Lamp Post Tree

Having a very long flower border already present nearby, I had only a small irregularly shaped oval planting area surrounding the lamppost in my front yard. This little lamppost flower bed was just not big enough, so I decided to enlarge and redo it. This bed had a clump of white coneflowers, coreopsis and a container of mixed annuals (petunias and vincas this year), with a spike and a perennial dianthus in this area. The lamppost has a hanger on each side below the light, so I always have one or two hanging baskets here as well.
About a week ago I decided to enlarge this bed a little to accommodate some recent flower purchases I had made. I tore out the petunias and vincas and left the spike and dianthus in the container, adding a small clump of purple asters there. I also left the coreopsis and white coneflower. After bordering the new area with rocks, hubby dug out the grass for me and brought fresh soil to replenish and level the bed with.20180331_002721.png

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