10 haunted places in Pakistan.

You must have heard about haunted places in movies, so definitely there are places in Pakistan also that are said to haunted and show off high supernatural activity—well, Laa Dee Daa… Some people who do not believe in supernatural occurrences or creatures say they believe that these supernatural occurrences and creatures are just mind plays— Really?...

But the existence of these supernatural anomalies is a reality— you don’t say... In these, you include jinn’s, spirits and ghosts. The Jinn’s live like us, they also have weddings and children, and they also die— how wonderful... The Jinn’s capture some places and often show their presence. There are some places in Pakistan where many people have claimed to see some extraordinary supernatural activities.
Following is a list of these places based upon the intensity of the activity that goes on there so let's have a look at these places.

  1. Unnamed House, Karachi.

In Karachi, at K-39, Block 6, KPEC housing society, there are rumors of a Lady in white who resides at that address, even though that house has been abandoned for years and is slowly turning into a ruin. This house is occupied, by one being only and that being has been causing several unexplained occurrences over the years.

People from various walks of life have confirmed that they’ve seen that Lady in white, on several occasions, strolling around the house, and she disappears at exactly 3 am, every time with no explanation. The story goes that years ago, some people kidnapped a lady and brought her here, and after physically abusing her and keeping her locked for several days, killed her at the end and left her body there and since that day, the Lady in white has overtaken the house as an act of vengeance.

  1. She-reen Cinema. Karachi.

Who says, that ‘the dead don’t like music and movies. The She-reen cinema in Karachi is a clear example, just like the Las Vegas Academy of International Studies, Performing and Visual Arts in Nevada, USA—which also hosts a few future stars of the Ghost world.

This cinema was closed because of the intense supernatural activity that was happening there. According to the cinema staff, when the cinema was empty, there were many occurrences of someone singing songs and laughing out loud. On many occasions, apparitions of people were seen on the big screen, even though there was no one present in that area during that time—spirits of actor wannabe’s may be?

  1. Dalmia Road. Karachi.

Many people while traveling around midnight on the Dalmia Road in Karachi have seen a 'bride'. She has been named as—wait for it… “The Cursor Bride”. Some people claim that, while traveling around midnight on Dalmia Road, when they reach the Car-saaz and Jo-hur Junction, for no apparent reason, are forced to stop. After stopping— lo and behold, they come face to face with a bride dressed in the traditional red bridal dress and who tries to communicate with them, in some unknown language.

The first thought that apparently comes to the mind of drivers, is that the bride is a damsel in distress—don’t get any ideas, but as soon as they begin to look at the bride, suddenly her facial features change, and she turns into a horrific looking witch. Some people have also claimed that when they didn’t stop, the bride started following them—Spoiler alerts maybe, and they could the bride screaming—well of course, you’re a bride, alone at nowhere around midnight and the only hope for rescue doesn’t stop, you’re bound to get a bit edgy…

  1. Chul-ten Peak, Baluchistan.

The highest peak in the Chul-ten mountain range, is called Koh-e-Chul-ten (which means Chul-ten peak), is a mysterious place. Chul-ten is, a Persian word and means, Forty People and the locals residing there, tell of an interesting story. According to the narrative, centuries ago, a poor childless married couple was going to various mystics for children. The prayer of one of them was accepted, and they bore not one, not two but 40 children— that must have been exhausting...

This poor pair could not afford so many children, so they kept a child with them and left the remaining thirty-nine on the mountain. After some time, the woman thinking that those children would have died by then went back to the mountain but to her amazement they were all alive there. The wife happily returned to tell her husband and, also left the child that was kept by the couple there. After a few days, both the husband and wife returned to the mountain, all the children had disappeared. Local people say that they often hear those forty children at the mountain—and that’s what you call… what you sow, so shall you reap.

  1. Saife-El-Ma-look Lake, Naraan.

Lake Saife-El-Ma-look is one of the famous landmarks in the Indian Sub-continent and is said to be the host of fairies during the night and is also named after a famous Persian Prince. The narrative is related to a folk story, according to which a Persian prince came here and while out at night saw a Fairy by the lake—wasn’t a frog okay… it was love at first sight—aww… and both fell for each other and were madly in love with each other—okay, the prince was a man but what was wrong with the fairy?

Enters, a monster—a real monster… who also fell in love with the fairy but upon numerous failed attempts of courtship, he got jealous and killed the Prince and the Fairy—and they happily lived ever after… So, now every night Fairies drop by and mourn for the loss of their fallen comrade and people can hear them mourn.

  1. Sheikhupura Palace, Sheikhupura.

This fortress located in Sheikhupura, and is in complete ruins and nobody has the courage to fix it, least to say, enter it. The reason for this is that, according to the local people several centuries ago, there lived a Queen in this Palace, and she died unhappy and in mysterious circumstances.

Since then, there have been reports that the Queen spirit resides there and is very unfavorable towards the unconcerned people, people who aren’t in some way attached to the Palace. She often appears and shows her dismay towards outsiders in some way or the other—as they say, the rope burned but the twist’s still there…

  1. Mo-hutta Palace. Karachi.

The palace was established in 1927 and it was closed at the time of partition of the sub-continental India during 1947—just a few years of glory sadly. This palace has now been converted into a museum. Staff working here say they often experience extraordinary activities here and no explanation can be put forth, as there is no one present during that time.

Things move on their own accord from their place and staff find things in different places. The lights are often turn off on their own. According to the deployed guards here, these activities increase at night, and they clearly feel 'someone's presence with them.

  1. Shum-shaan Ghaat, Hyderabad.

This 250-year-old site, was a place where the followers of the Hindu religion, would burn their dead, as is their custom. So, Shum-shaan Ghaat is Hindi for cemetery and this is one place to really hit the spot for adrenaline junkies. Anyone brave enough can visit this place, unlike some other sites mentioned in this list, as they are forbidden areas.

The staff that work here, have reported seeing children playing around and who disappear, during the break of dawn. Strange noises, screaming people and unexplained light orbs have also been reported and these occurrences intensify with the passage of night and the moon shape… so Sam and Dean, better rewrite your journal, because here, the spirits stay, even after you burn their bodies…

  1. Hawks Bay Hut, Karachi.

Hawks Bay is a famous tourist destination in the former capital city of Pakistan and there’s a famous hut which is not forbidden to be rented—for obvious reasons... but still If someone is foolish enough—or brave enough so to speak, as they may think of themselves… rent the hut overnight, are said to have come out screaming before the break of dawn. Seriously, no one has been able to stay the night at the hut.

It is said that during the full moon, the Jinn’s perform wedding ceremonies in the hut and behave very aggressively and violently to the people who come to stay there—well, yes, how would anyone feel, if someone barged in on a private event? One of the most haunted places in Pakistan.

  1. Cho-kundi Cemetery, Karachi.

Do not ever, make the mistake to go here at Cho-kundi Cemetery after the sun down, which is located on Karachi's National Highway. This cemetery is ancient-- 600 years old to say exactly and one of the most haunted places in Pakistan and by that we mean the whole ten yards.

The people living in nearby populace, say that as soon as the sun goes down, so starts the unexplained activity of noises, apparitions and light orbs. These activities have been going on since day one and there’s no explaining for the cause behind it. People are forbidden, to go even near to this cemetery, as there have been causalities over the years, even leading to death.

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