TribeSteemUp's Weekly Gems

Hello Beautiful People

Here we are, at the beginning of another wonderful week on Steemit. The perfect time, to reflect back over this past week, to look at what we have achieved and what we have learned. To then look at how best can we move forward and to help you all do just that, I have some great Articles from some of the TribeSteemUp members that really embody what the Tribe stands for.

The 8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp really define what it is the Tribe stands for and believes in , they are the principles that each member lives and stands by.


The TribeSteemUp community, was created by @kennyskitchen. It is a Community Abundance Generator which supports authors who write articles that look at ways in which we can become more empowered and create a more peaceful and free world.The authors that were chosen to become part of the TribeSteemUp community are all writing content of high quality, which are based on the following topics:

| Anarchy | Non-Violence | Philosophy | Veganism | Mindfulness |
| Community Empowerment | Love | Original Music | Esotericism |
| Healthy Recipes | Psychedelics | Truth | Permaculture |

I have 20 articles to share with you all today, articles that are all about inspiring us and motivating us to become more aware in our daily lives . That are here to inform you and encourage you in your quest to become the best that you can be. For me life is all about learning, evolving and being mindful in all that we do. By coming together and engaging with one another we can all share our wisdom and empower one another. We can create the world in which we all wish to live. Happy reading and remember to show your appreciation by upvoting and commenting. You can go one step further by following the TribesteemUp Curation Trail, this way way you are supporting all the great authors who are creating quality content.

The Future Of Steem: This Is Why There Will Be Tens Of Millions Of Users


In my articles, I do my best to give people a glimpse into some of the possibilities of the future.
Here I want to share with you the real possibility of Steem and give evidence by what is already possible. Many buy into FUD or create it by focusing upon how things are now. Developers are continually banging away at code which, with the exception of Microsoft, tends to fix bugs and overcome problems.
We know that the Smart Media Token protocol is set to go live in March of 2019. This is going to turn Steem into a coin factory. Suddenly, there will be the ability to have thousands of coins created for any type of project out there. Even individuals can create their own coin if desired.
I think one of the most overlooked points is the Smart Media Token protocol turns each token created into a "mini-STEEM". Hence, it operates just like STEEM does with the same features that are offered on the blockchain.

Consciousness Rising Part 2: Surfing The Frequency Waves Of A Holographic Reality


The Power Of Imagination
As with the first part of this series, this post should be viewed as a hypothetical philosophy that utilises original ideas, fringe science and ancient wisdom. Equally, this isn't a soulless simulation post; if you can wrap your head around them, there is much beauty contained in these ideas. With regards to belief, this is an alternate perception of reality and it does not invalidate or denigrate any belief system .. that is not my way.
If you step away from the terminology and understand that within a hologram the whole is perpetually found within the part, then you can see how this concept directly correlates to many ancient belief systems.

Society's Abusive Relationship With Power


Many people in the Western world believe in a socially engineered fantasy about their societies. We think our economy is a free market governed by principles and the rule of law, and where merit is rewarded. We think our civil liberties, like those in the Bill of Rights, are enshrined in our way of life, upheld and protected by a just an righteous legal system.
We believe the military defends and keeps our freedoms and rights alive against various threats from the world. We believe we're fighting for democracy and human rights.

Earth Deeds SPECIAL EDITION - TribeVibes 1UP Air Drop Contest WINNERS - A BIG THANK YOU & Surprise Prizes!!


First off I want to announce that everyone is a winner of this contest, those who participated, those who are eco-conscious, and even those who are not. Through this #EarthDeeds initiative, we have already successfully manifested a healthier world for EVERYONE!! We will also continue to manifest an even better world each week, as we inspire more and more people (including ourselves) to improve upon how symbiotic their life is with the original mother to us all, Earth.

"Group Identity" is an absolutely ridiculous way to look at humans


One of the most ridiculous things happening these days (and quite often historically) is the separation, judgment, blaming, shaming, and sometimes even violence against people based purely on a group identity.
The idea that someone's skin color, genitalia, place of birth, etc. is a major defining factor of who they are is quite flimsy on its own. Add to that the idea that they should somehow be held accountable for things that others who happen to fit into that same category have done or said, is even more ridiculous.
When someone blames "men" for the actions of one man, or "Arabs/Muslims" for the actions of one person, or any other category for the action of every other person that could be placed in that category, it's illogical & immoral. I am responsible for my words & actions. So are you.

