I get the full on enraged agression for uploading an email attachment, but 'Mr shitter' can shit and not flush, and NO-one will say ONE word to him

So I go to upload an attachment to an email, and get severely, agressively told off...very aggressively and angrily...there is a man that NEVER flushes the toilet after he uses it..I ask them to ask him to...they won't....she says she has told him many times...so I ask her to do it once now...she won't...so clearly she is lying...I've directly told the man myself...using sign language, and speaking with hands and feet, and he understood, and went and flushed...so he WILL if they tell him...she is happy to tell me off, VERY agressively, about not uploading an attachment to my email...they didn't even want me to use the computer...but tell me off, tell me to go home, laugh at me, when I ask them to simply ask this guy to flush after he leaves a big mess in the toilet...he is a HUGE guy...I have not seen the library worker ONCE say a single WORD to him about it...now she claims 'I don't speak English'...'Go home and use your toilet and internet'...the ONLY service I get for my tax money, and they treat me like this...people who sit around all day doing almost NOTHING, getting paid well...and they have THIS sort of attitude to 'the public' that pays their wages...this is an example of 'fuckers all the way down'...anarchy? when there's people who won't even flush the toilet?

There are children, women, and pregnant women using that toilet. Even the CLEANER was laughing at me, telling me to 'SHUT UP'... WTF?

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