It's fuckers all the way down FOR FULL TRANSCRIPT

One Terry Pratchet 'Disc World' character asks another 'So this giant turtle that the disc world is supported by, what is IT supported by?', and they respond 'It's turtles all the way down'.

Early this morning the 'Turtles all the way down' appealed to me in another context. Of course it destroys the 'hearsay' that some 'god' 'created' everything. The question going begging being 'Who created god then?'. And if this god always was, why can't everything else have also always been?

But in my battle with the New World Order, it takes on a much more dismal character, fitting for a purveyor of that 'dismal science', which, like Historical Revisionism, is only so dismal as it is a song bird locked in a cage, never allowed to fly free, and sing the FULL truth. It is limited to a very narrow 'song list' of what is 'acceptable' discussion. Just like most 'New World Order' 'Truthers', whose 'Truth' is limited to what is opportunistically convenient and satisfying to the speaker, and the target audience.

We want to blame the TOP of the pyramid, if we inhabit the lower levels. While those at the top, will always blame those below. So Marxists will claim 'Society is to blame'. Or to be more precise, that group seen to 'control' society and 'direct' it, the 'Capitalists'. And to be even more precise, which is as ironic in the context of 'Scientific Socialism' as 'received truth' is to religious folk, whose 'truth' is mere hearsay recieved by word of mouth, then written down, and revered as 'unchallengeable dogma and articles of faith', just like 'The Holocaust' and '911' et al.

The Aristocrats blame 'the rabble', and insist that the only 'solution' is the 'rule of the best'. The rabble Marxists insist on the rule of the 'Party', which is 'new language, same old shit'. Though they will tell the rabble they have this 'Democracy' thing, and 'The Party' represents THEIR interests.

And here we get to the 'Devil in the details'. The Marxist is just as opportunistic as the 'Noble' and 'Aristocrat' and 'Capitalist' in claiming that 'It is EVERYONE's best interests that THEY be allowed to rule'. Any 'priveleges' and 'benefits' that accrue will be defined as 'necessary' by those in power. And thus 'in the interests of those ruled'. For no-one really believes you can have people living together, and arriving from all over, without some form of rule. Some government. With a hierachical, pyramid structure of benefits, priveleges, rights, and power. And with some 'legal' violence to FORCE people to COMPLY with 'LAWS' and regulations. To prevent people behaving TOO opportunistically. Crime is the ultimate in opportunistic behavior. The Hierarch of priveleges and benefits is the LEGAL, more controlled and regulated, form of crime and corruption that is the expression of our opportunistic natures.

The poorest unemployed worker is not 'Marxist' out of conviction that this system would bring peace and justice to all people. No. They are merely Marxist out of a sense of opportunism. For the 'Socialism' offered to them is the best deal currently available to them. The best tool, means, and way, for them to satisfy their own selfish desires and impulses, to the greatest degree. Just as the Aristocracy is the best deal available to the more fortunate. And meritocracy is the best deal available to the most able.

Democracy is the offered compromise that APPEARS to offer each group the chance to opportunistically fight for the greatest share of the available resources, priveleges, and benefits, produced by any society or community. The land holder who cannot attract FREE workers, will thus be in favor of slavery, to FORCE people to work their land, at a cost that allows maximum profit to the landowner. The free workers want to abolish slavery as 'unfair competition' that is driving down the cost of labor, and thus their own wages, and thus their own 'share of the pie'.

I've been fucked over by people from every level of the pyramid, from judges to fellow homeless people. To paraphrase Terry Pratchet's characters, 'It's fuckers all the way down'. THAT is the phrase I awoke to this morning. THAT is what makes Philosophy, when it is about truth and justice for ALL sentient beings, the truly 'dismal' science. Remember Economics WAS once practised as a form of philosophy, rather than mere mathematics and statistics. So IT received that title, 'The dismal science'. But really, it is the moral philosopher, like myself, who practises that 'science'. And the awarensess has descended upon me gradually. I didn't WANT it to be true.

I've been trying to disprove Buddha. And in a way I have. Or to be more precise, I've CORRECTED Buddha, and added some PRECISION to his teachings. For I reject THIS world AS IT IS. But I find the idea, expressed by Schopenhauer more clearly, that LIFE should be rejected, LIFE per se should be regarded as EVIL, as nothing more than a trick, to trick us into enduring pain, and worse REPRODUCING that pain along with that LIFE, as ALSO missing the point. Reverse the word LIVE and you get EVIL. That's the idea. Life should be avoided. Avoid new-incarnation. Don't get stuck back in this deceptive, painful, world.

Death comes to the suffering slave as liberator, to remove their burdens and suffering from them. Death comes to the fortunate, happy, comfortable, wealthy, successful, priveleged, powerful, free, as a thief come to steal all those good things from them.

Most sane people would, if they comprehended TROONATNOOR, and considered my 'Optical Ethics Generator', introduce laws NOT to reinforce and support and accomodate the opportunism within human nature, imagining that RE-DIRECTING this opportunistic behavior in a particular POLITICAL direction will somehow produce the optimal outcomes. No, they would introduce laws to regulate the opportunism. To reduce the natural level of innate inequality, biologically inherited inequality, and social inequality, that opportunism operates from. And to ensure enough transparency to allow us to 'replay' interactions after the event, to discover if one person has deliberately deceived another, taken advantage of their good nature, behaved 'badly', and thus to redress any genuine grievances or injustices.

