TribSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello beautiful people

Here we are, at the beginning of another wonderful week on The Steemit Platform. And as usual I am here to share with you my TribeSteemUp Weekly Curation. There really are, so many great authors and creators in the tribe that sometimes it is hard work, having to choose just one article and only from some of the members as well. For this reason I advise you to keep an eye out on the TribeSteemUp Trending and New pages, so that you can see what other great content the members are creating.

The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

The TribeSteemmUp community also has 8 Pillars/Principles that each member has agreed to adhere by and you can find The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp at the end of this post

I have 21 articles/videos to share with you all today. Those chosen all embody what the Tribe Stands for and you will find articles about, anarchy, community, truth, articles are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives . For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

Medicine Card Monday #23 "Mystical Shaman Oracle - The Owl"- My Gift To Steemit - For The Week Of October 8, 2018


According to different Native American tribes, there are a variety of stories as to the belief system in relation to the owl. On the Pow Wow website one aspect is as follows:
Among many tribes, the owl is to be both feared and embraced. Traditionally, many tribes believed, (and some individuals still hold these beliefs), that certain medicine people (both male and female) could be drawn to that part of spiritual power that would do harm to other people. Some tribes called them “witches” or the equivalent of a witch in their particular language. These “witches” or medicine people that practiced “bad medicine” were believed to have the ability to shape-shift or transform themselves into an animal or bird. Many of these witches, it was believed, would change into the form of an owl so that they could fly silently through the night to cast spells on people while they were asleep and vulnerable to spiritual forces, or at the very least, spy on people and learn their weaknesses.

Puja guide for the first day of Navratri, 9 days Goddess festival!


Welcome to the Navratri
9 days connecting with the Goddess.
We connect with the Divine feminine within ourselves and throughout our lives. This sacred feminine principle is also called Shakti. It is the Life energy that is in us all. I instigate this 9 day puja from the beautiful, rich customs of Hinduism, and the nine days that are allocated each year to give extra attention to the sacred Feminine, by honouring the Goddess Durga in Her nine different forms.
The first day is today! Sheila Putri, the daughter of the mountain, is the first form of Durga that is honoured in India today.
This is the aspect of Power and Energy of the female. The Shakti for the physical manifestation of the Divine resides in the root chakra, the muladhara chakra. It is said earth is created fro there. The colour of this day that reminds us of Sheila putri and the root chakra is crimson.

Master Number 11 And How SteemFest3 Concludes On Most Powerful Day In Over Hundred Years - November 11, 2018


The number 11 and 33 have a profound meaning in Numerology and are one of the key stones for Illuminati symbolism. The day 11/11/2018, (tomorrow in one month from now) reduces in Numerology to 11/11/11 or 33, the masonic master degree and symbol for spiritual enlightenment (illumination). It will be the first time in over one hundred year that we have a perfect number 33 day and takes place exactly one hundred years after the World War I armistice.
The past has been covered with master number 11 events. I have written more closely about them in my article November 11, 2018 And The Master Number 11 - The Numerology Of The Elites. I really don't know what will happen that day and fearmongering is the last thing I try to achieve. I see this rather from the perspective of the initiated, to try to understand the symbology of what is going on in this world.

Diamonds in the Rough - Mindblowing Contemporary MediaShamanism (feat. Omega Point's video archive)


Many of you will be familiar with the concept of MediaShamanism that I have written about and eventually brought into the English language space through the large-scope dub I have produced based on the work of the German Doors of Perception Ethic Committee that has been instrumental for me in holding fast to my mission in media productions for humanity to consider.
In case you are not familiar you can watch that video here before we get to the channel I want to recommend to you today.

Down the Vaccine Rabbit Hole, Episode 1: "The Government Would Never Do That!"


