Romanian traditions-slaughter of the pig

  • Hello steemit, hello friends. Because I saw you like stories, I will tell you one today. The Pig's Story. . . . . a story other than the one everyone knows.
    The story of the pig of Ignat.
  • On the 20th of December in the Romanian tradition is celebrated Ignatul. This gives the start of winter holidays. On this day, pigs are slaughtered in the households of men.
    The elders say that from this date the pigs are no longer fattened.
  • So, every year, on the morning of Ignat,we take the pig out of the shelter and sacrifice.
    After that he is wrapped in straw, and burns. This ritual is said to be forgiven for the sins of both households and pigs.20171216_081833.jpg20171216_081934.jpg20171216_084337.jpg
  • Once the pig's skin is baking well, it is also cleaned by the remaining hair with a burner.
    Then wash well with warm water, rub well with salt, cover with a blanket leave a few good minutes to exhale and make the sign of the cross on the forehead. Now it's ready for meat.20171216_094922.jpg20171216_100824.jpg20171216_100830.jpg
  • What's next, and what recipes are coming out of pork's meat, I'll tell you very soon in another true story.
    Soon your @countrylife!
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