Are We Enslaved By Errors In Our Personal Templates? The Real Driver of Human Evolution Breaks Us Free.


Sometimes the simplest ideas can be easily missed and this can leave us open to manipulation and hold us back. Personal evolution means removing limiting thought forms.. and there are plenty to remove!
Most of us can understand the idea of a template and the way that templates are used to define the way a thing will be done. Templates for drawing, templates for making music, templates for building houses and so on. Templates can be adapted and changed to make more unique results, but they ensure that each 'thing' that is made from them shares some qualities with the other 'things' that are also made from it.
Humans are also being molded according to templates. Standardised schooling policy is one of the main enforcers of template thought patterns and thus template behaviours.

Why the Law of Attraction is Only a Half Truth


" The universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you already are. " - Rumi
It's interesting to see the progression of awakening within myself and others. It seems mostly we follow the same pattern. First, we wake up to the darkness outside, the corrupt governments, the murder of innocent people all over the globe for greed and sacrifice, the heartbreaking level of child abuse, toxic foods, chemtrails, and the matrix systems in place to enforce slavery and sickness. At the same time many start to awaken to their internal world, therefore gravitating towards new age teachings, which initially gives us that feeling of freedom. We live in a world of polarity, of light and dark, but that polarity also exists in the dark and the light. There can be great power in transforming the dark, and there can also be deep manipulation in the light.

The Value of Silence in Conversation


All conversation inevitably reaches a lull, a gap where both parties are unable to come up with anything to say.
It's easy to become paralyzed with self-doubt, excessive introspective analysis, and an incessant desire to fill the space with something, ANYTHING. You flip through every script you can dredge up to make the moment more bearable, neurotically searching for the next thing to drive the conversation.
God help you if you bring up sports, the weather, politics, or any other transparent attempt at ending the silence. Inevitably, these feel trite and unnatural, often leaving you feeling more uncomfortable than had you simply let the quiet experience play out longer.

What Percentage of Food Do We Grow Ourselves and What Crops Do We Grow | Earth Centered Living Vlog #1 (DTube)


As part our Earth Centered Series (see intro post), we are answering some questions that were posed to us by a college class. This video is us answering the first question about logistics. This is a great opportunity to share some of the details of our life and larger vision.
We go into more detail in the video, but have summarized our answers below.
Question #1
Logistics of our life: Do you have electricity? What percent of your food do you grow/gather yourself? What do you still buy at the store?
Do we have electricity?

Freedom of Sexuality: It's Freedom Friday FreeFolk!


I've been lucky as a woman in Australia, and have always felt in charge of my sexuality. Given how sexuality is fluid, I've easily slipped in and out (seriously, no euphemism intended - although, that's what @eaglespirit will like most about this post, oo-er) out of my various sexual identities as needed. I've also been lucky enough to have one of the more 'hidden' queer identities as a bi-sexual who ended up chosing a man as soul mate, so the vast majority of people I know wouldn't even know that side of me and I never feel the need to bring it up nor do I feel the need to express that side of myself as I'm completely happy with my beautiful partner. And when I have referred to it, my family hasn't batted an eye, so accepting they are of who I am.

An Unexpected Visitor: Woodpecker as a spirit guide [Dabbing with a Mage episode 180]


Yesterday was an extremely powerful day for myself. Beginning from the moment that I woke up receiving my acceptance letter to university, the entire day was full of synchronicities. As the day came to a close, an unexpected visitor came in through my chimney. Join me in today’s episode as I explain the symbolism of the woodpecker as a spirit guide.

Living in a fight-or-flight stress response, is not living


This is the promo video I made for my new online course: "Learn, Love + Leverage Your Sensitive Nervous System."
I don't think I've ever written so vulnerably before.

Did you know some Vegan's don't eat Figs, here's why....... (+adverse side effects of eating too many figs!)


