A Creative Mind is a Valuable Mind

I’m incredibly fascinated by this idea that your mind is valuable. Of course, everyone thinks their mind is valuable and that their thoughts are similarly valuable as well. That’s not the kind of value I was referring to though.

They’re thinking more in terms of social value - their thoughts are valuable in the context of being a human and interacting with other humans. The type of value that I’m talking about is related to time-wealth and earning a living by using your mind rather than your time.

In my opinion, we’re living in one of the most interesting times to be a human. We have this incredible technology at our fingertips that can allow us to connect with each other from anywhere in the world to anywhere in the world. We can even contact people in the space station orbiting the Earth!

Further than that, it’s easier than ever to see the wonders of the world - travel has never been cheaper, faster or safer than ever before.

What’s more, the definition of “work” is starting to morph into a whole new beast.

The ridiculously overused question of “what do you do?” hasn’t changed much over the past 50-100 years, but peoples' answers sure have changed.

When you ask this question amongst millennials (let’s say 22-28), you’re gonna get some pretty wild answers. Some people will say that they earn their living by traveling the world and taking photos, others may say that they mined Bitcoin for 3 years before it was popular and now their retired. Others may say that they are an instagram influencer. Some are youtube vloggers, etc… The list goes on of crazy jobs in this new world.

Don’t get me wrong, many people - in fact, most people - still work the traditional 9-5 job, but there’s still this new class of “working” man or woman. Tim Ferriss refers to them as the “new rich”.

This class of people - the “new rich” - are ones who use their mind to create both time-wealth and monetary-wealth.

They do this by focusing on their passion. By talking about what they love. By vlogging their adventures, by writing about the stories in their head…

In this new economy, anything is possible.

That’s what makes Steem so incredibly interesting to me. It’s a means for many people to break their way into this new economy. To join the “new rich”.

Steem allows content creators, investors and digital nomads alike to earn a living on Steem and not only earn a living but earn time-wealth and money-wealth.

With Steem, anything is possible. Anyone can work hard and be consistent with their posts and build their account up and earn an income from Steem from anywhere in the world as long as they have their mind and an internet connection.

How do you want to add value to the world?

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