undeniable, fact. Or the same behavior on the part of Noam Chomsky, in relation to ‘911 was a joint CIA-MOSSAD false flag’.
So you see. Clear evidence now that David Icke is Controlled Opposition. Like the people just referred to. A ‘Gate Keeper’. Who is not only allowed to maintain a YouTube channel, but, like Alex Jones, and Julian Assange, et al, is constantly given mass media coverage. Basically free promotion. Free advertising. A-la ‘no publicity is bad publicity’. Free publicity. A platform. To become a celebrity. A star. To gain ‘face recognition’. To sell millions of books. To attract people willing to pay a lot of money just to hear him speak for 8 hours. To fill stadiums, like a rock star.
Now haters are gonna hate me. Like they hated Jesus. Like they hated Pythagoras. Like they hated Socrates. And Orpheus. Why? Because I am telling them that THEY are responsible for their own suffering. For their own pain. For their own misery.
People love a ‘messiah’ that blames all their woes on SOMEONE ELSE. On some OTHER group of people. Some ‘government’. Some OTHER religion. Some OTHER nation. Blame it on OTHERS.
A messiah that lets THEM continue opportunistically exploiting their power over other sentient beings, by enslaving them, and treating them as mere means to their own ends. A god that legitimates THEIR enslavement of other sentient beings. That validates THEIR opportunistic exploitation of the power THEY have over OTHER sentient beings.
Such a messiah of such a god, such a prophet of such a god, is always WELCOME. And has a chance of becoming THE dominant hegemonic cult.
So David Icke has avoided the MOST crucial element of spiritual awakening. That of taking response-ability for our own problems. Of defining the ‘exterior’ world we experience, as the manifestation of our own INTERNAL world. The manifestation of our own free will, desire, intentions, and the actions these motivate and inform.
The ‘Pilgrim’ is doomed to making ZERO ‘progress’, as long as they fail to see that THEY are the CAUSE of their own problems. And the ONLY source of their OWN salvation.
And this is what Gate Keeper and Controlled Opposition leader David Icke is dooming all his followers to. FAILURE. For unless you take responsibility, and recognise your response-A-bility, and choose, of your own free will, a VEGAN lifestyle. A VEGAN philosophy. A VEGAN way of life. A VEGAN attitude. A VEGAN consciousness, you are doomed to constantly returning to this plane-t. Until you DO learn the lessons it has to teach you. As a mirror of your own will. As the manifestation of your own will. As ‘your will done’. Unto YOU, as you would do unto others.
For this world IS ‘the kingdom of HELL that is within you’.
This world IS the projection of your own will. ‘The world as will and representation’.
This world is the MANIFESTATION of your will. It ‘represents’ your will.
YOU WANT SLAVERY. You want to abuse other sentient beings as mere means to your own ends.
You WANT to exploit any power you have over other sentient beings, to exploit THEM.
You WANT inequality. You WANT injustice. YOU want slavery.
Only you imagine that you can somehow exclusively be the BENEFICIARY of violence, inequality, injustice, and slavery. And never its VICTIM.

This plane-t as ‘karma’, as a ‘course in higher learning’, didn’t need to be ‘designed’ by any being. It is simply the logical, necessary, product / manifestation / consequence of your own will to (abuse) power.

There need be no ‘curriculum’ designers. No ‘test markers’. No ‘formal examinations’. No formal ‘graduation ceremonies’ or ‘accreditation’ or ‘matriculation’.

You will continue to manifest worlds like this one, as long as you WILL them into being. By WANTING them.

The Cult of Judah are beings who WANT just what YOU want. THEY are the manifestation of YOUR desires. YOUR will. And they are motivated to retain as many slaves, serving THEM, as possible. THAT is their motivation in hiring front-people like David Icke to mis-direct you AWAY FROM the ONLY escape hatch. The only ‘exit’. The only ‘escape pod’. The only ‘way out’ of this world. This plane-t. So they can continue to abuse THEIR power over YOU. To enslave YOU. Sure, next lives they will return as slaves. But they don’t ‘grok’ this. They refuse to accept this. Their will to (abuse) power is still too great. But this plane-t will eventually wear down their recalcitrance. Their willful denial of the obvious facts. That ‘For as you do unto other sentient beings, so shall be done unto you.

Of course at this moment, while they manifest as their current experience engines, they seem to be beneficiaries of this plane-t’s ‘modus operandi’. They imagine they can maintain their benefits, at the expense of others. They are addicted to the apparent power, and the privileges and pleasures they can appropriate with that power. They have little interest in facing the truth. They feel ‘at home’ and ‘comfortable’ here, on this plane-t. They are the LAST people who are going to ‘face facts’ and ‘learn their lessons’, and ascend out of this slave plane-t.

But THEY are in fact OUR best ALLIES when it comes to spiritual growth, enlightenment, ascension, and escape from this plane-t. They hold up a mirror to our faces. They ensure that ‘as we do unto other sentient beings, so shall be done unto us’. They appear as the antagonists in the script, screenplay, and film, but they are really our best ‘helpers’. They make it impossible for us to escape the facts. They highlight the truth. They do unto us as we do unto others. They make it impossible to avoid seeing the reality. To deny it. They are our TEACHERS. THEY are our gurus. Even David Icke, by attempting to conceal the truth, has revealed it to me. In a way no direct method of ‘exposition’ or ‘articulation’ or ‘lecturing’ or ‘presentation’ or ‘revelation’ could have achieved any better, faster, or more powerfully.