I recently decided that it was time to turn my hobby & skill for research & synthesis to the topic of vaccines, as this is one of the most emotionally charged and factually confusing topics in the global conversation right now.
I've already learned a lot of things about this debate, and how far the mainstream conversation is from actually looking at the most important factors. As my preliminary research has led me to pages of notes, hundreds of bookmarks, dozens of documentaries & books, and an ever-increasing number of studies to read, I've realized that this will necessarily be a multi-part series.
So, before even approaching the topic of vaccines themselves, let's explore the world in which we're living, the history of the US government & its corporate confederates when it comes to scientific testing on unknowing masses, violating informed consent, and an extreme lack of concern for human health & life.

Why I Write Under The Tags Of Spirituality/Esoteric & Truth/Conspiracy


So last night after fourteen hours at work I sat down and tried to finish the philosophy post I’m working on. Alas at about three in the morning, it became apparent that I wasn’t going to be able to finish it to my satisfaction. In terms of my writing, I’m a bit of a perfectionist so unless I feel it ready I won’t put out anything that feels rushed or unfinished. Whether anyone else likes it or thinks it's any good is a different matter lol but personally it has to meet my expectations before it see’s the light of day. That said, it’s not far off so I’ll definitely have it finished and tidied up over the weekend.
With regards to my esoteric and metaphysical philosophies; once I have written them I construct the concept (metaphysical reality) in my mind’s eye and observe how every component connects to the greater whole of the philosophy, if there is something that doesn’t flow correctly or a part that is missing I go back to the perceptual drawing board .. and that's where I currently sit :D.

Plant Walk #4: Borage, Piñon Pine, Wild Rice, Manzanita, plus some personal updates



I am just getting into a groove of seeing some things really come to fruition, and yet I am also ready to be out of the city and on my family's farm for a week, outside all day.
I've been a little depressed here, I think in part because I don't have a home of my own, but I've been feeling a little down about myself and my work in the world and how to apply my knowledge and experience. Capitalism is weird, and 'selling myself' is not my forte. I do a podcast, write academic-style botanical articles on my blog (I don't repost them here cause that's not allowed!), send out packages called 'land capsules.' And honestly, I don't make any money doing this. If anything, I am breaking even.
I just want to offer this work to everyone for free, but I am not so good at 'receiving,' and when I try, I feel like I fall on deaf ears.

Feeling Grief for our World? Let Your Heart Break... Open


Though I often have hope, at times my spirit feels tired and world weary. Maybe it comes from living in Trump land where believers still believe though it's all quite unbelievable. It's hard being surrounded by people who I cannot understand, though we are both human.
The sheen of grief from world events is often hidden under layers of work, to do lists, the callings of life or even a very enthusiastic vision. Grief is an emotion that easily buries itself, reaching deep into bone and sinew. For where is the place for grief? It never has its time. Yet when the spirit carries too much of it, it has to come out. And today my heart feels heavy like an overweighted sponge. As I ring it out through the simple process of feeling, my heart beats and honestly it feels like nothing but love pouring straight out.
It's odd that grief, so reviled, is actually sourced in love.

Earth Deeds Volume 3 - SPECIAL EDITION - TribeVibes Community 1UP Air Drop Contest #2 - 100K UP Tokens in Prizes!!! - Contest Entry Article


This week's special edition version of the #EarthDeeds contest will have a hefty rewards pool of 1UP tokens, as well as the standard 15% @TribeSteemUp up-vote for fist place. Additionally, since this is also the second of ten #TribeVibes weekly contests, there will also be two additional place prizes given out, instead of just one. I figured since #TribeVibes is all about conscious unity, why not unify some contests in it's honor.
Since this special edition of the #EarthDeeds contest has the biggest rewards pool since it's inception, I expect to see much more participation and engagement in this week's contest. If you are reading this, please promote this contest as much as you can. After all, the more people that are inspired to document their Earth Deeds through this contest, the further our Earth healing effects will reach, by inspiring others to follow our examples, and showing just how big of a positive impact we can achieve through minimal conscious coordination.

