Auragraph for A Lightbringer...


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Oracle Reading:

You are a person who’s path is that of a spiritual calling. This means that your soul has chosen to be a lightbringer. You probably already know this. This path requires vigilance. Positive affirmations, raising your consciousness, not allowing negativity, creating a mind habit of balanced positive thought – yes you can “know what’s going on” but then you must also return to Faith immediately.

Your spirituality is the most important thing. All 4 of the spiritual bodies must come under the Spiritual body. You have an obstacle in your path – a spiritual burden, but still you must place God first.

All lightbringers have to overcome many obstacles on the earth walk because that makes our Light shine all the brighter – that it continues to be renewed in Faith, through trial. Sometimes your job is simply to be a light on a dark street. At some point, thinking of the obstacles as opportunities to bring in more Light will be uplifting.

You must nourish your wild heart. Going out in Nature and hugging trees or hiking or laying on the ground or walking barefoot will be your replenish you through times of difficulty.

God does not test us, however we do have to build spiritual muscle at times in preparation for what is to come, so sometimes we simply go through hard times where we have to place our reliance 100% on the Unseen. We have to do things to strengthen our connection to the still small voice within – whatever works. Ultimately you are being fitted to carry your message into the world in some new way.

Auragraph: This Auragraph is a Mirror of you.

These symbols are mirrored in the Auragraph. There is a pentagram:


The Pentagram is an ancient symbol meaning that the Spiritual rules over the other 4 bodies – the physical body, the emotional body, the intellectual body and the passion body – all those bodies come under the Spiritual control. Know Thyself is the answer to that question – to be able to contain the erratic and often opposing forces of those other 4 bodies under the spiritual takes an act of Will. You understand that the Will is Spiritual – The Law of Cause and Effect – the will is Cause and the effect is here in the 3D. To align oneself with Spiritual Principles – like Natural Law – keeps one out of the fray or unprincipled action – nihilism – we see perpetrated upon us by the media and tell-lie-vision.

Understanding all this,the reverse pentagram is simply when the Spiritual Head is driven into the earth and the 4 bodies rule through base desire. It appears that the powers that should not be want to create a nihilistic society – through media programming they are promoting that agenda. That makes it harder to be principled, as we stand alone – we can’t rest on society in any way.

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this is a rare thing that happens sometimes - I have seen this symbol before, but I don't know where - she is going to have to figure it out - unless one you know.

In addition, there is a Rune or an astrological symbol in the folds of your clothes and it is passing over the leg of the pentagram that is “fire” - “passions”. The Rune is Hagalaz which means “radical change”. The symbol could also be Pisces. You should do some investigation into this – and feel out what seems right to you.

Hagalaz actually means crisis, chaos, hail, disaster - but I figured I would let her figure it out because if it rings true that it's Pisces - then I would rather not put those negatives into her head. She already said the year has been hard

I honestly don’t know what this symbol is… but this alchemical script seems to contain the most alike images. Maybe it is “m” and “n” together. But it is something relevant to you – so you might know what it is OR the investigation to find out is a necessary one for you…

The winged heart with the all-seeing eye – means you see through a Higher compassion – you see through your heart, and bring it to the world. You see all sides of the situation. You cannot act against Truth – you feel Truth with your heart and you can see deeply into every situation.

There is your child self that is buried behind you between your image and your Guardian – this is likely your wild heart child. Did you talk to Nature Spirits when you were a kid? It is time to go back to that. Do you have the ability to communicate with animals? You must have denied them when you entered the “world”. Your right hand – manifestation - is on your Guardian’s shoulder and your inner-child’s left arm – receptivity- is on your right arm… so she is trying to get in touch with you – to go back to receiving from Within – it’s much more important than the limited frequency that we can see with our 5 senses. Your left arm (receptivity) is buried. Also your right bare foot is visible – showing that you have manifested in the world well. But your left foot – receptivity is not visible.

