Nature Provides Us With EveryThing We Need! My Living Naturally Series


How lucky we are, to be surrounded by natures bounty, all that we need is there for the taking as long as we know where to look. We have been led on this merry dance away from the natural way of life. We have been bombarded with advertisements, telling us what we need and telling us where to get it. Suddenly we believe that it is possessions that will make us happy, that if we surround ourselves with things we will have all we need.

But this merry dance, has blinded us, blinded us to the fact that all that we need is out there waiting to be seen and harvested.

Think about it for a few minutes, think about the things we really need in life. Shelter for one, is something that should be made from natural materials, but alas so many of us have moved far away from that. All the food we eat comes from the earth, the water we need comes from the earth and the air we need is created and filtered by the plants and trees. Yet we can now purchase abodes made from unnatural and toxic materials, we buy food that is so processed that I don't even know what we should call it. The water that so many drink is so treated that it is actually harmful to us and our children and many people live in environments where the air is conditioned.

We have forgotten how to really see with our eyes, to see what surrounds us.

I done a post this week for @elamental Earth Deeds contest where I talked about the natural products I use to clean myself and my home. I didn't really delve into too much information, however now I want to. Especially the twig toothbrush. I use a twig toothbrush that is from the Salvadora Persica, or Arak tree. I but it from a local arabic shop and all I need to do is chew the twig at either end untill it softens, at which point I peal back the bark and there are bristles under neath that really are far more flexible than any toothbrush.


What I like about this twig or miswak in that it has numerous benefits for your teeth and mouth
• Plaque reduction
• Teeth whitening
• Fighting bad odor
• Killing bacteria
• Increasing salivation
• Helping with nicotine addiction

This tree however is native to the middle east and Africa, although I am Spain, I am very close to north Africa and it is quite easy to obtain these brushes. However there are numerous trees that can be used for dental hygiene, and this is really what I wanted to talk about today.

Popular trees that you can use are apple, pear, hazel, poplar, orange, ash, dogwood, willow, olive and fig tree.(that I know of).

What you need to do is collect some twigs from these trees, cut them to the size you wish. I recommend 15-20cms and remove the bark. You then need to grab a hammer and bash in one end until it splits or makes little bristles. The softness of the bristles, depends on the tree you use. It really is amazing how much more area of the teeth they cover and they really get to those hard to reach places. It really is time to get rid of those plastic tooth brushes!

Another little trick, is to use Sage leaves to clean your teeth. Just pick some leaves and rub the leaves all over your teeth and gums. This will remove all dirt and leave you smelling great. The leaves contain antiseptic properties which is really beneficial if you suffer with gum disease too. Another great one is orange peel which you can use to clean your teeth. You can also make a powder, by drying out the peel and crushing it into a powder, this is another one that will leave you smelling great. It is also a great natural tooth whiten when combined with dried bay leaves.

This is just one example of the many ways in which nature provides for us, ways in which we have forgotten about, yet are available to us all. I have decided to turn this into a series, as I would love to share with you all the many natural ways we can look after ourselves and move away from a consumerist lifestyle. Lets make use of this platform in the best way we can by empowering one another with our knowledge and skills.

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