Canada became the second country to legalised Cannabis among the nation after a landmark senate vote. The Cannabis Act passed its final obstacle on Tuesday in a 52-29 vote in the Senate. Now the Cannadians can buy, sell and consume Cannabis legally starting from as early as this coming September 2018. Earlier in 2013 Uruguay became the first country to legalised Cannabis sale for recreational use. Canada Prime Justin Trudeau is hoping to make Cannabis avalaible at Retail from 1st July but it might takes upto 8 - 12 weeks to prepare and to set up the new Cannabis marketplace.

In 1923 the possession of Cannabis first became a crime in Canada but later medical use has been legal since 2001. Even Mr Trudeau has tweeted in favour of this act.

Canada will become the first G 7 industrial country having a legal Cannabis Market. Many countries such as Australia, Germany and Norway they only allowed Cannabis for medicinal purposes and the rest of the world were using it illegally. But in US some of the states such as Washington, Colorado and Alaska it is allowed legally.

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