Trivia #9 - Musical performance without sound 冷知識 #9 - 無聲的演奏

Do you know how to play a musical instrument? None? Never mind, there is a song that you must know how to perform! Check this video out!


Thinking if your earphone has a problem? Not really, this is a song called 4'33" composed by John Cage in 1952, and the music score does not have any notes on it. This song has caused great controversy and some people believe it is not music at all.

以為自己的耳機壞了?非也,這是John Cage在1952年創作的樂曲,名為《4分33秒》,樂譜上並沒有任何音符。這首樂曲引起了極大爭議,有人認為這根本不是音樂。

But John Cage stressed that this song is not silence. There was the sound of wind, raindrops and people talking during the three movements of this song! (I dare not quote the exact speech since I will be caught for plagiarism, for the original transcript, please refer to this link.)

然而 John Cage 強調:這首歌並不是所謂的沉默!在三個樂章之中,你可以聽到雨聲,風聲以及觀眾的談話聲!(我不敢把他說的原文直接貼在這裏了,以免被抓抄襲,如要看原文請到這裏。)

Next time when someone asks whether you know how to play an instrument, make sure you say yes!


Previous trivia 冷知識重溫

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Trivia #8 - Air conditioner was not made for human originally!

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