As Jung noted, the ‘monsters’ in our dreams are really our best allies. We must stop running. We must turn and face them. Befriend them. Ask them what it is they have to teach us, about ourselves.

So thank you, Cult of Judah controlled opposition and gate keeper David Icke. For revealing the secret by attempting to conceal it. For if you had not so openly and brazenly MOCKED the secret truth, it might not have been so OBVIOUS to me. I’d of course ENTERTAINED it for a long time. But now it seems self-evident to me. That my salvation lies in my own hands. And YOUR salvation lies in YOUR own hands. It is not for ME to save YOU. But for YOU to save YOU. And the only person I can save is ME.

But I can help spread the good news. Which will benefit every sentient being, in every way possible. So this is a win on every level. Or would be, if people would only face facts. Accept compelling arguments. Accept responsibility and recognise response-A-bility.

I don’t think this plane-t is going to be ‘converted’ and ‘optimalised’, let alone ‘perfected’. It will remain the home of those beings who choose slavery, injustice, inequality, and opportunistic exploitation of power. Beings who have not learned their lesson yet. Or who actually enjoy plane-ts like this one. There is no accounting for taste.

But the time is over for complaining that OTHERS are responsible for the state YOU find yourself in.

Sure, let’s try to set up a truly vegan nation. As a matter of heuristics. Practicality. Maybe this IS the only world available. And it is up to us to carve out a vegan niche in it, where we can enjoy justice, freedom, peace, and prosperity, by giving up illusions that we can escape the consequences of our own actions, and ‘walking away from Omelas’.

There is no point walking away from one Omelas, just to reproduce it somewhere else.

I’m willing to try to set up a vegan nation. I doubt the Cult of Judah would tolerate it. But there would be no harm trying. And it would NOT compromise our ascension to higher plane-ts, if they exist. It would be complementary. And it might be ‘the kingdom of heaven on earth’ we claim we always wanted. But remember, we will manifest WHATEVER ‘kingdom’ we carry in our hearts. The kingdom we truly desire. There is no ‘cheating’. Justice in indivisible. You can’t benefit from slavery, without becoming its next victim. If you seek to opportunistically exploit your power, and use other sentient beings as mere means to your own ends, your own pleasure, relief, and avoidance of pain, you will end up being used by other sentient beings in the same way. The costs you sought to shift / displace upon other sentient beings will ultimately be shifted by other sentient beings back onto you. With interest. Compounding interest!

Go Vegan. It is the ONLY way out of here. Of course if you LIKE it here, then get back to blaming OTHERS for your problems. Go back to attempting to opportunistically benefit from the suffering of other sentient beings. Go back to trying to enslave other sentient beings. Go back to your slave ways. Continue trying to displace costs onto other sentient beings, to force them to pay for YOUR temporary pleasures, reliefs, and avoidance of pain.

You probably HATE me, for speaking the truth. For holding YOU accountable for YOUR actions. For returning the response-a-bility back to YOU. And making YOU responsible.

But remember, we learn more from our adversaries than our friends. Every martial art honors this tradition. For it is our adversary that is motivated to DISCOVER our weaknesses. And reveal them to us, by ‘attacking’ them.

It is no different with the Cult of Judah. They attack us using our own weaknesses. We are ‘hoisted by our own petard’. For it is OUR greed, our selfishness, our ruthlessness, our lack of compassion, our tolerance of cruelty, our own employment of various forms of violence, from deception to brute force, that they wield against us, as weapons. They practice ‘Jew-Jitzu’. Redirecting our own attempts to enslave other sentient beings, to enslave us. Taking advantage of our tolerance of injustice, when it appears to serve OUR interests, to further their own, at our expense. They never would have gotten away with THEIR lies, without OUR complicity. With THEIR war crimes, without OUR willingness to ‘go along to get along’. To self-censor, to avoid persecution for speaking the truth. To self-censor to avoid losing our jobs, status, and little privileges.

And remember, the ‘Jews’ were the first to attempt to defeat the Cult of Judah, and to free themselves from that Cult. Do not automatically assume a ‘Jew’ is also a Cult of Judah Agent / Affiliate (COJA). They are just as likely to be an active adversary of that Cult. And the ‘Goy’ is just as likely to be an active Agent / willing Affiliate-associate-helper-servant of the Cult of Judah. In fact there are many more NON-‘Jews’ who are active Cult of Judah Agents and Affiliates, than there are ‘Jews’ who work for the Cult of Judah’s 3000 year plan to enslave us all, just as WE have enslaved all the OTHER sentient beings on this plane-t.

For as you do unto others, so shall be done unto you. That’s Obadiah from the Old Testament. Proving even the most abhorrent of religious texts has some grains of truth, and wisdom, to offer.

Markus Heinrich Rehbach
In exile in Estonia
April 2019

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