Mexican drug cartels

The more the world advances, the bolder we become.

And among the most bizarre cases, here we have one. This had taken a long time to come out afloat.
They are not afraid of being captured, they do not fear justice, it’s just power, money and respect for their taste. So, what better way to demonstrate all that than on your Instagram account, don’t you think?

The narco-millennials are the children of the biggest cartel drug lords

Territory is not enough for them, these so called “narco-millennial” live and act like celebrities, squandering luxuries, from designer clothes to gold plated weapons, exotic animal. Lives that many would envy.


They don’t ask for anyone's permission, they only act to show that they were born to take their parents legacy to the next level. Continuing the family tradition and being the biggest eccentrics.

But of course, why only fight for territory, money, drugs and loyalty. If you can fight for like and lots of followers. I mean who doesn’t like the never ending likes?

Surely you must be wondering the same that I did when I discovered these accounts. Aren’t these spoiled little brats afraid of being tracked? Because the answer is a resounding NO! In some cases, the Mexican authorities have been grateful that these young people are so irrational; because of these ridiculous photos they have been able to capture some of them.


The children of these capos came to be and with them a great dispute. The Mexican authorities are really surprised and terrified of what this generation is achieving.

The stamp of this new narco generation is that it will be "unpredictable and volatile," Carlos Flores, an expert on organized crime and academics at the Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS).

Why only see the pictures of Kim Kardashian or the smaller of the Jenner? If you can see real and extravagant drama using the following #narcolifestyle and #narco


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