Journey to the Heaven **Hunting the King of Fruits**

Howdy August,

We are finally in the last 5 months of the year 2017.
How was your end of July weekend folks? Some of you must have spent time with your family, friends or even staying at home all by yourself watching your favorite movie. Weekend is the time for fun stuffs (no offense for some friends who still have to work) hehehe.

Well anyway, On my posting today, I would share with you guys how my weekend was. And yep, just like title of this post, me and some friends went to the heaven of the King of Fruits DURIAN ❤️❤️❤️ in Lamno-Aceh, Indonesia, about two and a half hours driving from Banda Aceh (the capital city of Aceh, Indonesia).


Why bother going far away just for the durian while we still could find it in the city? Plain and simple. Lamno is the heaven of Durian, it offers best price (3 times cheaper) and best quality of durian (How cooler that can be). In addition, the view of Lamno is just wonderful. You guys will love it. So me and my friends were there for the Durian and the Nature of Lamno.

Early on saturday, we started our day early. Ryan (my friend) picked up everyone at homes with a car that we rent (we rent the car for Rp.450,000 or equal to $35 including gas) and we shared the car with 7 people. We finally got together at 8 am and decided to have breakfast at our favorite coffee shop El Comadante they have great coffee and great breakfast. Then we headed to Lamno from Banda Aceh at 9 am.

The car was full of crazy people so yup, we almost all died laughing so hard. On our way we made some stops to fill the gas and for some exotic fruits like rambutan The hairy fruits (Rambut means hair in Indonesian language). If you are not from Indonesia or any South East Asian countries, you can find imported caned-rambutan at an Asian Store. It taste somewhat similar to lychee.


It was 11 am when we finally hit Lamno and we made our first stop, guess where???!, at the durian's store own by the locals. To start the fun time, we decided to buy 5 large durians for only Rp.70,000 ($5.5) it's insane. In Banda Aceh, the price would buy a large and a medium durian and in Lamno we got FIVE durians. Oyeah.. this is why we call it heaven. And guess how much is the price of a durian in the U.S.? $10 for a medium durian (we'll get a dozen durian in Lamno maybe more coz if you buy more you pay cheaper).


After buying the durian we were ready to hit another part of heaven in Lamno. Welcome to the nature folks. Here we are at the waterfall and the river of Pante Ceurmen Lamno Check this out.


At the river, we ate the durian and cooked our lunch we had Indomie (Indonesian very famous instant noodle) and swim, swim and swim.


After the fun at the river, we decided to stop by a durian's field. We bought 3 medium durian for only Rp.20,000 or $2 (will never happen anywhere but Lamno).

Picture of young durians from the tree

Has not tired of eating of eating durians, on our way back to Banda Aceh, we stopped by again at the durian's store and ate 3 large durians on the spots. Some of us even bought some durians to take home. Finally we leaved Lamno at 6 pm. On our way to Banda Aceh, we did not want to miss the beautiful sunset in Lhokseudu. And it was a beautiful end of our trip.

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