TREETUESDAY - The Life of a Bonsai

This little wonder belongs to my husband. He is primped and groomed on a daily basis - you could even call him our third child! Unfortunately, we do not know what this tree species is called. Perhaps you do? If you know the name of this tree, please comment below? 

As nameless as our little bonsai currently is, it's still loved. It purchases happily on our porch table while it soaks in the sun and flaunts its lush green leaves. In fact, it loves its spot so much that last year it blessed us with a tiny little "mini me". Yup, just have a look at this cute little sapling:

My hubby has one other Oak tree. But this little guy isn't b=vey happy with us and despite our efforts, it looks like he is on the sadder side of the fence. We will be taking him to a bonsai expert over the weekend to see if there is any chance of reviving this poor soul. 

To be honest with you, I am not a big fan of stunting a tree's growth - I prefer them massive and overwhelming. This pastime does keep hubby happy though and a happy hubby equals a happy wife!

If you have any bonsai advice for us amateurs, throw your words our way!


Much love - @sweetpea

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