Right and Left: The Right side is manifestation in the world – the masculine principle. The Left side is the Feminine principle in terms of sides, but in terms of the brain – the Right brain is the receptive side and the Left brain is the side of finite mind. The brain must be balanced in order for your Neocortex to be working properly. Neo means new – this is the brain that invents and creates – contains thoughts of freedom – thinks of others and yourself at the same time. Fight or Flight brain is at the base of the brain – often it seems that the media wants to keep us in Fight or Flight which polarizes the Right or Left side to one side or the other – being totally right brained means that you can’t stand up for yourself or fend for yourself, being totally left brained means that you can’t feel your emotions. Polarization to either side gives no access to the neocortex and being in fight or flight makes you more susceptible to being controlled by outside forces.

The eyes – the Guardian looks UP toward God. The child also looks up and you look straight ahead – meaning that you should look UP toward God more often.

There is a snake– which means there is Shadow Work blocking you from the Sunlight of the Spirit. How do I know this? The snake slithers on the ground – therefore – the snake is the closest to base desires, and it sheds it’s skin – meaning that it can Transform. The snake’s tale is coiled which means this is karmic – something your soul goes through in every lifetime. The snake’s body crosses over earth and air on the pentagram – so perhaps the shadow work has to do with manifestation or thoughts?

What is Shadow Work?
Everything is made of energy: Light. The earth, the sun, all sentient beings, all objects that are not sentient. When an object blocks the light, it creates a “Shadow”.

The lower the frequency of energy, the more “solid” it appears and the more solid creates a darker shadow when struck with light from the other side. Take a rock and a balloon – a rock creates a dark black shadow, while a balloon, which is transparent, creates a transparent shadow. The higher the frequency of the energy, there is either no shadow, or a more transparent shadow. Low frequency energy equals a solid which equals a solid dark shadow, when blasted with light from the opposite side.

The term Shadow Work is an allegorical statement regarding Light and “enlightenment” vs. Dark “shadows”; meaning that the egoic nature of low frequency actions which are simply repeated over and over, are stuck and never change because of unresolved ideas and issues that continue to play out over a long period of time, causing harm to the being who has the shadow and to other beings who are in relationship to it.

Shadow Work is the toil by which a conscious being investigates to bring the low frequency energy to high frequency to eliminate the Shadow and bring about a state of “enlightenment”.

The prayer and meditation exercise that I gave you can bring you to your Shadow Work. Once you have practiced it for a few times, you can just ask for the Shadow Work to be revealed.

A person such as yourself, with such a strong spiritual path – would likely do well by living by Natural Law principles.
Understand that there are Universal Spiritual Laws governing us – we don’t get taught this in school or anywhere. It used to be that our parents taught us these laws of morality and we did learn them through old TV shows – old westerns and old black and white shows from childhood have a moral to every story – fables – the purpose of which was not to entertain but to teach us a lesson – that seems to have been eradicated from culture now – and it seems as if the purpose or the agenda is to keep us in a state of fear because from that standpoint, we are easier to control.

However, we can claim knowledge of these Natural Laws by looking into ancient history for them.

**What is Natural Law? **
It is the most occulted knowledge. Occult from the Latin Root “Ocu” means “eye”. It means hidden. This knowledge was given to humanity, thousands of years ago, but it was taken by the Priest Class – the Mystery Schools and remains hidden from the people. It is not “taught” in school. Nor is critical thinking – which would show “how” to think about and “how” to apply these laws in daily life.

Universal spiritual laws which govern the consequences of behavior for intelligent species; meaning beings that are capable of coming to an understanding of Self /Consciousness, and are also capable of understanding the objective difference between harmful and non-harmful behavior towards themselves and other beings.
These Spiritual Principles have had many different names in many different traditions throughout the world in different times in history. Some examples are:
Law of Cause and Effect:
– “Effect invariably follows cause.”
– “For every action, there exists an equal and opposing reaction.”
Law of Attraction
– “The energy you emit is the energy you attract.”
– “Energy flows where attention goes.”
Law of Correspondence
– “As above, so below. As within, so without.”
Karmic Law or Moral Law:
“You reap what you sow.”
The Golden Rule:
– “Do not do to others as you would prefer not to have done onto you.”
– “As you think, feel, and act – so you shall be.”

