What Did God Say?

So… “We BEGAN”... The Book of GENESIS… Covering THE BEGINNING and the first 5 DAYS of CREATION…

...We begin tonight in a special place… “With God having BEEN AT WORK”… He just CREATED the ENVIRONMENT… (The perfect environment) to CREATE and INSERT MAN into…

… So in Chapter 1 verse 26… We got THE WIDE ANGLE VIEW to this 6th day… Of Creation...

...Then as we get to Chapter 2 verse 7… The writer ZOOMS IN… In MORE DETAILS about the CREATION of MAN… (Sort of going from the Blimp... Or airplane to the front row on the 50 yard line of the football field)...

… Genesis Chapter 1 verse 26… It’s a biggie...
26 Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;

… Who is “US” and “OUR” ?… (it’s really quite simple)... IT’S GOD …

… The Hebrew word translated “God” is... Elohim…

... “El” is the singular form... “Elohim” refers to three or more together… (So it’s established in HIS WORD… That God exists in 3 persons… Who are ONE… One Person… One God)...

... So… (Simply)… The very word “God” (In Hebrew?)... Speaks to A TRINITY that is revealed to us in the WHOLE of Scripture…

… And so much evidence exists around us… Of SUCH A FACT…

… It should be Interesting to us… (That in fact)... WE TOO... ARE TRIUNE BEINGS... (Have you ever talked to yourself ???)...

… If you say “NO”… Then Something is wrong with you… (God is talking to Himself in this instance… And for a reason)...

… We see this TRIUNE PLATFORM in us... (in the reality)... That we are body, soul, and spirit…

… The BODY ???... Refers to our physical being... (We are here in the Present)... (Are you not ???)...

… The SOUL ???… Refers to our mind, will and emotions (And relates to other people)... Our Personality… Individuality... (OUR INTERACTIVE PRESENCE... Right now in the PRESENT)...

… For the Body to have life and for the Soul to be present… There must always be A 3rd INGREDIENT...

… THE SPIRIT ???… (It refers to LIFE)… And it is a key member for our eternal being... (And relates to the basic order of life itself)...

... I believe we are TRIUNE BEINGS of A HIGHER ORDER than that of THE ANIMALS… And other living things... (We were created in God’s Image)...

… We we're Fashioned ???… For the Coming of God to man… In Jesus Christ... (Think about that!!!)...

… (Made also) for another member of the Trinity TO INCARNATE… And to dwell in… (The Holy Spirit)...

… Some say Animals have only BODIES and SOULS... But that they do not have any semblance at all of spirit… (I Disagree with that)... (I am willing to be convinced otherwise)... But I see they are living... Have life...

… I think… However… It is safe to say this… That in MANY SPECIAL WAYS… We have been CREATED in the IMAGE OF GOD… (Meaning much more than simply being “triune” in nature)... But able to house and fellowship with God. He can dwell in us. Be one with Him in Christ.

... We have been created in the Image of God… Which is IN A HIGHER and DISTINCT ORDER… That is VERY SPECIAL in more ways than one…

I say… “Be careful”… Because even A SIMPLE LAMP… Seems to based on a TRI-UNE PLATFORM… (Let me illustrate)...

… (Or anything that creates)… Seems to have some element of TRI-UNITY at it’s BASIS… (An Ice Cream Maker… A Computer)...

… Animals CAN CREATE NEW LIFE… (But they can’t make a computer... or ice-cream maker… Or a lamp)...

… Even Take TIME for example (T.I.M.E.)... (PAST...PRESENT and FUTURE… Make up what we know as TIME)... It's .... Triune!!!!

… Evidence of THE TRINITY is all around us... And it seems to be at the BASIS of ALL CREATION… (And of WHO GOD… Elohim- has always been)...

… So God CREATED MAN ???… When God said to God !!!… “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;


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