“You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.”

So many people dwell on the past. They dwell on the mistakes they've made, the actions they took, and often the actions that they didn't take.

Many people live a life filled with regret. They don't travel and see the world in the way that they've always dreamed, they don't have their dream job, they didn't chase after their ultimate dreams in life.

It's so easy to get caught up with the mayhem of life. It's so easy to give in to societal pressures and do what everyone else is doing. This causes a lot of regret and people dwell on this regret and end up wasting even more time in the future!

It's a vicious cycle. Maybe this quote can help you:

“You cannot start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the last one.” Michael McMillan

If you're always looking in the rear-view mirror of your life and looking at all your past mistakes, regrets, missteps, etc. then you will never be able to look forward with clarity.

You have to abandon all those notions of what you've done in the past. You have to get over yourself and you have to get over your own insecurities.

If you don't, those insecurities will plague you forever. They will haunt you. They will prevent you from building new memories and having amazing experiences that you actually want to have.

Close The Book

It's time to close the book on your past. Forget about what you've done or didn't do and focus on the present moment.

Focus on being happy, today. No matter what external circumstances are going on around you, make the decision to just be happy.

When you bring an optimistic outlook on life to the table, others will join you.

Others who also have an optimistic outlook. Optimism attracts optimism.

Creating a Virtuous Cycle

Just as pessimism and dwelling on the past create a vicious cycle of inaction and unhappiness, so does the opposite ring true.

Optimism and being present and enjoying life creates a virtuous cycle of action, happiness and good relationships.

A virtuous life filled with good experiences, happy memories, creativity and ultimately doing what you love to do every single day is within reach for everyone, regardless of their external circumstance.

Make the decision to change your life. It's as simple as building a few habits that keep you anchored each day. A few habits that ensure progress in your life. That ensure that you're constantly moving forward and learning and growing each day.

My favorite habits that I keep everyday that keep me moving forward are:

  1. Running
  2. Working out
  3. Reading
  4. Writing
  5. Talking with friends
  6. Preparing for travels
  7. Being present in the moment
  8. Always being optimistic about tomorrow

Don't be afraid to be happy. It's a state of being, not something that can be bought or sold.

Take a moment to look up and smile and remind yourself that today is a good day!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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