Other Laws found in the Kybalion which can be downloaded for free at

Transgressions from Spiritual Principles
Harmful Actions:
Murder / Assault – Ending a life without the right to do so. If a being is killed in the act of somebody defending themselves, it is not murder.
Under no possible circumstance does the “right to murder” or the “right to assault”
exist. However, the right to defend oneself through physical force exists at all times.
Rape – Coercing the free will of another being, and making them sexually associate
with whom they wish not to.
Theft – Taking what another being has created or acquired through lawful means,
which is their property for as long as they are using it and being responsible for it. You have no right to just take something that does not belong to you.
Trespass – Every being has the right to set aside a (reasonably sized) space for
themselves. And invading this area without permission or consent would be invading
their privacy and their personal space, while taking away their security in the process.
Coercion – Forcing another being through threat of violence to have their will comply
with yours, whether they wish that to be the case or not. Making another being do
something against their will is not a right.
Although this is already a short and seemingly simple list, all these transgressions can ultimately be narrowed down to just one wrong-doing: Theft.
This refers to other beings rather than just humans, making us question how we treat animals and the every thing on earth and the Earth Herself - Gaia. What makes us believe we have that right to do the things we do? And we have to be thoughtful, for example of the things we buy – where was it made? How was it made? What is it made of? Can items really be “thrown away”? Do we do things out of convenience that cause harm? Are there things that we have always known that we do by rote that cause harm?
Rights can’t be granted to human beings by other human beings, because rights don’t come from human beings; everybody is born with exactly the same rights. Remember, in the Declaration of Independence, of the United States of America, it states “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” These “unalienable Rights” were not granted to us by Government – and they existed long before the Declaration of Independence. They were granted by the Creator.
Spiritual Principles, or the difference between right and wrong behavior, always hold true regardless of a population culture. This means that it doesn’t matter how many people agree that a wrong action can be turned into a right action, or that a right action can be turned into a wrong action. Such things can never be done in reality. People can only believe that they can fly if they jump out of the window – but it does not make it so. Then we wonder why our lives are so hard?

When in doubt as to whether an action is, or is not in harmony with Spiritual Principles, visualize the scenario of a world with only two people. If the behavior is a right or a wrong in that instance, it shall forever remain a right or a wrong in any size population; regardless of how many people may believe otherwise. So, if the action is a right for one person to do toward another, it shall always remain a right. And if the action is a wrong for one person to do toward another, it shall always remain a wrong, regardless of the number of people involved. Remember – the Declaration of Independence says God doesn’t have grand-kids.
There is much more written and discussed about Spiritual Principles. When you live by them, your life becomes easier because you are living by Truth.
A simple way to get back into alignment with Spiritual Principles:

  1. Write down all the people you are mad with a pen on paper.

  2. Next to each name, write down all the things that person did to you in detailed complete sentences.

  3. Now, write down all the things you did to them, using the Spiritual Principles transgressions as a guide. If you did not do anything to them, make sure that you have not done what you are mad at them for doing, to someone else. Be honest and thorough. The Universe knows what you have done, and balanced the books a long time ago, by making your life hard, so not writing something down will only be you short-changing yourself.

  4. Write down all the people who were affected by what you did, and all the Spiritual Principles transgressions you caused them.

  5. Now, go out and make matters right with all those people. Pay back the money you owe, time you stole. Apologize to the people you broke promises to and keep the promises. Make restitution for crimes you committed that you were not caught for – balance the books with the people you have harmed.
    Make sure that as you do this, you are not causing any harm to the people currently in your life. For example, if you owe money, make sure that paying it back does not cut in to the money you need to support your family, etc. As you begin to do this, your life will begin to get back in alignment with Spiritual Principles and things will get better for you.
    If you need help with this process, you can contact me and I will help you with it, free of charge.
    After you have cleaned up the mistakes form the past, continue to keep your side of the street clean – through daily review to make sure that you are not transgressing any Natural Law principles… with each interaction with others, pause and make sure you are not causing harm… and things in your life will be magical because your Spiritual Channel will be open and clear and you will be in alignment with Nature, God, Spirit. In this case, your psychic abilities will be strengthened and heightened.

