Star Wars Fan Art Bounty Hunters


I made some Star Wars fan art for the first time ever. It's an entry for the #trialbycomics contest by @kommienezuspadt. I thought about the stuff in Star Wars I liked. It was Boba Fett and the other bounty hunters. The other guys names are Dengar and Bossk I think. It's been a long time since I've seen it. I'm actually not a huge fan. I had to do a decent amount of research and then I rushed through the art making to fast. I got impatient because I had this cool vision. Now I'm not nearly satisfied with the outcome but I had fun.

I've seen the other entries and I almost held back on posting. I'm embarrassed by my drawing because I can't tell the difference between stuff I'm doing today and stuff I did 10 years ago. It is great to get back into drawing.

This year has started off crazy. I didn't expect to be so busy. Hopefully things will die down or I'll find a way to make more time for steemit posting.


Here is the initial reference I was using.


  1. Sketched out these three dudes. Yes the poses are boring but hey, I was focusing on getting the characters clothing and armor drawn.

  2. Inked or attempted to ink. I'll get more practice this year. Maybe it will be interesting to see if I can improve.

  3. Color! I started with flats without any intention on going farther but after getting the color on I knew it needed something more.

  4. Shades. I guessed at some basic lighting. Even with all the problems a little shadow and highlight improves it. You might notice I also made the one guy fatter in photoshop. Clip studio doesn't have a liquify tool. He is a little chunky in the reference.

  5. Finally I fixed the whole thing by hiding it behind a gradient. I think this makes a decent final image.


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