A trip to the Echos of the Past Historical Trade Fair in Appleton, WI

Hello, steemians! Welcome to my page, eh!

Last weekend, we took a trip to Appleton, WI for the annual Echos of the Past historical trade fair. This annual event is something that I try to get to every year. It's a good mid-winter break for me, it gets me away from the house for a couple of days, and there's lots of cool stuff for sale there. Also, it's only about 150 miles from where I live in da U.P.

I remembered to take a few pictures before I got distracted by all the stuff to look at. The show is held in a big convention hall, and yet it still is packed with vendors.

There's a large variety of things on display, from the colonial period right through the old west. Most of the stuff is reproductions of period items, but there are also some antiques from the period that can be bought, if you have the money for them. You also see people in period clothing, both vendors and customers.


This vendor had a good variety of period correct tinware and copperware, as well as beeswax candles and a lot of other stuff. Most of the tinware is actually made from stainless steel now so that it won't rust with use.

There were some really good period costumes being worn by many of the vendors.

A few of the black powder muzzle loading firearms that were for sale at the show. Some were flintlock and some were percussion. Some of them were actual antiques, and some of them were custom made reproductions. There were also some mass produced reproductions for sale.

And, of course, there's this. Me, trying on a real racoon skin hat. I didn't buy it, it was hand made, and had a price tag of 160 dollars, if I remember correctly. A proper mountain man hat! The possibles bag that I have over my shoulder is mine. This was at one of the biggest leather vendors at the show.

I forgot to take any more pictures after these. In the old west section there were several antique rifles, including a civil war era Maynard single shot breech loading carbine and a civil war era Spencer lever action carbine. I've seen a couple of Spencer rifles before, but that's the first Maynard carbine that I've ever had my hands on.
All in all, it was a really good afternoon at the show, and I didn't even over spend my meager budget. :-)

That's all I have for this post, I hope you found it interesting!

Thanks for stopping by my page and checking out my post, eh!

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