TronTrade Trading Event - 10k ICEDIUM

Guys, if you are familiar with you need to know about the trading competition they have going on right now.

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Im sure you know about these types of competition but I just wanted to let you guys know that there is a total of 10,000 ICD tokens available for grabs, with 7k going to first...

To put that into perspective the trading price is currently 40 TRX each (at the time of writing this) That is 28k TRX worth of tokens going to winner, with a bunch of other great prizes too. Read below to see the official competition info. Their Homepage Contest leaderboards List of events

The listing of ICD on TronTrade deserves a celebration, that is why we will reward our top traders with a total number of 10.000 ICD tokens.

The Top100 ICD traders (Total Volume) will be rewarded according to the distribution below:

Main Event Distribution: Total Rewards:10.000 ICD

  • Top 1 Trader: 750 ICD
  • Top 2 Trader: 500 ICD
  • Top 3 Trader: 300 ICD
  • Top 4-10 Trader: 180 ICD
  • Top 11-20 Trader: 150 ICD
  • Top 21-30 Trader: 120 ICD
  • Top 31-40 Trader: 100 ICD
  • Top 41-50 Trader: 80 ICD
  • Top 51-60 Trader: 70 ICD
  • Top 61-70 Trader: 60 ICD
  • Top 71-80 Trader: 50 ICD
  • Top 81-90 Trader: 40 ICD
  • Top 91-100 Trader: 30 ICD
  • Start Date: 07/25, 00:00 UTC - End Date: 08/02, 23:59 UTC
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