Ways to Raise Your Vibration

  1. Making Reparations for Harms Caused – as discussed above.
  2. Gratitude – acknowledging what you are grateful for throughout the day or in a nightly review
  3. Selfless Service – give your service that you want to be paid for, away for free – or do other acts of service – the more you give the more you get. Mimicking Nature – give with no thought of reward. Give with no agenda for the outcome for the other person. Be helpful to your neighbor or family members. Ask God how you can be helpful to others and keep it a secret.
  4. Talismans – like affirmations – talismans like the ones I make – speak to your subconscious mind through symbolism. You can make them for yourself – to align your subconscious to the Higher Good.
  5. Meditation and Prayer – Meditation brings your consciousness back to a zero point of emptiness so you can look at what IS from without all your perceptions, fears and beliefs.
  6. Affirmations and Positive Thoughts – Florence Scovel Shinn, a late 1800s New Thought writer, for example, wrote many wonderful positive affirmation that you can repeat over and over until you believe them in your heart.
  7. Walking Outside in Nature
  8. Yoga
  9. Eat living food – eat more living food than dead food – get rid of the cruelty factor in the food you take in.
  10. Eradicate Negative Thoughts – Emmet Fox 7-day Mental Diet. Which I will include.
  11. Review your day at night to make sure you caused no harms to others.

Character Building:
This society that we live in has sanitized us from a lot of the Truth that goes on behind the scenes of our lives.

The purpose of Character Building is that it will help to separate you from the massive amount of programming we have been dosed with up till now, and it will help you get to the Truth deep down inside you of who you really are and who you want to be.

For example:

If you eat meat – learn to butcher a cow – watch it be killed and butcher it. If you cannot handle that then you might not be able to continue on as a meat eater. If you don’t have access to this, watch Food, Inc. and Earthlings. I include some links in my bibliography.

Ask yourself if things really can be “thrown away”. Look into what happens to the garbage in your city – or what happens to the “recycling”. Think about the resources that went to making the things that you use and the packaging. Is it sustainable? What is the solution to this?

Learn how to shoot a gun. Do a survival class in Nature. “Civilization” keeps us from these truths that will help you understand yourself better and know who you truly are or truly want to be. Go work on a farm for a summer – with Woof-USA. Or learn Ju Jitsu or another Martial Art of self-defense.

Learn Critical Thinking skills. The Trivium. Use it to make decisions along with prayer – Gather the data for each situation, consider the concept in question next to the data, and use Natural Law Transgressions to make sure none of these are in operation, the decision will become obvious. Use this method on the simplest of decisions as well as the complex ones to practice.

This is Knowledge that is missing from our “education” nowadays. Our survival is sanitized for us and it makes us weak-minded and it makes us weak of character. It makes us go along with proclaimed authorities decisions for us, rather than think for ourselves.

These activities will help you to know who your Higher Power is to you and how to align yourself with it.

From this reading, I feel this would be a good positive statement of intention for you to make into a talisman.

I follow the path guided by God through my heart to bring my unique gift to the world.

When I first started doing these I hoped that people would contact me back for the Talisman and when they did not, I started making the talisman myself as part of the initial contact – because it is the “way out” or “way to move forward” out of the reading.

If you would prefer a different Talisman, please contact me and we can do one that you prefer.

All that I have included here has to do with realigning toward living by spiritual principles… as lightbringers in this dark time we are in – we have to go back to what worked centuries ago to bring humanity back to being in alignment to Gaia rather than moving forward toward artificial intelligence.


Talisman Activation

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