"What does being a Human mean to you?" - Tribesteemup QOTW

This post is a contribution to a message from @trucklife-family, resonating a question by @borrowedearth, in the discoed channel of #tribe-biweekly-question


Marv Vandehey

Being a human on earth, in the physical reality, and in particular in this era means three main things, all are interwoven into one tapestry -

  • Living life to the fullest as a human being -

To laugh out loud; to listen attentively to what's going on around us; to eat and savor the moment; to smell the scent of everything, everywhere; to touch other living creatures with every part of our physicality and mind, and in short to exercise every physical sense we have.

Some human being spend their entire lifetime in (failed) attempts to escape the physical reality, falsely thinking that it's better "out there" and that enlightenment can be reached if only they reject and renounce their humane-attributes. On their death bed, they realize how wrong they have been all along. It's our great privilige to be given a physical body, so let's enjoy it.

  • Bring our Soul self in -

The human aspect of us has been created and sent forward to serve as an emissary of the soul, the I Am presence. For what purpose other than enjoyment? Well, in this era, when the veils between the dimensions are thinning, the infusion of the soul self with its human aspect is the next evolutionary step of the humankind. Therefore, the human has a great responsibility to serve as the capacitor of the soul. A life well spent is a life where the focus is on that goal; A reunion of the human and the I AM is the ascension point. That epiphany is a culmination of a meaningful life as a human being.

  • Being part of a tribe -

As diverse as we, human beings, are; as strange as other people may seem to be when we travel the world; as much as we sometimes get sick of this world and the atrocities that other human beings do; as far - mentally, emotionally, and spiritually- as we, most of the time, feel towards most of the people in the world - we have one common prominent denominator. We belong to the Human-beings tribe. Let this fact not be taken lightly as it carries with it responsibility. In the Hebrew tradition, there is a saying - "All Israel responsible for each other". I say "All humans responsible for each other".

This responsibility does not mean that we need to save our neighbors, that we should take on the sins of our relatives and keens or that we must sacrifice our lives for the betterment of other people. Not at all.

We are responsible to be, as individual human beings, the best version of ourselves, to become a standard in our own lives and then in others'.

When we get to that point our light shines in ways that lighten the darkest corners of the world and by that giving the best service to our fellow human beings.

And that's what being a human means to me.


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