I have 500 Steem to GIVE Away in Steemit.Chat! Starts 30 Minutes after Posting this!!

All you have to do is answer random trivia questions! Tonight we'll give away at least another 25 Steem!

Join us in Steemit Chat "General" room for your chance to WIN!

The Steem Giveaway Trivia Challenge will being when this post is 30 minutes old. Don't be late!

NOTE: I try to run these as close to daily as possible. Keep an eye out for posts like these letting you know when we'll be starting.


If you are catching this post early and actually read this far down...you're in luck!!

We're starting when this post is 30 minutes old!!

CLICK HERE to go to Join the Chat and then click on the "General" room.

Q: Why are you giving away 45 US dollars worth of Steem a day?

Because it's fun!

So many of us get SO serious about getting out posts done, trying to get votes, watching the crypto charts, the list goes on and on. I'm not saying these things aren't important...but Everybody Needs a Break Sometime!

[UPDATE: Thank you to everybody who joined tonight! I couldn't think of a better way to give out 35 Steem!]

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Take my money

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