My Entry: Trial by Comics - Kaiju “怪獸”

My Entry

Hi there! This is my entry for Trial by Comics - Kaiju.

I didn't design it, referred from the link below as they are all black and white :)

Not an artist so please understand that this is my best try hahahahaha.

I wanted to draw something like this at 1st, but with limited skill, space and time, I stopped halfway as I couldn't handle the details, sigh. So I had to choose another kaiju, decided this cute thing instead: The robust elephant with extra limbs... * cough *

Step 1

Like everyone else, I outlined and drafted the elephant kaiju.

Final Step

Hahahaha yeap just that simple! Only two steps!! 😂 I tried to shade the kaiju with pencil. Well, I'm not sure are the shadows in the right place LOL. Definitely not a good painter ≥﹏≤

Oh I filtered it in black & white at last. Hoping it could look cleaner =.=

Um, let's name it Elsa..? Or let me know if you have a better suggestion hahahaha.

P/S, we have name suggestions:

  1. Nanaphant by @zord189
  2. Nanaphantbutt by @perennial

Yeap, I know "Elsa" is a bad one hahahaha! Join the list of you have a better one! 😂

Okay that's my best try! Thanks for dropping by~!

Thanks #trialbycomics for organizing this fun contest (≧▽≦)/

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