Establishing a Pecan Nut tree orchard. Part 14 - It's a war zone!

Spring has sprung and everything is bursting into life.

As the trees are starting to put out their leave so are the critters that feed on them emerging.

You can see the damage this beetle has already done.

Buds which have been nibbled in this way emerge all gnarled with damaged leaves.

Not only is there a war between the bugs and the trees there is also a war between the bugs and other bugs.

On this bud a crab spider has taken up residence to strike out at any pesky visitor.

Another spider guards this bud further down the stalk

Its not just an aerial war there are ground forces too.

weeds are germinating and coming up as thick as hair on a dogs back.

Termites are on the march too, after the would chip mulch.

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