Facebook Alternatives: Top Replacements for Privacy or Censorship Concerns

images.jpg many people are calling for a mass Facebook exodus. Others have been calling for that ever since news that bots were manipulating Facebook, whether from Russia or from the U.S. But still other people are leaving because of increased censorship on Facebook and the stifling of independent voices. Not everyone’s leaving social media altogether. So where are they going? Just like people from MySpace migrated to Facebook, where are people migrating now? Well, it’s not Instagram, since they’re owned by Facebook. And it’s not Twitter, since they’ve come under a lot of scrutiny lately for censorship too. Here’s a look at the top Facebook alternatives and replacements that people are trying, and that you might want to try too.

Steemit, the Blockchain-Based Network

Steemit might be the most robust site (and the robust blockchain social network) that people are trying now. It’s a decentralized, blockchain-based social network. It’s not a Facebook clone; it’s more like a merging of Reddit and Medium in a decentralized network. Users are allowed to self-censor by flagging (although flagging is discouraged), and they vote on the merits of a post through upvotes, much like you would “like” a Facebook post or upvote a Reddit submission. But the big thing that makes Steemit stand out is that you get paid for your posts in the form of Steem cryptocurrency, based on how many votes your posts get. And you also get paid based on your own curation of other people’s posts.

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