Like most things to do with food and health, I normally do the deeper research on them because my partner has a tendency to over indulge. I've always heard that anything in moderation is okay, obviously I restrict my diet so this isn't strictly true but even with in the stuff that is healthy to eat 'plant based food' its still necessary to take caution. Plants are a chemical make up of different nutrients, vitamins and other biological stuff, some of these things if over dosed can cause sickness, and in some cases death.

What is the Value of Letting Go? @ecotrain Question of the Week


"The exploration of the question is everything", a wise professor once said to me. So easy to assume the question is valid and to sink into the expected response.
"What is the Value of Letting Go? What Have you Let Go of Recently and How has it Changed Your Life?" @ecotrain's Question of the Week.
The Value of Letting Go assumes Value in Possession. The Letting Go of one thing, the painful void, and then the acquisition-grasping for the next. And I have come, somehow, to sit in the numb silence of seeing that my Having is, and was, the Illusion, and so the Letting Go is not even possible.

Turning away from things that make me feel "bad".


Time to focus on all things that feel good. I'm not running away from my problems. I've faced them already, but when there isn't much I can do other than keep working at it, why put any more focus into them. All the analysis and thought that could help has already been poured into them so I want to just write about some random things that make me happy right now.
I've found joy in moving my body around in a kind of unraveling set of postures, a slow motion dance that looks like I'm trying hard to imitate Qi Gong but have no idea what I'm doing. I can literally feel and hear my muscles relaxing themselves and it's become a huge help in the healing my back issues.

Astrology -- What It Can Tell You About Yourself -- Using Your Horoscope for Self-Discovery


Besides wanting to know about "what the future holds," people come to an astrologer wanting to know about themselves. That's an absolutely valid choice ... and a commendable one. Astrology can be a goldmine of information and assistance for the spiritual traveler who wants to understand himself and his inner terrain as thoroughly as possible.
Still, even this noble motive can have its unfortunate twists. People sometimes want an astrologer to tell them fun and amusing things about themselves -- approaching the serious subject of self-discovery almost in the same light-hearted mood of curiosity that invites them to take the quizzes in Cosmo.

How I Learned to Cry | Floor Lessons - Chapter 7


I have often noticed how essential the ability to cry is in order to release penned up emotions and to loosen the obsessive grip on our inner world of conditioning.
As men, we are not meant to cry, especially in public. That said, I had never really felt any need to do so, that is - until the closing set of my second Ozora festival where the dams just broke...
The day was perfect. The week at the festival was coming to an end and it had been a marvellous party here in Hungary again filled with meeting awesome people and learning about what it means to be a human being. Or rather: Remembering what it means.

Oh Yes I Can Be Very Opinionated When It Comes To Taking Things From The Earth


So many people around me are into crystals/ gemstones, there are so many books about their amazing healing powers about the protective powers that they hold. Everywhere I look I see people wearing them and everyone seems to have some. Yet when I have tried to actually talk about the effect that taking all these amazing resources from the earth may have, no one really seems to want to say anything. I mean should we be taking them, is it not more important to leave them within the earth, so that the earth itself can function better as a whole. The word is made up of so many amazing layers and intricate creations, why do we need to keep stripping them away. Why can we not just tap into that energy without actually physically taking it from the earth. Excavating it.

Nothing from the Heart is far-fetched


Whenever we wonder why a certain something is simply not manifesting for us in the physical realm despite having cleared any inner roadblacks in that area, then our desire is not in alignment with our highest vibrational Soul path. No matter how much Soul growth we have been going through, we all inevitably engage in thoughts as to what might bring us the best life outcome. The self-perpetuating merry-go-round starts only once we create an inner feeling attachment to these thoughts, and here lies the crux.

Wild Horses


There are approximately 45,000 Wild Horses in Nevada.
Here I tried to befriend 3 ...
They were curious but wouldn’t come any closer yet it was powerful to get this close.
Without forced fences and saddles, bits and reigns to spur their cooperation I found our voluntary exchange quite pleasant, almost like being witnessed by a mystical power thru their eyes, as that they were not tame, had never been “broken” and forced to serve a master.
There is this human tendency to control others, to use others both human and animal even if it means taking by force...
It’s important to investigate that urge and question it’s validity.

A big thank you to @hungryhustle for creating the amazing infographic of the 8 Pillars Of TribeSteemUp and For @eco-alex for creating the tribesteemup banner and logo.


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