The TronOne Ripp Off

TronOne seemed very promising, claims of sustainability and longevity, earning higher interest rates to entice you to not withdraw. Claiming to be the " First Ever Smart Contract" This new DApp has a contract that is transparent, sustainable, and fair to all investors join at a different time. From 3.6% to 6.6% per day, earn bonus rates over time. Verified and open source contract, 100% security guaranteed.

About 24 days ago, waiting at the gates to start this new dapp, being one of the first to invest in this new sustainable dapp, making promises of longevity with incentives not to withdraw. I went and found two referrals making the 2nd tier of the referral program. Investing my Tron on day 1, things were looking good, small numbers were investing in the contract according to the Telegram channel, things were going as planned. Day 15 TronOne launches the T1T token to help keep the sustainability to the contract up, and pay dividends to the token holders, and I bought into the tokens also.

Day 20 there is a noticeable withdraw in the contract, but it seems to hold, I know that being one of the first investors from day one, I am at the same level of interest rate as the rest of the day one investor's. We are all at a 5.5% interest rate with 9 days to go to get 6.6%. The contract is holding at 1.4 million, and I haven't made a single withdraw. Withdrawing would reset the interest rate to 3.3%.

Two days ago I notice the Token value isn't going up. The contract is holding tho, with a small drop to 1.2 million, thinking that some are happy with the 5.5% and started to withdraw, not having weak hands, I didn't flinch.

Waking up this morning and checking my balance, I only had a few days and I would have broken even. All looked good, right on target, but still, the token value hadn't gone up. making less than 1 Tron on a 250 tokens investment. I decided to check it in a few hours.

I was shocked to find the contract was empty, and I didn't even get a single withdraw, because I was enticed into not withdrawing. Losing all my Tron that was withdrawable, losing my entire investment. The T1T token never gained any value, in fact, it lost value. I like many others lost Tron in this dapp, that claimed that it was going to last forever. It's sustainable as Admin on Telegram was claiming.

I took a risk, I was duped into believing that TronOne had the answer that investors were looking for, an incentive program to not withdraw, progressive interest rates and a Token. All too good to be true. Another Failed Dapp contract, who was the whale that withdrew all the Tron in less than 5 hours? Was it one person or a carefully planned and orchestrated maneuver to keep this Dapp Sustainable on the losses of most of its investors?

The Dapp space is the wild west. Anything goes here, rip-offs, scams, hacks, theft, and fraud. With no oversight, no Tron cops to patrol the vast territory of scams and frauds, we the investors into these Dapps must reign in the control of the Decentralized world. I would not recommend investing your Tron into any New Contract created by TronOne. Altho I did recommend this to the public, I must apologize to the 2 referrals that bought in under my name.

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