What Does it Mean to be a Light-Worker? A Tribe Steem Up Question

Light-work is a concept that I have associated myself with ever since my spiritual awakening in my early 20s. To be a light-worker is to carry with you the wisdom of the ancients, and apply that wisdom to spiritual missions that are bestowed upon you by the universe along your path. It is rising up to one's spiritual calling, and wielding your strengths through action in the face of fear and doubt. Its showing love and compassion for your fellow man, and defeating those that seek to destroy the good in people. Being a light worker also means taking care of your Earth mother Gaia, speaking up for her, and defending her.

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These days I prefer the term light-warrior over light-worker, since it feels like we are fighting an etheric cold war between us, and the shadow forces that currently control the world and its masses. Our societies matrix simulation has most humans caught in a psychological trap, by tricking minds into believing whatever they want, using various subliminal persuasion tactics. As this fairy tale is discovered as myth by someone, we can begin the process of pulling them out of their dream state, and into the reality of truth. Once led to the water of purity, only they can make the choice to drink, and take action to manifest the better world we all desire.

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True light workers are empathic, and are always concerned about the well-being and feelings of others. They are connected to the divine essence of good, and have allowed the light energy to become one with them, submitting to the will and duties of love and positive evolution. We share a sense of oneness with all life, and will always prioritize the needs of the light, ahead of self- benefiting interests. With enough light-work experience however, you will being to mesh the needs of the light and your own needs, as one in the same.

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One thing I do as a light-worker is give away my conscious Hip-Hop music that I create for free, to everyone who wants it. I do not want any financial chains restricting anyone from the divine messages I have been tasked to deliver through my voice. If I charged for the vibrations I create, I would have a little more financial wealth, but the world would be all the lesser for it, which would make me feel unbalanced - this is the sign of a light-warrior.

I am also in the process of taking spirit music one step further, by creating a mix-tape compiling all the conscious Hip-Hop emcees and bands I have been blessed enough to have been graced by in the last few years. Bringing all these power-house, light-warrior vocalists together in one project, is going to do wonders for our mission of healing this world and our people. I also have plans to record a long collaborative track with as many artists from the mix-tape as possible, and shoot a music video for this mostly in Acapulco, Mexico at the 2019 #Anarchapulco conference.


Speaking of taking things one step further, I recently started a weekly Steemit contest called #EarthDeeds. This contest was inspired by the every day actions I take to reduce my carbon footprint. These kinds of actions are routine for me, but I realized recently that this is a rare thing. Through the #EarthDeeds contest, we seek to make these kind of routines not so uncommon, by having more and more Steemians inspired to report on their daily "small" eco-friendly actions, which will hopefully inspire many others to take more actions towards a better environment, and also waste less.

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If you have your own stories about how you are helping to heal the Earth that you would like to post about, please do so, and enter my weekly Earth Deeds contest for a chance to win an up-vote from @TribeSteemUp (or a bigger TSU up-vote if you are a member)!! Click here to view this weeks entry article for more information.

So... what does it mean to be a light-worker?

It means that you ARE the light, and the light is YOU. The light is good, love, oneness, pure soul, and spirit. If you work for these attributes of humanity, than you are a light-worker, if you fight for them, then you are a light-warrior, and all of us need to become this if our species is to survive. We are literally fighting for our lives, our freedom, and our home.

Blessings everyone & stay tuned - into the right frequencies

P.S. - @eco-alex, I love how you related this concept to Star Wars... Awesome. Here is his answer to this question for any interested parties.


Do not forget that my debut conscious Hip-Hop album is completely free for download on Bandcamp and Soundcloud (click the links to go to my music on those platforms), or CLICK HERE for download instructions.










PLEASE CLICK HERE to view my blog with all my recent articles on cannabis, silver, Steemit, contests, cryptos, underground conscious Hip-Hop, healthy living, festivals, my collections, and MY STEEMIT STORIES! & have a BLESSED DAY!!

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