Tree Tuesday – Three roads at sunset

I was riding back from playing disk golf tonight on my bike and was impressed by the sunset. I thought I would share a few photos, since I have not posted much recently.

On the way home at sunset street one – click for viewing full screen

There were some nice trees and bushes on this street. The nice thing about riding your bike is that you can stop basically anywhere and take a picture.

Sunset on street two – click for viewing full screen

It felt like the sky was getting nicer to look at as I road farther along.

Sunset on street three – click for viewing full screen

Just a short post, I hope everyone is doing fine out there. I have been enjoying disk golfing and harvesting stuff from the garden. The weather here is very nice in the fall.

Here’s a bonus picture of the rain drops on the blackberries in my yard. The berries are mostly picked over now by the birds and yours truly. The frogs, fruit flies, and spiders are still there though.

Rain drops in the morning on the blackberries – click for viewing full screen

Thanks for reading! I always value your support and comments. The pictures were taken by me with my Galaxy S9+. Tree Tuesday was started by @old-guy-photos

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