Importamce of Trees


Trees are very important to us in many ways.First, trees keep all animals alive by supplying oxygen.We cannot live even for a minute without inhaling oxygen. Second, trees maintain ecological balance of our environment.Ecological balance is a healthy or balanced relationship between the living and non living elements of our environment.Trees help help us preserve this balance by providing shelter to birds and animals and by supplying oxygen.Third,trees supply food,medicine and other necessary things for people.Trees give delicious fruits which are also the source of vitamins.Leaves,roots and barks of many trees are used to prepare different kinds of medicines.

Some plants are known as harbls or medicinal plants.These plants are specially used for curing specific diseases. Fourth, trees reduce environment pollution by absorbing the poisonous carbon gases.Everyday a huge amount of carbon gases and smokes are released from buses,cars and other engine driven vehicles,from the factories and from many other sources.Trees absorb these carbon gases and keep the envionment healthy.In short,trees can be called the lifeblood of our life and environment.

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