Terminalia Arjuna: Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Heart Diseases

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Terminalia Arjuna is a well-known heart tonic, and treated as panacea for all the problems, diseases and disorders of heart. It possesses the special properties of strengthening the heart muscles thereby treats cardiovascular ailments In nut shell, it is the Ramban for all the heart problems. It is also good for asthma, hypertension and kidney stones. Arjuna is the best known ayurvedic herb for the heart.

Wonder Benefits of Terminalia Arjuna

  1. Cardiac health: Arjuna is a well-known heart tonic and cardio-protective herb. It strengthens the heart muscles and treats the cardiac debility. It also increases the coronary artery flow and protects the heart muscles from ischemic damage. It is suggested to use its decoction with milk or ghee or clarified butter. Arjuna is the best known ayurvedic herb for the heart.

  2. Piles: The medicinal wine of arjuna bark, dhataki and manuka-blackraisins is helpful in treating of bleeding piles and leucorrhoea. The patient should to take 2-4 teaspoons twice a day.

  3. Body odour: The powder made of equal proportion each of arjuna flowers, Jambu leaves and Lodhra bark when applied over the body, helps to remove body odour.

  4. Fractures: When the paste of the bark is applied over the fractures, helps to promote early healing.

  5. Pimples: Apply the paste of arjuna or in combination with other herbs along with milk helps to reduces pimples (acne).

  6. Black spots: Apply the mix of the powder of arjuna bark and manjistha (Rubria cordifolia) root with honey over the face, helps to remove the black
    spots and makes the face blooming like lotus.

  7. Teeth cleansing: Arjuna twig is used for teeth-cleansing.

  8. High Blood Pressure: The medicinal herb has diuretic properties, reduces the chances of clot formation, lowers blood lipid thereby helpful in treating of high blood pressure.

  9. Chest Pain: The use of the bark of the herb is beneficial in curing of chest pain.

  10. Breast cancer: The herb contains a substance called casuarinin that seems to prevent breast cancer.

Side Effects of Arjuna

1.Low dosages should be preferred

2.High dose may damage the liver.

3.High dose reduces the thyroid gland activity.
4.Enough amount of it leads to body temperature
6.Diabetic or BP patients should avoid taking overdose.

Arjuna Chemical Constituents

Arjuna, the auurvedic heart protector herb is full of bio-chemical constituents. Some of the important phyto-chemicals are: arjunolic acid, terminic acid, glycosides, flavones, tannins, oligomericpro anthocyanidins and b-sitosterol. casuarinin, etc.

Arjuna Overview
Arjuna is used as popular ayurvedic medicine, native to India, grows 20-25 metres in height. It is evergreen, large with buttressed trunk and wide spread crown with drooping branches. The flowers bloom in autumn and the plant bears fruits in winter. The fruits are ovoid or oblong with 5-7 short, wings. The plant sheds its bark once in a year like the snake’s skin. The tree is also found in Mayanmar and Sri Lanka.

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