Trial by Comics Entry - Knock Out Digital Pencils

Buying comics in the 90s, I think my favorite comic artists became Todd McFarlane, Jay Anacleto, Michael Turner and J. Scott Campbell. These guys have vastly different styles and I like all there work for different reasons. I also love Frank Frazetta's art.

I've always admired people who can draw but I wouldn't call any of them an influence. I never tried to do studies from comics because I didn't understand how important it would be. I just drew and if the drawing sucked I would through it away. I guess I'll be drawing and posting a lot here so it should be interesting to see some improvement even through it's not my focus.


Anyway here is my entry for the Trial By Comics Contest. I did my best to emulate the crazy detailed pencil work of David Finch or Marc Silvestri. Obviously those guys do something special and this is a confused mess but I'm happy enough to post it.

A little about the process

I thought about doing some Spawn or Deadpool fan art. After a while I just wanted to draw more fighters because it is a good study for the project I'm working on. I found a reference photo and started sketching. Because I was trying to stay close to the reference I made the sketch to stiff. From now on I'll try to push the pose and show more movement.

I worked digitally in Clip Studio using a soft pencil from the set. I don't know how to make custom brushes in Clip Studio Yet but it's something to learn.

Thanks for checking out my post.

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