Loving Libra -- The mystique, mysteries and magic of the Zodiac's seventh sign -- Part 2


Masters of manipulation
Much of this comes from the tension of always having to take other people into account -- people who are often not nice, not cooperative, not one bit enamored with appearances -- people not at all like Libras.
When that happens, somebody's gotta adjust!! And Libras, for all their smiles and suavity are not into being doormats all the time.
They just don't want to have to put up with a lot of yelling while they finagle folks into giving them their own way. And they can be as fixed on getting their own way as any Aries you ever met.
This means competition, conflict, confrontation and the clash of different needs and priorities all has to be expressed, managed, and covered over -- all at the same time. Can you say maneuvering-and-manipulation? Libras can manage this to a fare-thee-well ... and the gracious grin will never leave their lips.
Diplomacy was a game invented by Libra -- because all-out war is so messy after all -- and they are master champions at it on every level.

Big Pharma, Big Robbery: Your Taxes Help Fund Their Profits


I bet you love having your taxes paying for something even if you don't want it? You must also really love big pharma that's being funded by tax dollars and raking in the profits from high costs, right?
Big pharma is out to make money. Some things are ridiculous, like a new FDA approved L-glutamine based drug called Endari that costs $44,000 for a years supply. But anyone can get L-glutamine for the same health benefits for $120 for a year's supply. In years past we even saw pills get pushed to exaggerated highs, like Daraprim which costs $750 per pill, paid by Medicaid at a whopping average of $35,000.
Big pharma is gouging us with their prices. And this big robbery is compounded by the fact that the government is helping the industry fund research with your taxes. The New Republic has gone into the history of how we got here. Some of the highlights are that of 210 meds that were approved from 2010-2016 by the FDA, they all got funding from the government, coming out of research done in government or university labs.

Stop Caring What People Think-Approaching Life With Courage And True Authenticity


Why do we care so badly about what people think about us? Half the time the population is heading over a cliff face anyway. When you give up caring you become liberated. Here I discuss more in detail and just how we can stop damaging ourselves in such a way.
Tony Sayers
Love, care, courage.

The New Spirituality


What is the new Spirituality?
The new spirituality is a way of being which is holistic and integrative, it is an attitude of engaging with life not dependent on assumptions outside of our own experience. The new spirituality honors all things as they are - right now. The new spirituality moves from the truths we can experience now, and searches for deeper truths and deeper integration.
The new spirituality is profoundly grounded, and it moves forward from who we are and what we are. The new spirituality deeply honors the body and the earth, accepting it and not trying to escape it. The new spirituality reaches downward as far as it reaches upward. The value of the new dimensions we experience is only in how we can transmit them and enrich the sphere of life all around us.

What does it take to be a man?


I was feeling better yesterday, so I went for a walk in the bush. We have about 68 acres of virgin boreal aspen forest and I love spending time walking among the trees, plants, food, medicine and animals. I saw a white tail deer while I was out and, for the first time in decades, a bald eagle flew over my head. It circled a few times and then continued on its way. I was touched deeply by the eagles visit.
The totem for the bald eagle conveys the powers and messages of the spirit. It bestows freedom and courage to look ahead. The eagle is symbolic of the importance of honesty and truthful principles. It is no accident that the bald eagle came to visit me while I struggle with my post about what it takes to be a man!
I'm being told to be courageous and stretch my limits. I'm not sure how much more I can do that, but I will try.

Steem Owes Us Nothing


Over the last week or so, I notice some posts dealing with the expectations many have on this blockchain. There was a lot of emotions put forth after the Hard Fork, some of which still persist. Many on here are unhappy with how things are going.
The word "entitlement" has come up a few times. @ned mentioned it in one of his comments. Also, @tarazkp wrote a couple of posts covering this topic after some conversations with @abh12345.
I guess this is all part of the mindset of the world today and is no different on here. The overwhelming sense is that many feel they should get what others have. It really comes down to that. People feel they should come on here and instantly get what others are getting and, when they do not, they attack those who are having success.
People are like crabs in a bucket. There is no need to put a lid on the bucket to keep the crabs in. They do that for you. When one starts to escape the others pull that crab down.