We MIGHT yet produce a world WORTH reproducing. A world which IS a positive experience for ALL the sentient beings inhabiting it. THAT is my aim. Buddha rejected THIS world. He introduced codes of ethics that WOULD make life much better for everyone. But he probably did NOT expect they'd be adopted. Thus he rejected this world PER SE. In its entirety. As a whole.

I intend keeping my 'mind' open, and not rejecting LIFE per se, and merely rejecting THIS WORLD as it stands, currently, balanced upon 'fuckers all the way down'.

Please, all of those kind souls who have been honest and even generous towards me, forgive me for an apparent lack of recognition. It is not ALL FUCKERS ALL THE WAY DOWN. But there are just enough fuckers at EVERY level, to prevent the good in YOU having much SOCIAL impact. Though the good you did ME, will be goodwill you shall enjoy ETERNALLY, and benefit from, I can assure YOU.

So again an article I didn't want to write. I just escaped a full blown migraine by remaining totally inactive in bed all day, wrapped up in as much warm clothing as I could find. Taking some paracetamol I found on the pavement, literally. And I don't want to enter into the state required to write philosophy, and into another full raging migraine, after having just barely escaped that miserable suffering.

I keep hearing people utter the nonsense that 'If it wasn't for the Bankers-New World Order-Communists-'Jews'-Democrats-Republicans-Immigrants-Corrupt Government Officials-Party currently in power-Muslims-Christians-Marxists-Atheists-Environmentalists-Capitalists' then everything would be fine. It wouldn't. You would still be tempted to behave opportunistically. Rape, theft, and deception are just the more obvious, blatant forms of opportunism. Accepting 'priveleges' and 'benefits' you have NOT earned honestly is just as opportunistic. Deceiving people and manipulating and 'persuading' them to behave in ways that benefit YOU is just as 'criminal' as waving a gun in their face and demanding they hand over the same amount of money, or sign the same contract, or agree to participate in the same interaction.

The REAL problem is that it is FUCKERS ALL THE WAY DOWN. From the 'one percenters' to the homeless. Fuckers are the true 'Super Structure' Marx complains about, but wants to locate, for convenience, in the group HE wishes to remove from power, simply to REPLACE. Fuckerism is organic. The masses were not tricked or coerced or forced into building the pyramid. The hierarchical systems of benefits and priveleges. The corrupt system of unearned and unjustifyable inequality. This pyramid is the result of the natural, everyday, organic behaviors of humans. An authentic expression of human nature allowed to express itself in camouflaged ways to avoid being 'called out' for what it is.

We have to look in the mirror. There is no 'working class' or 'capitalist class' or 'one percent'. There are Billions of individuals all behaving opportunistically, seeking to gratify their selfish desires, and willing to impose costs on OTHERS in order to do so.

The ONLY way to reform and ennoble this world is via my 'Optimal Ethics Generator'. Until we DO act and calculate as if we WERE sure that we are bound to be randomly NEW incarnated on this world, over and over, without end, and define social conventions and laws with THIS article of faith as the ONLY dogma, Buddha and Schopenhauer will be right in rejecting THIS WORLD.

But please, remember that this world is just ONE possible world. There is no need to reject LIFE per se. That would be unfair and unjust to LIFE. IF we have any 'free' will, that is. I'm still trying to find some. For if we can CHOOSE FREELY to adopt something like my 'Optimal Ethics Generator', then we can rehabilitate this world. But if I just happen to choose it in a deterministic fashion, by sheer chance, and accident, then we'll have to wait until that same ACCIDENT occurs to enough people for it to have positive consequences, and become 'the norm', and generate the sort of world my Protocols describes. But there IS hope even in the absence of FREE will. For I don't imagine I am 'morally superior' by WILL alone. It PERHAPS my OWN suffering as the VICTIM of OTHER sentient beings that prompted my compassion and empathy for OTHERS that might possible suffer as a result of MY actions, in satisfying MY desires. This is one concept of KARMA. As a 'teacher'. That we suffer in order to learn that our actions have consequences for OTHERS, and that 'As we do unto other sentient beings, so shall be done unto us'. This requires NO free will at all. It allows for the evolution of empathy and compassion and a genuine DESIRE to BE honest and fair and just TO OTHERS, without the need to INVENT any 'noble savage', or even 'free will'.

So I don't reject LIFE per se. I reject THIS life I've been forced to endure. THIS world as it currently exists, that I inherited. And which I, by vasectomy, and lucid living, seek to avoid RE-producing.

Until WE decide NOT to behave like 'fuckers', and regulate our OWN selfish desires, and seek to satisfy them in ways that harm no other sentient beings, it will be 'fuckers all the way down'. It won't matter which level of fuckers we promote, and which we demote, up and down the pyramid. The pyramid will remain. The levels will just be inhabited by different fuckers, from time to time.

Now to rush off to the library to upload this, and email my latest song sketches, ideas, and lyrics to potential collaborators in Israel, which I'm trying to get produced as the 2020 entry Eurovision entry for Palestine. I hope to have it recorded by Palestininan and Israeli children, youth, and musicians, in Palestine and Israel, as a model of collaboration and hope. Something positive. It truly is 'Time to start something new' and it truly IS 'up to you and me'.

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