TribeSteemUp T-Shirts Have Arrived! [Dabbing with a Mage episode 177]


@elamental and @hempress have brought to us these most beautifully well done @tribesteemup t-shirts. Everything about these t-shirts is amazing and Earth friendly. The fabric itself is organic, unbleached cotton that was hand dyed by @hempress and @elamental with locally foraged black berries! Join me in today's episode as I cover a bit more about these awesome shirts!

Can Violence Solve Obesity?


The UK has previously been described as the most obese country in Western Europe.
It's suggested that by 2030 that they might have around 11 million obese adults in the region. This is something that the government sees as a problem that they need to try and solve and as usual, they've turned to violence in an effort to do it.
When government looks to impose new regulations and fines, they are looking to use violence to try and solve a problem they've identified in society. It is violence because it is force that is being applied, via a central organization with a monopoly on coercion, to bring about the change they seek; threats of wrongdoing and consequences that must be faced. If you go against their edicts, the effect of that decision can be severe, you will face the consequence of being subjected to violence (in some form) in-return for your disobedience.

The True Power of Lies


This weeks episode of Surviving the matrix.

Water Footprints: Worrying about Drought and Personal Water Usage


When we lived in a truck, we'd be lucky to go through 25 litres of water a day. That was for washing dishes, cooking, and washing us. When you don't have a means to store water, and it doesn't come out of the tap, you figure out ways to conserve it. Water becomes precious.
We've enjoyed water here in Victoria for the last few years, not worrying about our use so much because we've gone through a time of plenty. Yet with the threat of drought looming, I am starting to be a little more pro-active about the water I use. I do this every year as we approach summer - I know that our water bill goes through the roof unless we're cautious.
When Victoria suffered an eight year drought, known as the Millenium drought, we suffered the worst recorded conditions since European settlement. From 1996 through to 2010, water was a rarity. It never seemed to rain. I recall going to England and seeing these beautiful, plump, bloated raindrops falling on the windscreen and squealing like a little kid, much to prospective hubby's amusement.

Duality, Distraction and Why Deselecting Is The Most Radical Thing You Can Do


"There is no need to create duality", a wise man said to me, here in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand, not so very long ago. And yet the world out there would appear to be creating, fueling, encouraging and celebrating duality.
Paradigm collapse, it would appear, is here. Gender issues & sexual violence. Marriage and family. Currency and how we exchange value. Environment. Resource distribution. How we are governed. How we produce our food. Access to education. Corporatization. The western supposedly democratic social model - the great American dream, if you will - that was to give all of us easy, free and fair lives no longer serves the majority. And there is anger. Justifiably. Rage, even. Much venting. And a lot of apathy, disconnection and simple tuning out, numbing and dumbing down.

The Medicinal Cooking Collective Challenge: Diets for Ailments and Disease, Week 5: COLON HEALTH, COLITIS, IBS


Do you suffer from the following symptoms: Abdominal pain ... Diarrhoea. ... Constipation. ... Alternating Constipation and Diarrhoea. ... Changes in Bowel Movements. ... Gas and Bloating. ... Food Intolerance. ... Fatigue and Difficulty Sleeping. If you have most or all of these symptoms you may have Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn's disease, or allergies.
Colitis and its associated diseases is a very common and even serious condition affecting around 15% of the developed population. It can be a precursor to colon cancer, and should be treated once diagnosed. Unfortunately allopathic medicine, AKA your doctor, can do very little to help you. Doctors don't yet understand exactly what causes it, or indeed how to treat it. It is considered incurable by the medical establishment, and the best course of treatment is eating the right foods and omitting ones that can irritate the colon even further. Since our doctors are not trained in nutrition, and even nutritionists often lack in depth holistic knowledge, let us be here to share the information you really need to know so that you can live a long and healthy life!

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.



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